
  • 网络motherland;reunification of China
  1. 问题的核心是祖国统一。

    The most important issue is the reunification of the motherland .

  2. 台湾前途系于祖国统一。

    The future of Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland .

  3. 宗教极端主义催生的恐怖主义困扰着世界;打击三股势力,维护祖国统一;

    The terrorism caused by the religious extremists haunts the world .

  4. 祖国统一是中华民族的最高利益。

    Unification of China is the highest benefit of Chinese people .

  5. 台湾问题是至关祖国统一能否最终实现的关键。

    Taiwan question is the key to accomplish unification of China .

  6. 维护民族团结,促进祖国统一;

    Safeguarding the national unity , promoting the unity of the nation ;

  7. 孙中山谋求祖国统一与再造共和的奋斗

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen 's Struggle to Reunite and Rebuild China

  8. 澳门回归在祖国统一大业中的地位

    The Status of Macao 's Return in the Motherland Reunification

  9. 促进祖国统一的八项主张

    The eight propositions on promoting the reunification of the motherland

  10. 祖国统一大业取得新进展。

    Fresh progress has been made in the great cause of national reunification .

  11. 中华民族认同与中华民族21世纪的强盛&兼论祖国统一

    Identification and Prosperity of Chinese People in 21st Century

  12. 孔子的爱国主义思想与祖国统一大业

    Confucius Patriotism Ideology and the Unity of Our Motherland

  13. 七是祖国统一和对外开放的理论;

    The theory of Chinese Reunification and Opening Policy ;

  14. 我们要共同奋斗,实现祖国统一和民族振兴。

    We should all strive to reunify our motherland and revitalize our nation .

  15. 争取祖国统一的全民族大团结十大纲领

    Ten-Point Programme of Great Unity of the Whole Nation for Reunification of the Country

  16. 十、丰富一国两制实践和推进祖国统一

    Enriching the Practice of One Country , Two Systems and Advancing China 's Reunification

  17. 维护祖国统一事关中华民族的根本利益。

    To safeguard national unity bears on the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation .

  18. 实现祖国统一,要靠发展。

    It is with the development that we realize the reunification of the motherland .

  19. 试论闽南文化在祖国统一大业中的价值和作用

    Discuss about the Values and Functions of the Minnan Culture in Reuniting Our Nation

  20. 共同努力,实现祖国统一

    We should all strive to reunify the motherland

  21. 对于和平实现祖国统一,已经采取了新的政策。

    A new policy was adopted to achieve the peaceful unification of our country .

  22. 牢固树立马克思主义历史观积极维护祖国统一

    To Adhere to the Marxist Concept of History and to Maintain the Unity of China

  23. 解决台湾问题,完成祖国统一大业提上具体日程

    Put on the agenda settlement of the Taiwan question for the reunification of the motherland

  24. 军事安全利益着重表现为捍卫祖国统一、维护领土完整、防范军事威胁以及军控和防止核扩散;

    Military security interests contain territorial integrity , protection against military threats and so on .

  25. 祖国统一和中外关系

    Reunification of the Motherland and Sino-Foreign Relations

  26. 完成祖国统一大业。

    Accomplish the great cause of reunification .

  27. 正反比较,坚定维护祖国统一信念;

    Compared positive with negative , vindicate mother country gather into one with Attic faith .

  28. 一国两制:香港的成功实践与祖国统一

    " One Country , Two Systems ": Successful Hong Kong Practice and Reunification of the Motherland

  29. 祖国统一是历史的必然&论历史上三次收复台湾

    Historical Inevitability of Our Motherland Unity

  30. 祖国统一是党在新世纪的三大历史重任之一。

    Unifying country is one of the Party 's three historic tasks in the new century .