
  • 网络elastic strain energy
  1. 这是因为在长大过程中,Cu颗粒通过孪生过程缓解了由于共格关系而产生的弹性应变能。

    This is due to the relaxation , through twinning , of the elastic strain energy accumulated around the Cu particles during their growth .

  2. 三晶体中三晶交线附近弹性应变能集中的有限单元分析

    Finite element analysis of elastic strain energy concentrations around a triple junction

  3. M1和M2是马氏体的两种变体,有着不同的取向结构和弹性应变能,使得M1和M2在不同的温度下转变成奥氏体。

    M1 and M2 are two different martensite variants with diverse elastic strain energy and lattice distortions , which transformation to austenite at different temperatures .

  4. 在等温暴露过程中,界面韧性Гi变化较小;但由于TGO增厚引起涂层的弹性应变能(G0)快速增长,使得归一化的界面韧性(ГiG0)随暴露时间而急剧降低,逐渐趋于1。

    Due to the rapid increase of elastic strain energy ( G_0 ) induced by the thickening of TGO , the normalized interfacial toughness (Г _i / G_0 ) decreases sharply and approaches 1 gradually .

  5. 岩爆倾向性评价的弹性应变能指标法

    Evaluation of Rockburst Proneness by Elastic Strain Energy Indices

  6. 非弹性应变能密度与升降温速率的倒数之间满足指数关系。

    The relationship between inelastic strain energy density and reciprocal of ramp rate can be fitted as exponential curve .

  7. 推导出由弹性应变能和化学能组成的应变能函数,进一步得到相变驱动力的表达式。

    Free energy function including elastic strain energy and chemistry energy is derived , then phase transformation driving force is obtained .

  8. 研究表明:裂尖微结构演化与裂尖弹性应变能密度分布密切相关。

    The results indicate that the microstructure evolution at the crack tip is closely related with the elastic strain energy density distribution .

  9. 研究表明,一般情况下,沥青混合料储存的弹性应变能越多,沥青混合料的低温抗裂性能就越好;

    It is shown that the more strain energy of asphalt mixtures deposited , the better its anti cracking performance at low temperature .

  10. 在理论研究方面,介绍了弹性应变能法、纤维倾斜模型、三细胞模型和有限元模型等工作。

    In theoretical investigations , elastic strain energy method , fiber inclination model , three cells model and finite element model etc. are introduced .

  11. 因此马氏体里面储存的弹性应变能和马氏体与母相之间的共格应变是温度记忆效应的可能微观机理。

    Thus the mechanism of TME may be both the elastic energy between martensite variants and coherent strain energy between parent phase and martensite .

  12. 等效塑性应变的幅值、动能、弹性应变能及耗散能随时间的变化规律与功能梯度材料组份成分沿厚度的变化密切相关。

    The distributions of equivalent plastic strain , dissipated , kinetic and elastic strain energies are all dependent on the gradient distribution of the composition .

  13. 将微观弹性应变能理论和微观扩散方程相耦合,建立起时效过程微观晶格动力学模型。

    The microscopic lattice kinetic model of aging process was build , using the coupling of the theory of microscopic elastic energy and microscopic diffusion equation .

  14. 根据毛细管张力理论,多孔材料在干燥过程中,当毛细管水完全失去时,积聚在固体材料内的弹性应变能将释放,导致材料的不连续收缩。

    According to capillary tension theory , the elastic strain energy of porous materials will be released when their capillary water loses completely in the drying precess .

  15. 所有位移参数定义于截面形心以便在弹性应变能中包括弯扭耦合项。

    In this formulation , all displacement parameters are defined at centroid axis so that the couple terms of bending and torsion are added to elastic strain energy .

  16. 系统地研究了存在有序化和原子簇聚的复杂体系的早期沉淀机制、两种有序相共存的析出序列、共格弹性应变能的影响。

    Computer simulation was performed systematically on the precipitation mechanism , precipitation sequence and influence of coherent elastic strain energy in complicated system with ordering and clustering simultaneously .

  17. 在卸压爆破方面,首先应用弹性应变能密度法预测冲击地压区域和确定卸压爆破参数。

    In order to blast to pressure relief , potential dangerous zone is forecasted and parameters of blast to pressure relief are determined using elastic strain energy density method .

  18. 讨论了弹性应变能与量子点平衡形状的关系,通过比较三种形状量子点的能量得出了量子点的稳定结构形状。

    The elastic strain and strain energy in three shaped quantum dots are calculated , and the most stable shape of the quantum dots under the thermal-equilibrium condition is deduced .

  19. 最后将弹性应变能引入到相场方程中,并结合半隐谱法进行相关方面的理论推导工作,初步探讨了材料生长过程中弹性应力的作用。

    Finally we describe that how to introduce the elastic strain energy into the phase field function and associate the semi-implicit spectral method for the theoretically derived work of related aspects .

  20. 首次用解析的方法推导出在大高宽比和失配生长条件下不同形状纳米结构的弹性应变能弛豫函数。

    An analytical expression of elastic strain energy relaxation in nanostructures of different isotropic geometries grown on lattice mismatched substrates is obtained . The results are derived from large aspect ratio condition .

  21. 通过以上提出的分段移动热源模型、基于弹性应变能的相似方法和可靠测量系统,可以对实际工程问题进行系统、全面地研究,从而对工艺设计提出重要指导。

    For providing reliable guides to optimize welding processing technology , it is an effective way to utilize segmented moving heat source model and similitude method based on elastic strain energy synthetically .

  22. 研究结果表明:唐山地震震源体的形成可能是在定常边界力作用下,由于地壳介质的非均匀性,使弹性应变能在局部地区长期积累的结果。

    The results show that the Tangshan earthquake source is formed by the action of constant forces along the boundaries of a inhomogeneous medium . It leads to accumulation of elastic energy in local area .

  23. 活动边界带上变形相对集中,应变和弹性应变能积累速率相对较高,并呈非均匀分布。

    The deformation and energy accumulation within block region are relatively small and their distributions are uniform , while the deformation and energy accumulation in active boundary zones are larger and their distribution are nonuniform relatively .

  24. 分析了原岩弹性应变能、隧道四周围岩应变能的释放与集聚情况、围岩应变能转移的条件、地下工程开挖前方的围岩能量变化以及该能量的突然变化。

    The elastic strain energy of rocks before excavation , energy release and gathering in surrounding rocks , the condition of energy transfer , and the energy variation of rocks in front of cutting face are studied .

  25. 这种尺寸的变化是由于外加应力产生额外的相变驱动力,使相变基元块可以克服更大的弹性应变能而长成更大的体积。

    Attempt was made thermodynamically to explain that , the extra driven force for phase transformation provided by the external stress can help bainitic transformation units overcome more elastic strain energy in growth and result in larger final volume .

  26. 弹性应变能的绝对值越大,形核孕育期越短,晶核数目越多,后期形成的短棒状组织的长径比越大,后期的粗化速度也越快。

    The bigger the absolute of elastic strain energy , the shorter the nucleation incubation period , the more the number of crystal nucleus , the bigger the slenderness of precipitation phase , the faster the rate of coursing .

  27. 采用岩样-压机系统从刚度和能量角度分析了岩爆产生的机理,解释了岩石峰值强度前弹性应变能的存储是岩石产生动力破坏的基本条件。

    The mechanisms of rockburst are analyzed from the aspects of stiffness and energy by using " sample-machine " system . It is explained that the elastic energy storage before peak strength is the basic condition for rock dynamic failure .

  28. 计算了马氏体相变应力及弹性应变能,并初步分析了各种参数对相变应力、弹性应变能以及相变应力对材料性能的影响。

    This article not only computes martensite transformation stress and energy , but also discusses the effect of several parameters on them and the effection of stress on Ni_ ( 52.2 ) Mn_ ( 24.4 ) Ga_ ( 23.4 ) performance .

  29. 其中基于温度场的相似准则虽普遍适用,但因难以通过普通工艺得以满足而限制了其实用性,在此基础上又针对大型薄壁件提出了基于弹性应变能的相似方法。

    In contrast to the similitude principles based on temperature fields , which is impractical in many cases because they require rigorous and nearly impossible technological conditions , a new similitude method aiming at studying distortion of thin-wall structures is presented .

  30. 一旦锁固段突然被剪断,由于峰残强降效应,原有下滑力的一半得到释放,赋存其中的弹性应变能则转换为滑坡剧动的动能。

    Once the locked segment is suddenly snipped , half of the original sliding resistance is released owing to peak-residual strength drop , and the elastic strain energy accumulated in the locked segment would be converted into the kinetic energy of the sliding mass .