
  • 网络education;education level;level of education
  1. 教育层次还导致家长处罚子女的差异:具有研究生学位且声称经常打孩子屁股的父母占比为8%,而高中或高中以下学历的父母,经常这样做的比例达到22%。

    Discipline techniques vary by education level : 8 % of those with a postgraduate degree say they often beat their children , compared with 22 % of those with a high school degree or less .

  2. 教育层次比的数学模型初探

    A Mathematical Models of Constituent Ratio of Various Levels of Education

  3. 俄罗斯高等教育层次分类述评

    The Classification of the Layers of Higher Education in Russia

  4. 高等教育层次和科类结构研究

    A Study on Level and Field Structure of Higher Education

  5. 女硕士生培养是研究生教育层次的重要组成部分。

    Female postgraduate education plays an important constitution part in postgraduate education .

  6. 关于我国研究生教育层次结构优化的若干思考

    Several thoughts about Optimizing the postgraduate education 's Level structures

  7. 关于高等医学专科教育层次的几个问题

    Some Problems Relating to 3-Year Professional Medical College As an Academic Education Level

  8. 20世纪90年代中期,班加罗尔因其城市教育层次高、劳动力价格相对廉价而迎来了许多的跨国信息技术公司。

    In the mid1990s , Bangalore became host * educated and relatively cheap labor force .

  9. 高等中医教育层次结构合理性研究(续)

    Study on the rationality of the level structure of higher TCM education ( continued )

  10. 随着社会发展和科技的进步而逐步高职院校要不断提升自身的教育层次。

    Following the development of technology , advanced vocational institution should continue to improve their level .

  11. 一个是纵向维度,即由岗位从业人员的“成熟度”提高而形成的职业教育层次。

    There are two dimensions including lateral dimension and vertical dimension in the level of vocational education .

  12. 英国高等教育层次的开放实践始于1849年伦敦大学首创的校外学位制;

    The open experience of higher education in UK originated from the external degree in University of London ;

  13. 浅析中医药院校护理对外交流方向教育层次及目标定位

    Brief analysis to the level and target of external-oriented nursing education in colleges and universities of Chinese medicine

  14. 首先回顾了高等教育层次接结构、经济增长相关理论,以及在以往研究文献基础上分析与讨论高等教育教育层次结构调整与经济增长的关联机制。(2)比较分析法。

    Relationship between the layer structure of higher education and economic growth theory is reviewed . ( 2 ) Comparative analysis .

  15. 单一的国家课程的课程体系,已不可能满足我国社会、经济发展对多种教育层次、多元化人才的需求。

    Single curriculum made by the government is not satisfied for the requirements of the various professionals with the development of the economy .

  16. 保障妇女权益的主要路经是:提高妇女的教育层次、经济地位、技术经验和卫生保健水平;

    The main approaches to protecting women rights include : improve their educational levels , economic status , technique experiences and medical care ;

  17. 主要结论1.高等教育层次结构与经济增长的关联机制分别表现为静态和动态两种互动机理。

    Research Conclusions The layer structure of higher education and economic growth associated with each other in both static and dynamic interaction mechanism .

  18. 就各教育层次来看,教育性别隔离下降主要来自义务教育的贡献,高等教育阶段女性受教育机会相对更平等。

    Thirdly , the declines of segregation is mainly contributed from the compulsory education while there is much more equality in the higher education .

  19. 在教育层次上,它属于高等教育的范围;

    As to the education level , it belongs to the higher education scope , raises the talented person who can serve straight the modernization .

  20. 通过高校毕业生结构性失衡的实证分析,本文觉得其症结主要是高等教育层次结构和科类结构的失衡。

    The key to the structural imbalance of the graduates ( level structure and subject structure ) is the adjustment of the structure of higher education .

  21. 同样,脉冲响应函数分析也显示,随着时间的推移,经济增长对于各教育层次的脉冲响应值逐步稳定。

    And impulse response function also displays the impulse response value which economy growth played on each educational level gradually come to stabilization with time going by .

  22. 如民族医药高等教育层次较低,缺乏知识产权保护和民族医药专业人才,药物资源的可持续利用等问题。

    Such as nationality medicine higher education level is low , lack of protection for intellectual property and professionals of ethnic-minority medicine , medicine resources sustainable utilization etc. .

  23. 护理学科的发展,不仅需要有一支教育层次高、素质好的护理教师队伍,同时需要有一支层次高、技术精湛、素质好的临床带教队伍。

    The tolerant cultivation for the teachers have a long cycle , that can not adapt to the requirement of the nursing education in speciality under the new situation .

  24. 作为高校图书馆,提高信息素质的教育层次,成为提升信息服务质量的重要课题之一。

    For the university libraries , to increase the level of the information quality-oriented education is one of the most important tasks for promoting the quality of information services .

  25. 方法采集安徽省各地市不同教育层次学生粪便标本共4048份,采用金胺-酚染色法和改良抗酸染色法检查隐孢子虫卵囊。

    Methods Stool specimens of 4 048 students at different educational levels were collected , oocysts of cryptosporidium were identified with auramine - phenol stain and improved ami - acid stain .

  26. 考虑到教育层次及学制的限制,应将法学高职教育的培养方向定位于法律职业中的中低级职位。

    Because of the restriction of educational tier and system , we should focus the target of higher legal vocational education on the middle and low positions in the legal profession .

  27. 教育层次提升与教育内容扩展&从德国IT领域继续教育方案看我国高职定位

    Elevation of Educational Level and Expansion of Educational Contents & To Review the Position of Higher VE of China From the Further Educational Plan in the Field of IT of Germany

  28. 结果不同层次护理学生的自尊评分随着教育层次的提高呈现上升趋势,本科与大专、中专学生自尊评分之间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);

    Results The score of SES had an ascending tendency with the increase of educational levels and there were significant differences between undergraduates , 3-year college students , and junior nursing students .

  29. 调查还发现,男性更愿意和自己教育层次差不多的女性结婚,而对于学历、工作能力都比自己优秀的女性,他们大多会敬而远之。

    Surveys also show men are generally willing to get married to women who have a similar education level and are daunted by women with better educational and work qualifications and knowledge .

  30. 结论提高教育层次,护士将成为初级保健的主体,技能的拓宽和改进教学方法和教学手段是护理教育发展的趋势。

    Conclusion Raise of educational level , nurse 's becoming the backbone of primary health care , widening of skills and bettering teaching methods and media are the developing tendency of nursing education .