
  • 网络Teaching freedom;die Freiheit der Lehre;educational freedom
  1. 最后,阐述了教学自由与学习自由的关系。

    Finally , this thesis expounds the relationship between teaching freedom and learning freedom .

  2. 学术自由是理智的自由,包括研究自由、教学自由、学习自由。

    Academic freedom , including research freedom , teaching freedom and learning freedom , is intellect freedom .

  3. 澳门特别行政区各类学校均有办学的自主性,依法享有教学自由和学术自由。

    All educational institutions in the Macao Special Administrative Region shall enjoy their autonomy and teaching and academic freedom in accordance with law .

  4. 中国大学源自于西方大学制度,国内对教学自由理念的研究起步较晚。

    Derived from the Chinese University of Western university system , the domestic research on teaching the concept of freedom of a late start .

  5. 教学自由制度的建构既是学术创新的基础,也是这种自由得到社会实现的重要保障。

    Construction of the system of teaching is not only basis of free academic innovation , but also are the conditon to achieve this freedom .

  6. 早期的西方大学曾经具有与社会保持一定距离,以维护其学术研究和教学自由的历史传统。

    Early universities in the West once had the tradition of keeping distance with the society in order to maintain its freedom for teaching and academic research .

  7. 通过对些问题的分析,希望能为我国现代大学的发展和教学自由权的维护提供一些有益的借鉴。

    Through the analysis of these issues , the article hopes for the development of modern universities and teaching the maintenance of freedom to provide some useful lessons .

  8. 只有保障了教师招聘自由权、招生自由权、课程设置自由权和学位授予自由权这四大权利,才能切实的保障教学自由的实现。

    Only guarantee the teacher recruitment liberty , enrollment liberty , curriculum of liberty and the degree-conferring liberty , these four rights , can feasible safeguard teaching free realization .

  9. 而只有实现了教学自由,教学习惯走向不确定性才会成为现实,教学本真的实现才会成为现实。

    And only realizing the freedom of teaching , the teaching habits to uncertainty will become a reality ; the realization of the true of teaching will become a reality .

  10. 高校自治与依法治教,本质上是一致的,核心内容都是以人为本,保障师生的学术自由、教学自由和学习自由的权利。

    Actually they are identical in essence that the main content of university ′ s autonomy and managing education by law is people-first , to guarantee the academic freedom , teaching and learning freedom .

  11. 依据德国教学自由与学习自由的高等教育理念创设研究型大学,以提高美国高等教育的国际声望;

    Second , American research-universities have been established , which are based on the modern German higher education ideas & teaching and learning freedom , to heighten the fume of American higher education in the world .

  12. 实验教学的自由选时操作

    Time Chosen Freely for the Students to Do Their Experiments

  13. 试论人的自由发展及教学的自由发展价值

    On Free Development of People and Free Development Value of Teaching and Learning

  14. 教学的自由发展价值具体体现在教学日标、教学内容、教学方法等方面。

    Free development value of teaching was embodied by the objective , content , and way of teaching .

  15. 教师作用的缺失或弱化都会使阅读教学变成自由阅读。

    The role of teachers in the absence or the influence will make the text reading teaching into Extracurricular free reading .

  16. 在游泳普修教学中,自由泳达标的标准是要求学生连续完成任100m距离游进。

    In general teaching of swimming the freestyle standard for students to reach is to finish swimming any 100m .

  17. 如何解决体育选项教学中的自由人现象

    How to resolve the free man problem in PE choice teaching

  18. 论交际法教学中的自由与控制问题

    On Control and Freedom in Communicative Approach of English Teaching

  19. 论创设大学教学中的自由人文环境

    On the foundation of free humane environment in the teaching of Universities

  20. 系统充分体现出网络教学的时空自由性、资源共享性、系统开放性,切合教师的教学实际,方便教师开展教学工作,使同学们能按时、高效地完成教学任务和参与互动交流;

    This system embodies the space-time freedom , resource sharing , and system opening sufficiently for teaching and studying .

  21. 目前的语法教学处于相对自由状态,缺乏教材、课时、质量的保证。

    The current grammar teaching is in an anarchic state , that is , lack of text , class hours and quality guarantee .

  22. 它为教育的革新、发展显示出了巨大的能量,网络教育提高了教学活动的自由度,也使教育方式变得开放、多样;

    It also offers great energy to the innovation and development of education . Internet education improves the liberty of teaching and makes teaching methods more open and colorful .

  23. 令学生在有条不紊的教学秩序中自由的探讨知识,以此掌握学习技能,并深刻领会科学探索的魅力,并掌握一定的实际操作技能。

    Make the teaching of students in an orderly order to explore the freedom of knowledge , in order to master the learning skills and a deep understanding of the scientific exploration of charm and a certain amount of practical skills .

  24. 给中学语文教学以应有的自由与尊严

    Teaching of Chinese in High Schools Calls for Necessary Freedom and Dignity

  25. 强调教学职能,传承自由教育传统,以通识教育和整合教育对本科教育进行重建;

    The second is to emphasize the teaching function to follow the liberal education tradition , and to reconstruct undergraduate education through general education ;

  26. 高校政治经济学的教学中,其自由资本主义部分,一般都照搬《资本论》3卷的理论体系。

    In the collegiate teaching of political economy , the part of free capitalism usually copies from the theoretical system in the third volume of Das Kapital .

  27. 第二,可由教师按照所开课程的教学要求和目的自由选取教材,甚至可由教师按教学意图自编教材。

    Second , teachers can select teaching material according to offered courses ' teaching requirement and aim , and draw up teaching material himself according to teaching intention .

  28. 突破教学模式,走向教学的自由,实现无模式化教学,是后现代教学理念的体现,也是教学艺术的崇高境界。

    The breakthrough in the teaching mode , the freedom of teaching , and teaching without fixed pattern are the embodiment of post-modern teaching ideas , and the loftiest realm of teaching art .

  29. 主体参与式学习法、赏识教育教学法、发现式教学法、自由创编法和合作性学习法等都是体育教学培养学生创新能力的行之有效的教学方法。

    The main body participation learning method , appreciation educational method , discovery teaching method , free creative method and cooperative learning method are all effective to develop students'creative ability through P.E. .

  30. 一种新的适应个别差异的大学教学模式构想&自学集中制教学系统学术自由与大学自治,是大学制度文化取向的集中体现。

    A New Conception of College Teaching Model Adjusted to Individual Differences-An Independently-Studying Teaching System ; Academic freedom and university autonomy are the centralized reflection of cultural orientation .