
jiào yù kē
  • education section
  1. 亦能为多学科学习的科目,例如通识教育科,提供一套非常有效的教学法。

    It also provides a particularly relevant pedagogy for the multi-disciplinary subject liberal studies .

  2. 云南省高等教育科类结构现状分析及调整对策研究

    On Adjustment Countermeasure and Analysis in the Present Situation of Academic Subjects Structure in Yunnan Higher Education

  3. 本讲座旨在透过增益通识教育科教师有关新高中通识教育科「科学、科技与环境」学习范围的知识,以发展教师的专业能力。

    This seminar aims to develop the professional capacity of Liberal Studies teachers by enriching their knowledge in the Area of Study : Science , Technology and the Environment of the curriculum .

  4. 美国基础教育社会科国家课程标准探析

    An Analysis on American National Curriculum Standards for Studies in Fundamental Education

  5. 论区域高等教育中学科专业产业链的构建

    On the Construction of Discipline-Specialty-Industry Chain in Regional Higher Education

  6. 新世纪高师院校教育系科改革的若干问题

    On the reform of educational departments in normal universities in the new century

  7. 论高等教育中学科专业的性别隔离

    On gender segregation in discipline in higher education

  8. 学术界关于高等教育中学科专业的性别隔离主要有两种解释,一是生物本质主义的解释;

    There are mainly two interpretations about gender segregation in discipline in higher education .

  9. 远程教育中文科辅导课教学原则与方法初探

    Approach on Teaching Principles and Methods of Guidance Course of Liberal Arts in Distance Education

  10. 1920年,教育专攻科最终被教育研究科所取代。

    The Educational Special Training Course was finally replaced by the Education Research Course in1920 .

  11. 计算机职业教育中学科体系的解构和行动体系的重构

    Reforming the System of Action and Deconstructing the System of Subject in The Education of Computer Network

  12. 通过进一步发掘史料,原本模糊的北高师教育专攻科的形象比较清晰地展现出来。

    By further exploring historical materials , this paper introduces a clear image of Educational Special Training Course which was vague .

  13. 教育培训科应立足问题的及时发现和解决,以进一步贯彻《上海市精神卫生条例》。

    In order to further implement Shanghai Mental Health act , the Department of education and training should focus on identifying and resolving problems .

  14. 在我国传统教育分科体制下培养出来的艺术教师,显然已无法满足新的艺术综合课程的需要。

    Apparently , the art teachers who were trained by the system of traditional division education could not satisfy the needs of new art integrated curriculum .

  15. 1915年设置的北京高等师范学校教育专攻科是教育学科在高等教育体系中获得独立建制的开端。

    Education Special Training Course set by Beijing Higher Normal School in1915 was the starting point for education to become an independent discipline in higher education system .

  16. 怎样结合我国五声调式的特点进行调性发展方法的教学,是我国高等院校音乐教育系科普遍开设的专业基础课程&键盘和声、即兴演奏(即兴伴奏)课程的教学难点与重要内容之一。

    How to combine the characteristics of pentatonic in teaching development of tonality is the difficult and important content in courses such as keyboard harmony , improvisation in colleges nowadays .

  17. 北高师教育专攻科的酝酿与开设,从政策支持到学术渊源,都与当时北高师校长陈书泉有着密切的关系。

    The planning and establishment of the course , from policy support to academic sources , has close relationship with Chen Baoquan , the president of the School at that time .

  18. 高等教育层次和科类结构研究

    A Study on Level and Field Structure of Higher Education

  19. 大科学观决定了科学教育应从分科走向综合。

    So , science education inevitably makes towards integration from nature branch .

  20. 全科医学教育亦称全科/家庭医学教育。

    General medical education also known as general / family medicine education .

  21. 少女和妇女教育机会平等科

    Section for Equal Education Opportunities for Girls and Women

  22. 心理卫生教育对精神科住院儿童亲属心理健康状况的影响

    Influence of psychological health education on mental health status of parents of hospitalized children in psychiatric department

  23. (教育)调整科类结构和专业设置

    Readjust faculties and specialities

  24. 本文以1979年教育哲学一科在中国恢复设置为切入点,从三个部分对教育哲学在中国的发展进行研究。

    This article , contains three parts in which describe the developing process of Philosophy of Education in China .

  25. 目的探讨肿瘤科护士在工作中的职业危害因素,了解肿瘤科护士的防护意识及防护现状,通过健康教育减少肿瘤科护士的伤害。

    Oncology nurse exposed to a variety of occupational hazards at work , but their occupational protection behaviors and implementation of standard precautions were poor .

  26. 这种课程的设置体现了学科教育由分科向综合性学科发展的趋势,但同时也带来了一些学科衔接的问题。

    These courses setting reflect the tendency that education develops from division subject to the comprehensive one , but it also brought some discipline problems of convergence .

  27. 可持续发展、知识经济是地理学科摆脱困境的机遇,实施素质教育是地理学科构建新的教学理论体系的立足点。

    The sustainable development and knowledge economy provide . Chances for geography reform and implementation of quality education is regarded as the basis new theory of geography instruction .

  28. 美国是世界上最早开设社会科的国家,历史教育是社会科的有机组成部分,美国社会科不仅有着丰富的实践经验、完善的课程体系以及雄厚的理论支撑。

    The United States is one of the first countries that set up social studies , among which history education is the essential part . American social studies are characterized as rich practical experience , fine curriculum , and strong theoretical support .

  29. 此外,根据当代中学教育文理分科的现状,有必要从文理科的不同教学特点入手与学科教学紧密地结合起来,分别采用不同方式培育学生的批判性思维能力。

    In addition , according to the status of contemporary arts division in secondary education , it is necessary to start from the arts and sciences teaching characteristics of different teaching approach and teaching closely together in different ways were used to cultivate critical thinking ability of students .

  30. 今年早些时候,安大略省医院协会(OHA)的举办了为期一天的教育论坛,急诊科的患者体验:从测量结果。

    Earlier this year , the Ontario Hospital Association ( OHA ) hosted a one-day educational forum , The Emergency Department Patient Experience : From Measurement to Outcomes .