
dàn dào xué
  • ballistics
弹道学[dàn dào xué]
  1. 经典内弹道学基本方程的气体动力学推导

    Gas Dynamic Derivation of the Basic Equation in Classical Interior Ballistics

  2. 90年代弹道学在常规兵器发展中的地位

    The function of ballistics 90 ' in conventional weapon development

  3. 内弹道学拉格朗日问题普遍解

    The general solution of the Lagrangian problem in interior ballistics

  4. 弹道学的射弹动力学研究的或与之相关的。

    Of or relating to the study of the dynamics of projectiles .

  5. 弹道学研究内容、特点和趋势的评述

    A review of research programs , characteristics and trends on modern ballistics

  6. 他开拓了一门全新的科学法医弹道学

    Pioneer of a brand-new science , ballistic forensics .

  7. 我们反复检查了弹道学测试。

    We 've checked and rechecked the ballistics tests .

  8. 火箭弹道学发动机推力模拟方法

    A Simulation Method for Engine Thrust in Rocket Ballistics

  9. 由弹道学试验和纤维对比提供的其他证据,确定此案铁证如山,无可争辩。

    Other evidence provided by ballistics tests and fibre-matching sealed the case beyond doubt .

  10. 根据外弹道学基本原理,建立了弹着点计算模型。

    The exterior ballistic model is made by the based principle of exterior ballistic .

  11. 随机外弹道学中的成形滤波器

    The shaping filter in the random exterior ballistics

  12. 随机内弹道学研究综述

    The summarize of random interior ballistics research

  13. 高原破片伤的创伤弹道学特点及初期外科处理的实验研究

    Study on Ballistic Characteristics of Fragment Wounds at High Altitude and Its Primary Surgery Treatment

  14. 中国古代文献中的弹道学问题

    The Theory of Ballistics in Ancient China

  15. 弹道学发展的越来越好了。

    Ballistics just gets better and better .

  16. 我送子弹去做弹道学检测了。

    I sent the bullet to ballistics .

  17. 以发射动力学,多体系统传递矩阵法及弹道学理论为基础,建立了舰炮刚弹耦合的发射动力学模型;

    Launch dynamic model that coupled with rigid and elastic body for naval gun was established .

  18. 固体火箭发动机内弹道学

    Internal ballistics of solid rocket motors

  19. 可以找到点东西来做弹道学分析。

    Could get something from ballistics .

  20. 随机弹道学初探内弹道的民用研究

    Inner Wild Explore for Random Ballistics

  21. 提高弹箭射击精度弹道修正最优控制方法研究火箭[导弹]弹道学

    The Research of Ballistic Modifying Optimum Control Method for Improving the Accuracy of Ballistic Missile Shooting

  22. 空投弹药(或子弹药)射弹航空弹道学(指炮弹或导弹)

    Air-dropped munitions ( or submunitions )

  23. 创伤弹道学已成为当今弹药设计和战伤救治的前沿科学。

    There fore , the wound ballistics becomes the forward sci-ence for ammunition design and wound treatment .

  24. 基于经典内弹道学理论,建立了序列装药的内弹道数学模型。

    Based on the classical interior ballistic theory , a mathematics model of sequential charge was founded .

  25. 炮口焰对中小口径直瞄武器影响很大,减少和消除炮口焰一直是中间弹道学的研究课题之一。

    Reducing and eliminating muzzle flash is a research subject of the arms experts all the time .

  26. 火箭[导弹]弹道学是迫击炮、弹炮、浓炮、程火炮、箭炮、行火炮。

    They are mortars , howitzers , cannons , long-range artillery , rocket guns and self-propelled guns .

  27. 随机弹道学初探

    Explore for Random Ballistics

  28. 藉由这个新发现的弹道学证据,我们现在聪明的前进到下个水平的复杂调查。

    With this newfound ballistics evidence , we are now able to proceed to the next level of this complex investigation .

  29. 结合弹丸的弹道学理论,分别给出融合系统在不同应用需求时,探测飞行弹丸的最佳理论位置。

    With the theory of ballistics , the optimum region to detect the flying projectile in different requirements of applications is put forward .

  30. 弹道学:关于射弹动力学的研究。在万有引力的作用下,小扰动会加强。

    Ballistics : The study of the dynamics of projectiles . Under the action of universal gravitational forces the small perturbations will grow .