
  1. 我国农业功能的地域分异与区域统筹定位研究

    Research on Regional Differentiation and Orientation of Agricultural Multifunctions in China

  2. 我国城镇密集区的区域统筹发展研究

    A Study on the Regional Coordinated Development in Urban Clusters of China

  3. 构建了二、三产业土地增量指标区域统筹配置模型。

    Fourth , it constructs the regional configuration model about the incremental land in the secondary and tertiary industry .

  4. 寻求区域统筹发展的有效途径被列入国家发展的重要课题之一。

    To find the best way for the coordinating regional development is one of the most important subject on the national development .

  5. 加快中部地区的经济发展,实现中部经济崛起,是实现我国区域统筹、协调发展的关键。

    The rising economy in Chinese central areas is the key to making our national economy develop healthily and plan as a whole .

  6. 论文研究结论:要实现土地整理的高级模式,建议建立区域统筹的土地整理投资机制和差异化的土地整理激励机制。

    Research conclusion : To actualize the advanced mode of land arrangement , to set up regional overall investment mechanism and diversity incentive mechanism of land consolidation .

  7. 城乡区域统筹供水必须发挥政府的公共服务职能,建立政府主导型的市场推动模式,形成政府调控市场,市场调控供求的新机制。

    Meanwhile , the government should exert its function of public service to build the market-oriented model and form a new mechanism accommodated by both the government and the market .

  8. 区域统筹和协调发展是促进社会结构更为合理、社会生活更加和谐的重要机制之一。

    The author emphasizes that making overall plans for regional coordinated development is one of the critical mechanisms to achieve a more reasonable social structure and more harmonious social life .

  9. 坚持区域统筹,整合东北区城市发展,研究实施以城市为中心的大区域发展规划,是振兴东北老工业基地的关键。

    What are essential to the rejuvenation of the old industrial base in northeast China lie in regional unification and the mutual coordination among the cities in northeast China . Apart from these , the development planning of northeast China focusing on urban areas should be investigated and carried out .

  10. 区域经济统筹发展的十个关系

    Ten relationships of overall development of regional economy

  11. 科学发展观的提出蕴含着深远的理性思考和崭新的思维理念,彰显出鲜明的时代特征,这为新时期、新形势下环北部湾区域海陆统筹问题研究提供了理论指导。

    Proposition of the scientific development view contains profound rational thinking and new ideas , and reveals a distinct features of the times .

  12. 推动优势农产品产业带建设是新时期从区域上统筹我国农业发展的战略选择。

    Promoting the superior agricultural products industrial area building is the strategic choose of China agriculture development by regional overall arrangement in a new stage .

  13. 东北三省均是我国重要的老工业基地,在制度环境、经济结构及历史背景等方面极为相似,应作为一个经济区域,统筹规划发展。

    The three Northeastern Provinces are all important old industrial bases , and they are similar in the aspects of system environment , economic structure , and historical background and so on .

  14. 青岛市小城镇环境基础设施专项规划应避免单独进行,不能仅限于单个小城镇,应打破行政区划界限,从青岛全市小城镇发展建设和区域角度统筹规划。

    Qingdao small city-town environmental infrastructure special plan should avoid being conducted separately and only among limited single small town , but should break administrative area limit , and should plan as a whole from small town development and construction and the domain . 4 .

  15. 基于协同视角的区域图书馆业务统筹管理&以东莞图书馆为例

    Integrated Management of the Regional Library Businesses Based on Collaborative Perspective & Taking Dongguan Library for Example

  16. 接下来,站在理论的高度分析了区域高等教育统筹的内涵、原因、必要性、原则和主要任务。

    Then analyses theoretically the connotation , reason , necessity , principles and main task of the regional higher education plan as a whole .

  17. 本文以期为宁夏旅游业的发展制定差别化区域政策、统筹区域可持续发展提供战略指导,并为我国旅游主体功能区划提供理论参考。

    Put forward strategic guidance for co-ordination of regional sustainable development . the dissertation also concentrates on providing theoretical reference for national tourism major function oriented zoning .

  18. 市场发展规划是指在一定区域范围内统筹安排各类不同层次市场的网络布局,制定其发展的总体目标与实施方案。

    Development planning is to plan as a whole all kinds of network-distributed markets in a certain area and to set down the collectivity object and detailed scheme .

  19. 壮大县域经济,是实现区域和城乡统筹发展的客观要求,而在县域经济的发展中,人才是关键。

    Strong county economy is the objective requirement and this concerns to realize the regional , urban and rural development as a whole , and in the development of county economy , talented person is crucial .

  20. 尽管如此,新版《城市规划编制办法》在区域与城乡统筹、公共参与、城市公共安全等方面仍存在一些问题,尚需进一步改进。

    In spite of that , there still exist some problems in the new edition of the urban planning - making method in such fields as region and urban-rural integration , public participation , urban public safety , etc. , which require further improvement .

  21. 并强调了五个统筹的任务目标,即统筹城乡发展,统筹区域发展,统筹经济社会发展,统筹人与自然和谐发展,统筹国内发展和对外开放。

    Moreover , it emphasized the target of five orchestrations , which is orchestrating both cities and countries development , orchestrating the district development , orchestrating economy and society development , orchestrating human being and nature development together , orchestrating domestic development and open outward .

  22. 随着关中-天水区域的建设,统筹科技资源在软件产业得以实践。

    With the construction of Guanzhong-tianshui economic area to coordinate scientific and technological resources to practice in the software industry .

  23. 目前,在我国区域宏观调控与统筹发展中还存在着一些障碍与问题,非常不利于统筹区域发展战略目标的实现,而必须高度重视并解决。

    At present , there are many barriers hindering the target of planning the regional development as a whole to be realized .

  24. 由于聚焦与扩散是跨行政区域的,城乡统筹也就该在城市群内而仅仅在行政区内进行。

    Because the agglomeration and diffusion are the cross administrative division , urban-rural integrated development should also in the urban agglomerations rather than just in the administrative area .

  25. 因此,结合区域自身情况,统筹代际间的协调发展,加强水资源的优化配置成了解决当前水资源问题的必然趋势。

    Therefore , considering the condition of region itself , to approach development over generations in harmony and to strengthen rational allocation of water resources is becoming the only solution to deal with a series of water problem .

  26. 进一步,为实现泛长三角区域一体化提出了区域统筹和城乡统筹协调发展等相关对策以及安徽省承接长三角产业转移的必要措施。

    Further , we propose countermeasures for the regional balance development and the coordinated development of both the urban and rural area and Anhui taking on industrial transfer from the Pan Yangtze River Delta .

  27. 开展城市发展功能区划旨在为促进区域内人与自然的统筹发展、为区域统筹提供科学依据,为实现区域空间均衡发展提供决策支持,从而形成联系紧密的区域经济共同体。

    Developing functional zoning is aim at promoting balanced development between people and nature in region , providing scientific basis for the regional balanced development and the decision support for balanced development of regional space and forming a well connected ' regional economic community ' .

  28. 城乡整体观与区域可持续发展区域宏观调控与统筹发展的障碍及解决

    The Development Barriers and Solutions of Regional Macro-regulation and Planning the Development as a Whole

  29. 农业区域发展是一门研究农业地域分工、区域统筹与区域可持续发展等农业区域问题的新兴学科。

    Agriculture regional development is a new research subject studying on agriculture regional division of work , regional planning as a whole and regional sustainable development , etc.