
zuò wei
  • seat;place;locus
座位 [zuò wèi]
  • (1) [seat;place]∶人坐的或供人去坐的位子或地方

  • 从座位上站起来

  • (2) [locus]

  • (3) 一个基因或其等位基因在一个染色体上所占据的固定的直线位点

  • (4) 染色体上与一种特定的遗传性相联系的一点

座位[zuò wei]
  1. 飞机升空时不要离开座位。

    Do not leave your seat until the plane is airborne .

  2. 座位向前放倒,好让乘客进入车的后部。

    The seat tips forward to allow passengers into the back .

  3. 为方便顾客我们备有座位。

    We have provided seats for the convenience of our customers .

  4. 最早来到音乐会的人坐上了最好的座位。

    The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats .

  5. 我在餐桌上给你安排好了座位。

    I 've set a place for you at the table .

  6. 看来未必还有座位。

    It 's doubtful whether there 'll be any seats left .

  7. 按这个控制柄,座位就向前倾斜。

    The seat tilts forward , when you press this lever .

  8. 她找到一个座位,把背包放好,坐了下来。

    She found a seat , stowed her backpack and sat down .

  9. 座位有限,务必早日预订。

    Early booking is essential , as space is limited .

  10. 到这儿来坐吧。我给你留了个座位。

    Come and sit here ─ I 've saved you a place .

  11. 他把座位让给了一位孕妇。

    He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman .

  12. 没有座位了,所以我只好站着。

    There were no seats left so I had to stand up .

  13. 人们不顾一切地抢占最好的座位。

    There was a mad scramble for the best seats .

  14. 我把座位让给她时,她欣然接受了。

    When I offered her my seat , she accepted it gladly .

  15. 我们都默默无语,一个跟一个地回到座位上。

    We all filed back to our seats in silence .

  16. 咱俩交换一下座位好不好?我看不见银幕。

    Can we swap places ? I can 't see the screen .

  17. 她在座位上前摇后晃。

    She was rocking backwards and forwards in her seat .

  18. 他为她弄到了一个飞机上的座位。

    He had wangled her a seat on the plane .

  19. 我要给饭店打个电话预订座位。

    I 'll call the restaurant and make a reservation .

  20. 为了占到好座位,我们早早就去了。

    We went early so as to get good seats .

  21. 赶紧找个座位吧,我不会耽误你太多工夫。

    Grab a seat , I won 't keep you a moment .

  22. 运动场里所有的座位都编了号。

    All the seats in the stadium are numbered .

  23. 座位下面放了一枚炸弹。

    A bomb had been placed under the seat .

  24. 我们的座位在前面第五排。

    Our seats are five rows from the front .

  25. 我们只能找到后排的座位。

    We could only get seats at the back .

  26. 公共汽车突然刹车,差点儿把我从座位上甩出去。

    The bus stopped abruptly , nearly tipping me out of my seat .

  27. 那次航班没座位了。

    There are no seats left on that flight .

  28. 还有好几个空座位。

    There are still a good few empty seats .

  29. 门一开,人们便疯狂地朝座位奔去。

    When the doors opened , there was a mad dash for seats .

  30. 他旁边的座位空着。

    The seat next to him was vacant .