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  1. 世界银行行长罗伯特·B·祖伊力克说,对于解决世界饥饿的短期粮食需求而言,钱是最主要的。

    Robert B.Zoellick , president of the World Bank , said money was crucial to solving the short-term need for food aid to feed the world 's hungry .

  2. 弗兰妮(Franny)和祖伊(Zooey)长大后依然苦闷吗?

    Or that Franny and Zooey remained in a funk ?

  3. 还记得这个记者——祖伊·巴恩斯(ZoeBarnes)的前男友吗?祖伊就是第二季一开头弗兰克从地铁站台推下去的那个。

    Remember this journalist and former boyfriend of Zoe Barnes , whom Frank pushed off a subway platform at the beginning of Season 2 ?

  4. 祖伊女士没有不知道的。

    That Madame Zoe does not know .