
  • 网络Cathedral
  1. 如果时间允许,我们希望能参观一下主教座堂。

    We hope to visit the cathedral , if time permits .

  2. 香港拥有香港――除约翰座堂下的土地以外的全部土地。

    Hong Kong owned Hong Kong-all the land except what was under the Anglican cathedral .

  3. 这个未来也许就在都柏林市中心的圣玛利亚临时主教座堂(St.Mary’sPro-Cathedral)里。孩子们正分列两排,在高大威严、立柱高耸的教堂里等待领受总主教的坚振圣事。

    It could be found at St. Mary 's Pro-Cathedral here , in downtown Dublin , as two rows of children awaited confirmation before him in the lofty , column-lined church .

  4. 就餐的餐厅恰好也在宏伟的哥特式大教堂兰斯主教座堂(Notre-DamedeReims)附近,大多数的法国国王都是在这座教堂里加冕登基的。

    The restaurant also happens to be just around the corner from the magnificent Gothic cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Reims , where most of the kings of France were coronated .

  5. 教区座堂,圣彼得教堂设在Barclay街,现在仍矗立在世贸中心北仅仅一个街区,也即是现今要建立的清真寺和社区以南一个街区处。

    Peter 's on Barclay Street , which still stands just one block north of the World Trade Center site , and one block south of the proposed mosque and community center .

  6. 圣约翰座堂爱之家咨询及服务中心

    St. John 's Cathedral HIV Education Centre

  7. 对爱玛的恻隐之心来说,已经够多了。圣约翰座堂爱之家咨询及服务中心

    It was too often for Emma 's charity . St. John 's Cathedral HIV Education Centre

  8. 卡茨基尔山铁路贯穿树枝的景观隧道,像一主教座堂。

    The Catskill Mountain Railroad runs through a majestic tunnel of tree branches that looks like a cathedral .

  9. 在我经常玩耍的草地有一座礼拜堂建立在中心

    A Chapel was built in the midst , Where I used to play on the green .

  10. 这座礼拜堂始建于16世纪,由5000名僧侣的尸骨搭建而成。

    The big draw of the 16th century chapel is a room that was constructed from the bones of 5000 monks .

  11. 拉什沃思世家从前的美人们如何不情愿地一次次来到这座礼拜堂,你难道想象不出来吗?

    Cannot you imagine with what unwilling feelings the former belles of the house of Rushworth did many a time repair to this chapel ?

  12. 他们用尸骨搭成这座礼拜堂,以此提醒人们,财富并不能在死后一起带走。

    They constructed the room using the bones to remind people that once you were dead , you couldn 't take your riches with you .

  13. 我把朱丽叶的死讯通知了我的主人,因此他从曼多亚急急地赶到这里,到了这座坟堂的前面。

    I brought my master news of juliet 's death ; and then in post he came from Mantua to this same place , to this same monument .

  14. 在16世纪搭建这座礼拜堂的时候,埃武拉正面临墓地紧缺的困境,因此才使用了僧侣的尸骨。

    The reason the monks bones ' were used was because at the time it was constructed in the 16th century , Evora was running out of room to bury people .

  15. 怀着满怀的感恩之情,他修建了一座祈祷堂。在祈祷堂的一个角落他挂了这么一句格言:有时一个人必须远行才能发现近在咫尺的东西。

    In thanksgiving , he built a house of prayer , and in one of its corners he put an inscription : Sometimes one must travel far to discover what is near .

  16. 不一会儿,他突然站起身来,扭过头去望着北面,望管那座圣璜堂。

    By and by he rose abruptly , turning his head to the north , in the direction of the Mission Church of San Juan .

  17. 那边那座华丽的大厅堂是什么?

    What is the glorious hall there ?

  18. 据官方统计,目前全国天主教教会登记的教徒有500万人之多,政府批准的天主教教会共有70多名主教,5000多名神父,5600多座教堂和礼拜堂。

    According to official statistics , China has 5,000,000 Catholics , a total of more than 70 Catholic bishops , more than 5,000 priests , more than 5600 churches and places of worship .

  19. 这里曾经是另一座教堂或是主教座堂,在同一个…就在那儿。

    There used to be another church or cathedral at the same ... right there .

  20. 它共有八个独立的建筑群,10座庙宇,数座冥思堂,还有教室、人工湖和公园等。

    It had eight separate compounds , 10 temples , meditation halls , classrooms , lakes and parks .