
dàn yào kù
  • ammunition storehouse;ammunition depot;magazine
弹药库 [dàn yào kù]
  • (1) [ammunition depot;ammunition store house] 存放弹药的地方

  • (2) 在军事设施内存放弹药和炸药的建筑物

  • (3) 船内用以放置弹药和炸药的船舱

  1. 弹药库布局及防护的安全设计

    Safety Design of Ammunition Depot Overall Arrangement and Protection

  2. 基于弹药库视频监控的背景提取及阈值获取

    Extracting Background-images and Gaining Valve-value in Video Frequency Monitor System of Ammunition Depot

  3. 他因没有去上班而避免了在那次弹药库爆炸中丧生。

    He escaped being killed when the magazine exploded because he had not gone to work .

  4. 不过这需要资金,随着imf的弹药库迅速清空,其他资助者需要协同行动。

    But it will require money , and with the IMF rapidly emptying its arsenal , other donors will have to co-ordinate with the overall effort .

  5. 弹药库爆炸时造成很大损失。

    A lot of damage is cause when the magazine explode .

  6. 要不然,我发誓把你的弹药库炸掉。

    Or by god , I will destroy your arsenal .

  7. 军舰的弹药库爆炸了。

    There was an explosion in the ship 's magazine .

  8. 可对付车辆、弹药库、油库或敌军观察员。

    It is useful against vehicles , ammunition , POL and enemy observers .

  9. 白蚁对弹药库的危害及防治试验

    Damage of magazines by termites and its control experiment

  10. 战俘营的旁边有一个小弹药库。

    The enemy hasinstalled a small ammunitions depot close to the pow camp .

  11. 临时弹药库被炮弹击中。

    The ammunition dump was hit by a shell .

  12. 地下弹药库爆炸产生的地面空气冲击波的估算与数值模拟

    Calculation and numerical simulation about air shock-wave on ground caused by underground magazine blast

  13. 野战弹药库战场生存能力是其发挥快速保障能力、质量保障能力的前提。

    Field magazine battlefield viability is the precondition of ensuring rapid and effective support .

  14. 似乎每个学校里面都有一个弹药库存储这些外号,一年一年的更新换代,

    Seems like every school has an arsenal of names getting updated every year ,

  15. 他们去了弹药库。

    The went to the ammunition store .

  16. 我马上开始检查弹药库。

    I 'll start checking munitions depots .

  17. 最终,亚特兰大被围困,联盟军放火烧毁了自己的弹药库

    Finally , with Atlanta under siege , Confederate forces set fire to their own munitions stores .

  18. 某训练基地成立,在撒丁岛和139武器和弹药库被隐藏在意大利北部。

    A training base was set-up in Sardinia and139 weapons and ammunition dumps were hidden in Northern Italy .

  19. 油库中弹起火被烧毁了。放火烧敌人的弹药库

    The gas tank was hit and went up in flames . set fire to the enemies ammunition dump

  20. 搬运爆炸物(如从弹药库到战舰甲板上的枪炮)的人。

    Someone who carries explosives ( as from the magazine to the guns on board a warship ) .

  21. 白瑞德:我们必须在大火烧到弹药库前冲过去。

    RHETT : We 'll have to make a dash for it before the fire reaches that ammunition .

  22. 炮台上下分三层,地下建有弹药库和兵舍。

    The fort was divided into three layers , and an ammunition house and a barrack were set under the ground .

  23. 对提升野战弹药库战场生存能力的研究,有助于增强我军战斗力、打赢现代化战争。

    The study of reinforcing the field magazine battlefield viability contributes to increase our army fighting strength and to win modern war .

  24. 为了加强弹药库的安全、确保不发生重大事故,从地面和地下弹药库的布局及防护屏障的设计方面进行了研究。

    For strengthening ammunition depot safety and no accident , the ground and underground ammunition depots overall arrangement and protective shielding design are studied .

  25. 限购是中国政府房地产调控政策“弹药库”中最有力的武器,它限制了现有房屋业主购买第二套住房。

    The single most powerful weapon in Beijing 's arsenal of real estate controls , it prevents existing homeowners from buying a second property .

  26. 本文介绍了被白蚁危害的弹药库的特殊环境条件&温度、湿度、食料和灯光,从及危害弹药库的主要白蚁种类。

    This paper introduces special environment condition of the magazines damaged by termites , temperature , humidity , food and light , and mainly specises of the termite .

  27. 通过对战场野战弹药库生存能力影响因素的分析,提出了一系列相应提升其生存能力的防护措施。

    This text analyses the influencing factors of field magazine battlefield viability , then puts forward a series of defensive measures which can increase the field magazine battlefield viability .

  28. 比如,“笨蛋”,“怪胎”。似乎每个学校里面都有一个弹药库存储这些外号,一年一年的更新换代。

    The classics were " Hey , stupid , " " Hey , spaz . " Seems like every school has an arsenal of names getting updated every year .

  29. 他们本希望攻下的是一座弹药库以便获得攻打贵族的武器,可是到头来,除了一帮迷茫的囚犯外,收获甚微。

    The mob was hoping to seize a store of ammunition with which to battle the aristocrats , but for all their trouble they found little save a handful of puzzled prisoners .

  30. 通过对某弹药库弹药箱缺失进行实际检测,表明本检测系统可实现单包及以上数目子弹缺失情况的检测。

    By a lack of ammunition boxes for the actual detection , show that the detection system can be realized over a single packet and the number of bullets of the detection of deficiencies .