
  • 网络Seismic vibration;seismic shock
  1. 地震震动了日本首都的建筑物,并引起了几起火灾。

    The quake shook buildings in the Japanese capital and caused several fires .

  2. 不同类别场地地震震动反应分析

    Analysis of Earthquake Responses for Different Site Categories

  3. 他说信号将被传到所有的火车上,尽可能地在一个潜在破坏地震震动车轨之前,命令火车司机快速停车。

    Kuwashiro says signals will be sent to all trains to allow engineers to stop quickly , possibly before a potentially damaging seismic jolt hits the tracks .

  4. 在周一下午,7.8级地震震动了中国大地后,震中汶川就与外界断绝了联系,成为孤岛,直到周三士兵们都赶到当地。

    After the7.8 magnitude earthquake shaked China on Monday afternoon , the epicenter , Wenchan , had been cut off from the outside world and became isolated until soldiers arrived on Wed .

  5. 鉴于地质构造、令地震震动加剧的地质情况,以及建筑物的构造不严谨、抗震能力差,尼泊尔在周六出现的惨重伤亡实际上是不可避免的。

    The death toll in Nepal on Saturday was practically inevitable given the tectonics , the local geology that made the shaking worse and the lax construction of buildings that could not withstand the shaking .

  6. 因地震的震动力而摇动。

    Shake with seismic vibrations , as of planets .

  7. 汶川8.0级地震强震动加速度记录的初步分析

    The preliminary analysis of strong ground motion records from the M_s 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake

  8. 整个中国甚至是整个世界都被唐山大地震所震动。

    The whole China , even the world , was shocked by the Tangshan earthquake .

  9. 地震模拟震动台静不定控制策略及瞬态力补偿控制的研究

    Study on Control Scheme of Statically Indeterminate on Seismic Simulator and Compensation of the Instantaneous Strength

  10. 本课题来源于211项目土木工程结构振动中心&地震模拟震动台。

    The dissertation is finished based on the fund 211 project ' seismic simulation shaking table ' of Civil Engineering Structure Vibration Center .

  11. 地震是震动地面造成的破坏以及突然变化的很大一部分地球的岩石外壳。

    An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of Earth 's rocky outer shell .

  12. 日本地质学家认为码头地基可能因为受地震强烈震动后,发生液状化,使码头下沉。

    After because suffer an earthquake to shake strongly , Japanese rocksy thinks dock foundation is earthly , produce fluid shape to change , make dock sinks .

  13. 旨在通过统计分析得到集集地震地震动空间分布特性的一般规律,以及考虑空间相关的多点非一致地震动输入模型。

    The objective of this study is to obtain the general rules of spatial characteristics of Chi-Chi earthquake ground motions and a seismic excitation model which considers the spatially correlated non-uniform feature of ground motions .

  14. 洛杉矶(路透社)在星期二,-在洛杉矶东边被触击的一次轻度地震,震动高层建筑在城市,但是那里是伤害、主要损失或者动力故障没有紧急报告。

    LOS ANGELES ( Reuters ) - A moderate earthquake struck east of Los Angeles on Tuesday , shaking tall buildings in the city but there were no immediate reports of injuries , major damage or power outages .

  15. 地震或地球震动的、倾向于这种情形的或由这种情形引起的。

    Subject to or caused by an earthquake or earth vibration .

  16. 长江三峡及邻区板内中强地震的孕震动力学分析

    Dynamic analysis of moderately strong earthquakes in the Yangtze Gorges and its vicinity

  17. 在日本常常感觉到地震引起的震动。

    Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan .

  18. 水库地震的地震动特性

    Characteristic of ground motion of reservoir earthquake

  19. 台湾集集地震近场地震动的上盘效应

    Effects of the hanging wall and footwall on peak acceleration during the Chi-Chi earthquake , Taiwan

  20. 研究得到的水库地震的地震动衰减关系和频谱特性可为水工结构的抗震设计和加固提供借鉴。

    The analysis result will give a reference to seismic design and reinforcement of hydraulic structures .

  21. 逆断层地震近场地震动影响场和地表形变模拟

    Dynamic simulation of effect field of strong ground motions and deformation of ground near reverse fault

  22. 一组工程师发现,一种设计用于抵抗地震的强烈震动的秸秆房屋可能提供强有力的防护。

    A straw house designed to withstand strong tremors during earthquakes could provide robust protection , engineers have found .

  23. 在洛尔卡地震中,震动程度本身要比预期的强。

    In the Lorca quake , the shaking itself was much stronger than might be expected from the removed water pressure .

  24. 许多余震和大地震之前的震动相当,当然这场杀戮将会继续到极移发生及其之后。

    Aftershocks , equivalent to the quakes that preceded the big one , the kill , will continue certainly until the pole shift and beyond .

  25. 称作地震图的震动波的记录被刻录在记录纸、胶片或磁带上,或者由计算机来储存和显示。

    The record of the wave called a seismogram imprinted on paper , film , or recording tape or is stored and displayed by computers .

  26. 在振动台上进行拱坝动力模型试验时,设置人工阻尼边界,以模拟地震时地震动能量向无限远域地基逸散的地基幅射阻尼效应。

    Artificial damping boundary is adopted in seismic model test of arch dam on shaking table to simulate the radiation damping effect due to energy dissipation in infinitive foundation .

  27. 本文以国内外18次地震的强震动记录为数据基础,对竖向地震动特征及竖向设计反应谱进行了统计分析。

    In this paper , based on the records from 18 earthquakes , the characteristics of vertical ground motions and vertical response spectra are analyzed . The studies of this paper are as following .

  28. 本文还拟合了加速度反应谱卓越周期和平滑化卓越周期与加速度反应谱特征周期之间的经验关系。(5)研究了汶川地震竖向地震动反应谱。

    It also fit the empirical relationship between the characteristic period and the predominant spectral period and the smoothed spectral predominant period . ( 5 ) Reasearched the vertical response spectrum of Wenchuan earthquake strong motion .

  29. 为此,本文主要围绕着以下几个方面展开了相关工作:1.综合介绍了汶川地震和强震动台获取记录的主要情况,以及研究地震动衰减特性的必要性和意义。

    In this thesis , we start the relevant research from the following parts : 1 . Introduce the Wenchuan earthquake and the data we got from the ground motion stations concisely as well as the necessary and meaning of studying attenuation . 2 .

  30. 核工程场地设计基准地震动确定中涉及弥散地震的地震动估计,这导致中小震近场地震动估计成为被关注的研究课题。

    The evaluation of ground motions for diffusion earthquake is one of the important problems in the determination of site specific design basis ground motion for nuclear facilities . Therefore the estimation of near-field ground motion for small and moderate earthquakes becomes a basic research problem .