
  1. 我也想给你看看你们祖先的画像。

    I 'd also like to show you images of your ancestors .

  2. 楼梯旁排列着他祖先的画像。

    The staircase was lined with paintings of his ancestors .

  3. 科学家今日绘制了一副地球上400年前人类祖先的画像。

    Scientists have captured a fascinating snapshot of one of our ancestors who walked the earth about 4000 years ago .

  4. 就好像是她转变了这个流派,而不再是去绘制很正式的总统或者祖先的画像。

    It is like she transformed the genre , it is not just formal depictions of presidents and ancestors any more .

  5. 看看这副图,科学家们应用了基因时间分析机来获得人类祖先的画像。

    Well , look at that , they used a genetic time machine of sorts to get the picture of what he might looked like .

  6. 但是,他冷不防看到了墙上一幅苔丝祖先的画像,一个自负凶恶的女人,看起来就像是她憎恨并要欺骗所有的男人。

    But his eye was caught by a painting on the wall of one of Tess 's ancestors , a proud fierce woman , who looked as if she hated and wanted to deceive all men .