
tán shè zuò yǐ
  • ejection seat
  1. 基于混合Beta分布的火箭弹射座椅可靠性评估

    Reliability Assessment of Rocket Ejection Seat Based on Mixed Beta Distribution

  2. 并对国产HTY-4型弹射座椅装备了收口的救生-13型伞后的性能进行了估算。

    The character of chinese-built HTY-4 ejection seat with imaginary reefed recovery parachute JS-13 is estimated .

  3. 为给新型高性能飞机弹射座椅的气动性能研究提供依据,在中国空气动力研究与发展中心低速所8m×6m风洞进行了此新型高性能飞机弹射座椅1:1模型的空气动力特性试验研究。

    To provide a sound basis for research on the aerodynamic performance of the ejection seat , the test of aerodynamic characteristics of full scale ejection seat model in 8m × 6m low speed wind tunnel of CARDC is introduced in this paper .

  4. 为了测试弹射座椅稳定伞在高速气流中的动态特性,在1.2m×1.2m跨、超声速风洞(FL24)进行了稳定伞高速风洞动态测力试验。

    In order to test the dynamic characteristics of the stabilizing parachute of the ejection seat in high speed flow , dynamic force tests for the stabilizing parachute have been conducted in 1.2m × 1.2m high speed wind tunnel of CARDC .

  5. 第四代弹射座椅姿态控制技术

    The Technology of Attitude Control for the Fourth Generation Ejection Seat

  6. 本文回顾了弹射座椅的发展历程。

    A brief history and development for ejection seat is introduced .

  7. 用影响因子评估弹射座椅多模态控制输入参数

    Evaluation of Input Parameters of Ejection Seat Multi-Mode Control Using Impact Factor

  8. 弹射座椅系统外高速流场的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of High Speed Flow Field Around Ejection System

  9. 借助弹射座椅或太空舱迅速离开飞行器。

    Leave an aircraft rapidly , using an ejection seat or capsule .

  10. 弹射座椅与飞行员组合重心分布的研究

    Study on the Distribution of Combination CG of Ejection Seat and Pilot

  11. 弹射座椅与飞行员系统重心测量技术

    Measure technology of the center of gravity of ejection seat - pilot system

  12. 弹射座椅的冲击动力学分析研究

    Analysis and Research about Impact Dynamics of Ejection Seat

  13. 弹射座椅冲击动力学虚实混合仿真研究

    Impact Dynamic of Ejection Seat Based on Virtual-Practical Technology

  14. 弹射座椅多参数多模态控制仿真分析

    Multi-parameter and Multi-mode Control Simulation Analyses of Ejection Seat

  15. 弹射座椅性能分析软件研制

    Development of Performance Analysis Software for Ejection Seat System

  16. 飞机也配备弹射座椅去改善安全。

    The aircraft is also fitted with ejection seats to improve the safety .

  17. 预测弹射座椅成功穿盖的方法

    Methods for Prediction Successful Ejection Seat Canopy Penetration

  18. 此方法可以精确地计算弹射座椅的惯性矩及惯性积。

    Inertia of seat / man system can be calculated accurately by this method .

  19. 弹射座椅冲击过程数值模拟方法

    Research on method of numerical value simulation for the impact process of ejection seat

  20. 弹射座椅减速性能的数值仿真计算

    Numerical Simulation of Deceleration Performance of Ejection Seat

  21. 火箭弹射座椅弹射动力系统内弹道模型建立与计算

    Calculation and Establishment of Interior Ballistics Model for Ejection Gun of Rocket Ejection Seat

  22. 弹射座椅座垫的人体工程学要求

    Human Engineering Requirements for Ejection Seat Cushions

  23. 研究结果已用于火箭弹射座椅动力稳定调节方法的设计研究中。

    The outcome has been applied to the kinetic stabilization adjustment design of ejection seats .

  24. 隐藏弹射座椅的操纵杆。

    Hide the ejector seat levers .

  25. 弹射座椅试验研究

    The research of ejection seat test

  26. 曙光女神可没有弹射座椅。

    Auroras have no ejection seats .

  27. 弹射座椅的发展趋势

    Development trends for ejection seat

  28. 飞机弹射座椅升降系统从动齿杆副的研磨技术

    Lapping Technology of a Driven Toothed Bar Pair of Rise and Fall System of Aircraft Ejection Seat

  29. 弹射座椅操纵杆只能用一次,它的使用将引起重要的变化,而且这个过程是不可逆的。

    Ejector seat levers can only be used once , and their consequences are significant and irreversible .

  30. 教练和学员分前后纵列坐在火箭助推的弹射座椅上,座舱内设有空调系统和加压系统。

    The instructor and student sit in tandem on rocket-powered ejection seats in a pressurized , air-conditioned cockpit .