
  • 网络seismic zoning
  1. R值可作为地震区划、地震危险性评定、潜在震源区划分的值得参考的量化依据。

    R value could be taken as quantitative indicator of seismic zoning and seismic risk assessment and latent earthquake source area mapping .

  2. 华北最新剪切构造网络与地震区划

    The youngest shear tectonic network and seismic zoning in North China

  3. 智能辅助地震区划系统IASHES

    Intelligence Aided Seismic Zonation System IASHES

  4. 关于下一代地震区划图编制原则与关键技术的初步探讨

    The Discussion on Principles of Seismic Zonation of the Next Generation

  5. 地震区划图的不适用范围及其补救措施

    The Inapplicable Scope of the Seismic Zoning Map and the Remedial Measures

  6. 新地震区划图的几个基本问题

    Several Basic Concerns of the New Seismic Intensity Zoning Map

  7. 对现今地壳变形资料在地震区划中应用的初步探讨

    Discussion on Primary Application of the Crustal Deformation Data in Seismic Zonation

  8. 湖南省中南部地区地震区划研究

    Study on Seismic Zonation in Middle South Hunan Province

  9. 我国地震区划工作回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of seismic zoning work in China

  10. 10.编制新的地震区划图;

    10 . The compilation of the 1990 seismic zoning map of China .

  11. 新疆天山主要活断层的分段及其在地震区划中的运用

    Study on the main active fault division and its application to seismic regionalization

  12. 地震区划图和工程应用

    Seismic Regionalization Map and Its Application to Engineering

  13. 中国长期地震区划图简介

    Outline of Long-Term Seismic Zoning Map of China

  14. 攀西地区逻辑树地震区划结果及其对比

    The Result and Comparison of " Logical-Tree " Seismic Zoning Map in Panxi Area

  15. 新的国家地震区划图

    New national seismic zoning map of China

  16. 有关地震区划的综合模型

    Towards an integrated model for seismic zonation

  17. 重新评定鲁南地震区划研究项目概述

    An outline of research project on " reevaluation of seismic zoning of southern Shandong province "

  18. 地震区划研究的新动态

    New trend of seismic zoning research

  19. 地震区划和工程抗震

    Seismic regionalization and engineering earthquake-proof

  20. 我国新的地震区划编图和中国地震烈度区划图(1990)

    On the new national seismic zonation and the seismic intensity zoning map of China ( 1990 )

  21. 论中国西北某些地区的高导电层及地震区划的深部电性指标

    On the conductive layers in some regions of Northwestern China and the deep electrical indexes for seismological zoning

  22. 新的地震区划图是按场点地震危险性分析方法给出的,它所表示的地震危险性只能针对具体的场点,不能完全反映区域的地震危险性特征。

    The zoning map represents the seismic hazard of a specific site , not the regional hazard totally .

  23. 《临汾地震区划与防震减灾规划》及其在国民经济发展中的重要意义

    Significance of 《 Seismic Regionalization and Plan of Earthquake Preparedness and Disaster Reduction in Linfen 》 in National Economy Development

  24. 该项研究旨在对地震区划的深部构造背景问题提出新的建议。

    The aim of our research is to Present new suggestions for the earthquake zoning and the earthquake disaster prevention .

  25. 地震区划图是编制抗震设计规范的基础资料。

    The seismic zoning map is the basic information for compiling code for seismic design of any kind of structures .

  26. 我国新的地震区划图(1990年版)是采用地震危险性慨率分析方法编制的。

    The Chinese new seismic zoning map ( 1990 version ) is compiled by using the method of seismic hazard analysis .

  27. 新版美国地震区划图源及其参数模型的分析与评述

    Comments on the Models of Seismic Source and Parameters Used in the New Edition of United States National Seismic Hazard Maps

  28. 分析结果表明,前两张地震区划图编图的基本着眼点都是地震预测,而新的地震区划着眼于场点的地震动预测。

    The previous two maps focused on the prediction of earthquake , while the new zoning map focus on the prediction of ground motion .

  29. 潜在震源区内部空间非均匀分布地震区划方法在攀西地区和晋中南地区的应用

    Application of the Methods of Seismic Zoning with Nonhomogeneous Spatial Distribution in the Potential Source to the Western Panzhihua and the Middle and Southern Shanxi Province

  30. 琼北地震区划工作是根据地震危险性分析的科学思路和分析方法来完成的。

    The seismic zoning work in north Hainandao , China was completed on the basis of scientific train of thoughts and analytic methods for seismic risk assessment .