
zuò jià
  • seat frame;pillow block bearing
座架[zuò jià]
  1. 介绍了AM系镁合金在汽车工业中的应用研究(如汽车仪表板、汽车座架等)和发展概况,并对AM系镁合金的成型工艺做了简要讨论,并提出了今后发展的设想。

    This article introduces the application and developing of AM magnesium alloy in automobile industry ( such as instrument panel ? seat frame and so on ), and then discusses the technology of molding , put forward the tentative plan in the future .

  2. 50m口径射电望远镜天线结构主要由座架和反射体等组成。

    The 50m-diameter radio telescope antenna structure consists of a pedestal and a reflector .

  3. “预置”归属于其聚合“座架”(Gestell)。

    " Setting-in-order " belongs to its gathering & " Enframing " ( Gestell ) .

  4. 分析了铁路运输卷钢使用专用座架进行装载加固的现状和缺陷。阐述了凹型、L型草支垫的研制开发、技术参数及稳定性计算。

    The present situation and problems of coil steel transportation were analyzed and the development , technical parameters and stable calculation of was introduced .

  5. 确定了马蹄式结构的座架型式;

    Determined the pedestal style of horse - hoofed structure .

  6. 太阳射电观测系统的极轴天线座架设计

    Design of the Pedestal of Polar Mount for Solar Radio Observing System

  7. 从消费关系座架看文学经典的商业扩张

    Commercial Expansion of Literary Canons : - A Perspective from Consumption Relations

  8. 然后,他把一根绳子系到座架上。

    Then he tied one of the lines to a seat mounting .

  9. 它仅仅是一座架在借方和贷方之间的桥梁。

    It merely stands between the depositor and the borrower .

  10. 斗轮堆取料机门座架静强度模拟实验的研究

    Study on the Static Intensity-analogue Test of the Door-Pedestal of the Bucket-Wheel Stacker-Reclaimer

  11. 哲学座架下的非人类中心主义梳理

    Systematizing Non - anthropocentrism in the Frame of Philosophy

  12. 铁路车辆钢卷运输座架设计与生产实施

    Design and Implementation on Truss for Transporting Roll of Steel Plates in Rail Vehicle

  13. 分离座架(分动箱)滚轮顶杆式断缆锁紧装置及其虚拟样机设计

    Roller and Pushing-rod Locking Device for Cable Breaking and the Design of its Virtual Prototype

  14. 斗轮堆取料机门座架有限元分析

    The Calculation of The Finite El ; ement of The Door-Pedestal of The Bucket-wheel Stacker-Reclaimer

  15. 技术已经成为现代社会的时代背景和发展“座架”。

    Modem technology has become the background of the times and social development " Gestell " .

  16. 被称之为座架的现代技术的本质带来了技术危机和人类的危机。

    The essence of modern technology named as enframing brings the danger to technology and humankind .

  17. 井架内的钻机渐渐地往地下钻出一个小洞来。刚性腿座架支承的钻井平台

    A machine in the tower gradually cuts a narrow hole down into the ground . mat-supported drilling platform

  18. 技术的本质&座架,展现了现代社会中人与自然,人与自然的本质在技术的异化下消失殆尽,日益成为技术的奴隶。

    Ge-stell , the essence of technology , constructs the state of human and nature in modern society .

  19. 座架,贱金属制,用于车辆车身机架(及零件),铁道或有轨电车轨道机车或车辆用

    Mounting of base metal for vehicle coachwork frame ( and parts thereof ) for railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock

  20. 对于活顶收藏箱盖驱动新款电机座架,必须安装新的带有支架的微动开关。

    A new microswitch with support must be installed for the new motor mounting for the convertible-top compartment lid drive .

  21. 因此,必须对技术采取冷静的态度,认识到它的去蔽本质,把世界从现代性座架中拯救出来。

    Therefore , we should remain cool-headed towards technology and try to find out its nature of shield so as to free the world from frame of modernity .

  22. 作为最高的危险,座架造成了现代技术危机,海德格尔因而提出了存在之思的拯救方案。

    As the biggest danger , Ge-stell results in the crisis of modern technology . Hence Heidegger proposes reflection on being in order to save the technological crisis .

  23. 还有一些模仿古代最美典型的缩小铜像和石像,摆在这所华美博物馆角落的座架上。

    and some wonderful miniature statues in marble or bronze , modeled after antiquity 's finest originals , stood on their pedestals in the corners of this magnificent museum .

  24. 座架将人、自然与社会视为可以操纵和征服的对象,它控制着物,拘囚着人,导致整个世界陷入危机之中。

    People , nature and society were regarded as targets which were manipulated and conquered in Gestell . Gestell controls matter and imprisons human being , which makes the whole world fall into the crisis .

  25. 我说的绝对是我的心里话,并且我认为音乐是一座架在两国文化之间的桥梁。

    And that 's it , you know . I am absolutely say it from bottom of my heart that , you know , I think music , it 's a bridge between our cultures .

  26. 身居技术座架下的人类命运受到了前所未有的威胁,不仅自然生态系统卷入技术运动的漩涡,就连人类未来种族的延续也面临着风险的考验。

    Mankind destiny residing in technology " mounts " has been under unprecedented threat , not only natural ecosystems are swirled in technical movements , even the continuation of future human races is also risked .

  27. 将座架和反射体进行耦合,建立了有限元分析模型,在此基础上对耦合的整体结构进行了多工况静力、动力分析。

    Through coupling the pedestal and the reflector together , this paper presents a FEM model , then the static and dynamic finite element analysis of the whole antenna structure was made under multiple loading conditions .

  28. 海德格尔的技术哲学与“整体视域”有着极大的关联,这一点在海氏所归纳的技术之本质&座架上得到了集中体现。

    Heidegger 's philosophy of technology is tight related to " the whole horizon ", and we can find this relation especially hi " Ges-tell ", which is taken as the essence of technology by Heidegger .

  29. 通过对词源学的探究,海德格尔引出了座架一词,从而把他的物化理论深入到了对现代生活的整体批判上。

    An etymological exploration of " Technology " reveals that , as a whole , the word " Gestell " which Heidegger introduced in his study had made his theory of materialization penetrate into the criticism of modern life style .

  30. 首先推导了卫星过顶时盲区的计算公式,然后给出了实施机械倾斜过顶跟踪时,基于TILT+A'-E'型三轴座架的倾斜范围的选取方法和倾斜轴方向的确定途径。

    The blindness zone formulation caused by a satellite 's passing zenith is deduced , then a new algorithm of confirming the Tilt range and the direction of Tilt axis is introduced based on TILT + A ' - E ' three axes .