
qū ɡōnɡ suǒ
  • district office;county borough;townhouse
区公所 [qū gōng suǒ]
  • [local government] 掌管区、地方自治事务的机关

  • 区公所的人几乎认识居住在这儿的每个人

  1. 街上单独的哨兵和回到区公所去的国民自卫军被人解除了武装。

    They disarmed isolated sentinels and National Guardsmen in the streets on their way to the Townhall .

  2. 他们把这个地主捆起来送到了区公所,并控告说,“这个家伙杀害过八路军的一位地下工作人员,还贪污了你们的粮食。”

    Having seized him , they brought him to the district government and declared : " He killed an intelligence agent of the8th Route Army and grafted your grain . "