
tán hé
  • impeach;accuse
弹劾 [tán hé]
  • (1) [impeach;accuse]

  • (2) 君主时代担任监察职务的官员检举官吏的罪状

  • 弹劾不避权贵。--《金史.雷渊传》

  • (3) 由国家专门机关(如国会)对违法失职或职务上犯罪的官吏,采取揭发和追究法律责任的行为

  • 弹劾总统

  • 官吏受贿,议院得弹劾而去之;议院受贿,谁弹劾而去之?--章炳麟《五无篇》

弹劾[tán hé]
  1. 国会决定弹劾总统。

    The Congress decided to impeach the President .

  2. 弹劾小布什,所有的事情都会变好。

    Impeach George W.Bush , and everything will be fine .

  3. 存在弹劾的理由。

    There are grounds for impeachment .

  4. 州长因挪用公款而被弹劾。

    The governor was impeached for embezzling public funds .

  5. 他遭弹劾后得到的判决毁了他的政治生涯。

    The verdict resulting from his impeachment destroyed his political career .

  6. 所有弹劾案,只有参议院有权审理

    Clause 6 : The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments . 6 .

  7. 如果Chris被弹劾你怎么想

    What would you think if Chris got impeached ?

  8. Chris要被弹劾了吗?

    Is Chris going to be impeached ?

  9. 一名南卡罗来那共和党人表示,如果MarkSanford归来时立法者正在召开会议,肯定会对州长进行弹劾。

    One South Carolina Republican says an impeachment would have been explored sooner if lawmakers had been in session when Sanford returned .

  10. 这些社论人员是Blagojevich管理层的关键人物,正是他们呼吁了这次弹劾。

    Those board members were critical of Blagojevich 's administration and called for hisimpeachment .

  11. 1999年,也就是比尔·克林顿总统(PresidentBillClinton)遭受弹劾一年之后,加利福尼亚州共和党众议员詹姆斯·E·罗根(JamesE.Rogan,克林顿弹劾案中的检察官之一——译注)携妻子与总统及希拉里·克林顿(HillaryClinton)合影。

    In 1999 , a year after managing impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton , Representative James E. Rogan , Republican of California , lined up with his wife to be photographed with the president and Hillary Clinton .

  12. “弹劾,将是你的下场,除非在未来的八个月里掌管白宫的人能够有所改变”PaulWeyrich说,一个经验丰富的保守党组织者,在上个月的一次E-mail时事通讯中声称。

    " Impeachment , coming your way if there are changes in who controls the House eight months from now ," Paul Weyrich , a veteran conservative organizer , declared last month in ane-mail newsletter .

  13. 糟糕的第三季度经济数据加大了巴西立场左倾的总统迪尔玛圠广夫(DilmaRousseff)所受的压力,她正在试图实施财政紧缩措施,同时艰难应对支持率低下以及国会内部弹劾她的呼声。

    The poor third-quarter figures pile more pressure on Brazil 's left-leaning president , Dilma Rousseff , who is trying to implement fiscal austerity measures while battling low approval ratings and calls for her impeachment in Congress .

  14. 这一悲剧的发生标志着巴西跌至本年度低谷。今年巴西艰难摆脱经济和政治双重危机。这个拉美最大国家深陷史上最严重的衰退,同时巴西国会弹劾其左翼总统迪尔玛.罗塞夫(DilmaRousseff)。

    The tragedy marks a low point in a year in which Brazil is struggling to emerge from twin economic and political crises , with Latin America 's largest country mired in its worst recession and Congress impeaching leftist president Dilma Rousseff .

  15. 这一两级程序来自英国并延续至今,保证了弹劾作用的发挥。司法委员会在弹劾中起着越来越重要的作用。

    The judicial committee plays an important role in the program .

  16. 首先,弹劾是英国议会与王权进行斗争的产物;

    The impeachment resulted from the struggle of parliament and royalty .

  17. 权宜之计,弹劾制度在英国的产生;

    Shift stage : impeachment system came into being in Britain .

  18. 他需要被弹劾,为他的所作所为。

    And he needs to be impeached for what he did .

  19. 只要她别搞到我妈被弹劾就好了。

    As long as she doesn 't get my mom impeached .

  20. 他们正在选定可提供弹劾依据的罪行。

    They were deciding on the crimes that would justify impeachment .

  21. 由此,形成一种二元制的弹劾模式。

    As a result , a dual impeachment mode was formed .

  22. 在美国弹劾被认为是一个非常严厉的措施。

    Impeachment is considered a drastic measure in the United States .

  23. 所以今天,他们将要–他们开始弹劾他。

    And so today , they were gonna-they started impeaching him .

  24. 古弹劾式刑事诉讼模式下的权力配置

    On the Distribution of the Criminal Jurisdiction in Accusatorial Procedure Mode

  25. 参议院独自拥有审理一切弹劾案的全权。

    The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments .

  26. 公开揭发一位受到弹劾威胁的总统。

    The public exposure of a president who was threatened with impeachment .

  27. 他遭弹劾后得到的判决毁了他的政治生涯

    The verdict result from his impeachment destroyed his political career

  28. 总统未能拉到足够票数去避过弹劾。

    The President couldn 't muster the votes to fend off impeachment .

  29. 这不是一个要求弹劾条款。

    This is not a call for articles of impeachment .

  30. 技术革新,弹劾制度在世界范围内的普及。

    Technical reformation stage : impeachment system popularized all over the world .