
zuò tán huì
  • symposium;forum;informal discussion;hot stove league
  1. 爸爸:“什么叫微型家长座谈会?”

    Dad : " What is micro-parents forum ? "

  2. Acme使用建立交流和信息传播机制部分中描述的协作座谈会来传播此信息。

    Acme uses the collaboration forum described in the Set up a communication and information dissemination mechanism section for disseminating this information .

  3. 今天晚上出席座谈会的有两位政界人士。

    We have two politicians on tonight 's panel .

  4. 他已经答应来参加我们的座谈会。

    He has agreed to attend our discussion .

  5. 儿子:“学校要开微型家长座谈会!”

    Son : " The school want parents to have a mini-parents forum1 ! "

  6. 20世纪80年代中期,我去英国央行(bankofEngland)参加一个有关控制货币市场的记者座谈会。

    In the mid-1980s I went to a talk for journalists at the Bank of England on control of the money markets .

  7. 座谈会暗示了设立一个卓越中心并将一组广泛的技能作为交付SOA的关键成功因素的重要性。

    The panel hints the importance of establishing a CoE with a broad set of skills as a key success factor .

  8. 公司CEO吉姆·古德奈特每个月都会举行“咖啡座谈会”。

    CEO Jim goodnight hosts monthly " conversations over coffee , " unscripted breakfast meetings that are open to all employees .

  9. 座谈会最后得出结论,CoE是一个加速器。

    The panel concluded that a COE is an accelerator .

  10. 座谈会的其他成员认为,在使用词语上要格外小心,因为SOA搞不好会变得“太大”、“太广”。

    Other members of the panel argued that one has to be careful with the words we use , because SOA can get " too big " and " too large " .

  11. 该COE还与供应商合作,至少每月组织一次关于相关主题的演示座谈会。

    The COE also works with vendors to organize at least one presentation every month on topics of interest .

  12. 最近,我在安永会计师事务所(Ernst&Young's)近期举办的“战略增长”论坛上见到了杜坎,她在其中一个座谈会上就交互技术发表了演讲。

    I saw Dugan speak on a panel about Interactive Technology at Ernst & Young 's recent Strategic Growth Forum .

  13. 第二章为MayDayGroup的文献综述,主要对MayDayGroup的历史、理念、组织与成员概况以及座谈会文献与ACT电子期刊文献进行了综述与分析。

    Chapter 2 : A description of the history , ideals , organization structure and members of the MayDay Group , and a literature review of the MayDay Group Colloquia and ACT e-journal .

  14. 研究人员说,这些结果是非常明显的,所以应该召开一次座谈会,来讨论是否应该将维生素B添加到每一位MCI患者(其中一半会发展成为老年痴呆症)的处方中。

    They said the results were so strong that it should open up a debate as to whether the tablets should be prescribed to everyone with MCI – half of whom develop Alzheimer 's disease .

  15. 周三,Facebook的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)用出人意料的形式展示了他对中国的兴趣,他在北京清华大学的一个座谈会上用中文讲了大约半个小时。

    On Wednesday , Facebook 's chief executive , Mark Zuckerberg , gave a dramatic display of his interest in the country , speaking in Chinese for about a half-hour at a forum at Tsinghua University in Beijing .

  16. 方法按全国小儿病毒性肝炎防治座谈会制定的标准诊断为IHS的患儿37例,全部病例有黄疸、肝大或肝脾大及肝功能损害。

    Methods Percutaneous liver biopsy guided by ultrasound was carried out in 37 clinical diagnosed infants with IHS . All the infants were presented with jaundice , hepatomegaly , splenomegaly or liver function damage .

  17. 她成功加入了斯坦福创业工作室(StanfordVentureStudio)。来自不同学科的研究生都可以在这个工作室测试和开发商业创意,参与小组座谈会,向成功的创业者和校友取经,练习推销技能等。

    She applied successfully to get into the Stanford Venture Studio , a facility in which graduate students from all disciplines can test and develop business ideas , take part in group sessions , get advice from successful entrepreneurs and alumni , and practice pitching .

  18. 另外她还出席了Digitas公司举办的NewFront2011网络内容交流会的一个座谈会,在会上探讨了新媒体以及新媒体给人们与亲友间的关系带来的影响。

    Likness also appeared on a panel at Digitas ' newfront 2011 , discussing new media and how it affects relationships with friends and family .

  19. 影视音乐互动大会的特色就是由ScottStulen举办的互联网猫咪视频节,Alternet网在SXSW的座谈会上报道称:在明尼苏达州展览会上的猫咪视频秀所售门票数与赶时髦乐队相比还要多3000余张。

    Alternet reports on a panel session at SXSW , which featured Scott Stulen , curator of the Internet Cat Video Festival , a live showing of kitty vids that sold 3000 more tickets at the Minnesota State Fair than Depeche Mode .

  20. 加快推进广播影视的网络化&张海涛同志在全国广电网络发展工作座谈会上的讲话中广电广播电影电视设计研究院

    Speedup to Push Networking Construction of Radio , Film and Television

  21. 非洲幼儿教育和保健政策座谈会

    African Seminar on Educational and Health Policies for the Young Child

  22. 家长座谈会准备下星期三开。

    The parent teacher meeting is to be held next Wednesday .

  23. 大学生思想政治教育理论与实践座谈会综述

    Summary of Symposium on College Students Political Education Theory and Practice

  24. 联合国国际法的逐渐发展和编纂问题座谈会

    United Nations Colloquium on Progressive Development and Codification of International La

  25. 中央召开人口、资源、环境工作座谈会

    The Central Government held Symposium on Population , Resources and Environment

  26. 中国会展览杂志是该座谈会的指定合作媒体。

    The official publication is the China Conference & Exhibition magazine .

  27. 上海机场召开实现第5个安全年媒体座谈会

    A Media Forum On The Fifth Safety Year Of Shanghai Airports

  28. 2000年非洲发展前景蒙罗维亚座谈会

    Monrovia Colloquium on Africa 's Development Prospects by the Year 2000

  29. 扩展知识,参加课程学习和座谈会。

    Expand your knowledge and sign up for courses and seminars .

  30. 举行会议/研讨会/大会/座谈会/学术报告会

    Hold a meeting / seminar / conference / forum / symposium