- 网络Elastic collision;elastic impact;elasticcollision

I told you I chose the case of-a completely elastic collision & Q and so kinetic energy must be conserved .
And I take a case whereby-I have a completely elastic collision 0 that means Q is zero the kind that we have just discussed .
Calculation of elastic cross sections for low-energy electron impact on potassium and rubidium atoms
Angular Distribution of Products in Deep Inelastic Collision of ~ ( 19 ) F + ~ ( 27 ) Al
Quasi-Elastic Collision and Coupled Channel Analysis in ~ ( 18 ) O + ~ ( 148 ) Nd
The elastic scattering of electron on Hg atom
Polarization effects and cross sections for low-energy electron elastic scattering from helium and neon atoms
A New Trial Interpretation of Scaling Violation in e-p Inclusive Deep Inelastic Collision
The characteristics of Timoshenko beam during the process of elastic impact and contact
Calculation of cross sections for elastic scattering of low-energy electrons by Kr and Xe
Elastic scattering of spin electron by Xe atom
Monte Carlo method was used simulating elastic collision of electron from solid surface , gained the electron elastic reflection coefficient η _E and the angular distribution of elastically backscattered electron .
Elastic collision between S and D atoms at low temperatures and accurate analytic interaction potential and molecular constants of the SD ( X ~ 2 Π) radical
According to the elastic impact theory , the theoretic resolution of wheel-rail maximum relative compressive deformation α _ ( max ) and the impact forceP_1 are presented .
The inelastic collision numbers are determined in accordance with the relaxation times obtained experimentally , a satisfactory simulation for the dissociation coupled with rotational and vibrational excitation is realized .
Excitation function for elastic collision between 4N nuclei
Elastic Collision Demonstration Experiment is a very important one , but teacher is not easy to do it . This article provides a good method doing this demonstration courseware with Flash .
Here , it has been given by using an inelastic collision model of electron with photon for the first time .
The change of the photon frequency of the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering in the laser-plasma is derived by using the inelastic collision model of relativity electron and photon .
Theoretical Studies of Rotationally Inelastic Collisions of LiH with He
The integral and differential cross sections for He-N2 were calculated at a collision energy of 27 . 3 meV on the BTT potential energy surface by using the coupled channel ( CC ) method .
The energy conversion efficiency of the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering in the cone-shaped femto-second high power laser-plasma is given by using the inelastic collision model of relativistic electron and photon , and relativistic electricity theory .
Resonant structures appeared in the excitation functions for the ~ ( 16 ) O + ~ ( 20 ) Ne elastic scattering have been studied by using the nuclear molecular orbital theory . The theoretical results agree well with the experimental data .
Based on both analytical and numerical methods , the authors have investigated a theory proposed by Glazov in 1994 for finding the depth distributions of momentum deposition by atomic particles in elastic collisions .
The movement of pellet in complete elastic collision with the ground
I 'm going to try to make completely elastic collisions .
Elastic collisions deplete very little of the electron 's energy .
The velocity of the center of mass and one-dimension perfect collision
Capacitor Energy Loss and Total Non-elastic Collision Energy Loss of Analog
The similarity between quantum searching and course of two body elastic collision