
  • earth rotation rate
  1. 并且讨论了地球自转速率变化在地震预报中可能作用的R值评分。

    And the application of the earth rotation rate variation of earthquake prediction is discussed .

  2. SLR和卫星测高的潮汐解被用来计算月球轨道根数相对黄道坐标系的长期变化和地球自转速率的长期变化。

    The tidal solutions obtained from SLR and satellite altimetry are used to compute the secular changes in the Moon 's orbit elements and the Earth rotation rate in the ecliptic reference system .

  3. 本文用AR谱分析方法分析了1976&1980年地球自转速率的资料和大气环流的资料,以及用调和分析计算了各周期项的振幅及相位,并计算了大气环流的激发函数。

    In this paper , the rate of the Earth 's rotation and the atmospheric circulation in 1976 & 1980 are analysed with AR spectral analysis and Harmonic analysis .

  4. 结果表明:当地球自转速率的年际变化由快向慢转变,即表示年际变化的ΔLOD1的数值由极小逐渐增加并转变为正值约半年后,ELNino的初期开始出现。

    The result showed that the beginning of El Nino generally appeared after the progress of variation from slow dawn to fast of the Earth rotation , that is the variation of Δ LOD 1 is from minimum to maximum , by about half year and more .

  5. 地球自转速率和大气环流

    The rate of rotation of the earth and the atmospheric circulation

  6. 旋转体系中重力分布规律与地球自转速率的变化

    Gravity distribution on rotating celestial bodies and variation of the earth rotation rate

  7. 地球自转速率变化与中国西部的大地震

    Variation of the Earth 's Rotation and Large Earthquakes in the West of China

  8. 地球自转速率变化中的非潮汐项

    Non-tidal term in secular variation of earth rotation

  9. 地球自转速率在千年尺度下长期变化的研究

    A Review on the Research of the Variation of Earth Rotation in Thousand Year Scale

  10. 地球自转速率变化主要中短周期的分析

    Analysis of Main Middle and Short Periods in the Variation of the Earth 's Rotation

  11. 地球自转速率的潮汐变化

    Tide Variation of Earth Rotation Velocity Change

  12. 地球自转速率变化对东亚夏季环流型的可能影响

    Possible influence of variation in earth ′ s rotation rate on East Asian circulation patterns in summer

  13. 利用中国古代中心食记录得到的地球自转速率变化参数

    The Parameter of Variation in the Rotational Speed of the Earth from Ancient Central Eclipses Records of China

  14. 中国大陆浅源强震分布与地球自转速率变化的关系

    Relation between distribution of shallow strong earthquake in china ′ s continent and the earth rotation rate variation

  15. 地球自转速率变化影响大气环流的事实及机制探讨

    The influence of the earth 's rotation ration on the atmosphere circulation and a discussion on its mechanism

  16. 古代交食观测记录对地球自转速率长期变化的研究进展

    The Progress on the Research of the Secular Variation of the Earth 's Rotation by the Ancient Eclipses Records

  17. 地球自转速率的短周期项、大气环流和太阳活动

    The Short periodic Terms of Rate of the Earth 's Rotation and the Atmospheric Circulation and the Solar Flare

  18. 液核地球自转速率变化的带谐潮效应Ⅱ&数值计算与比较

    The Zonal Tidal Effect on the Variation in the Rotation Rate of the Earth with a Fluid Core ⅰ . Improvements on the Theoretical Formulae

  19. 对于长时间尺度,是通过地核和地幔之间的磁耦合,改变了地球自转速率,最终影响大气层活动。

    For long time scale , the magnetic coupling between earth ′ s nuclei and mantle can change earth rotation velocity , and affect on the atmospheric activity .

  20. 北半球大陆浅源强震活动的空间分布和地球自转速率的变化特征有关。

    There may be some correlation between the distribution of epicenters of large shallow earthquakes in continents of the northern semisphere and the change in velocity of the earth 's rotation .

  21. 本文通过对地史时期中地球自转速率、氢的外逸以及地表景观的研究,进一步支持了地球膨胀说。

    By researching the rotation rate of the earth , the escape of hydrogen and the landscape of the earth in the geological period , the paper supports the Expansion Theory further .

  22. 考查了1900~2001年中国大陆不同活动地块浅源强震分布与地球自转速率变化的关系,并讨论将其应用在地震趋势预测中的问题。

    The relation between the distribution of shallow strong earthquakes in China ′ s continent from 1900 to 2001 and the rate variation of earth rotation has been investigated in this paper .

  23. 由此可以认为,引起地块受力方向变化的原因可能与地球自转速率变化有关。

    By all above reasons , the conclusion is that the cause , making change of forced direction of land mass , may be related with the change of Earth 's rotation rate .

  24. 结果表明,中国强震的地表破裂以扭性为主,它的主应力方向与地球自转速率变化密切相关。

    The result shows that ground rupture was chiefly composed of torsion by strong earthquakes in China and the direction of principle stress of the ground rupture was closely related to the rate of the earth 's rotation .

  25. 本文报导了上海及其邻区Ms≥43/4级地震活动与地球自转速率和太阳黑子活动周期有关。

    This paper presents the relation between the seismicity ( Ms ≥ 4 3 / 4 ) of Shanghai with its adjacent areas and the rotation rate of the earth as well as the sun spot cycles . According to such a relation .

  26. 自1820年,尤其是20世纪以来,新疆及其邻区的强震活动与地球自转相对速率变化有明显的关系。

    From 1820 , especially in twentieth century in Xinjiang and its adjacency , strong earthquake activities are evidently related to the rate changes of the earth 's rotation .

  27. 运用近代天文和气象观测技术所测得的资料证实了,固体地球自转的速率变化与大气角动量之间,在几年以下的时间尺度上是非常符合的。

    It is confirmed from the data series obtained by the modern astronomical and meteorological techniques that the variations in rotation of solid earth and in the atmospheric angular momentum are consistent with each other very well on time scales of up to several years .

  28. 这三种地球动力学效应是:地球自转速率的近十年变化,黄赤交角的非摄动长期变化以及液核和固核所引起的近周日自由摆动及其对章动的影响。

    The long term variation of the obliquity , the near diurnal free wobble due to the liquid core and inner core and it 's effect to the nutation .