
  • 网络regional hydrology
  1. 利用ERDASIMAGINE遥感影像软件编制区域水文地质图

    Working out regional hydrology geologic map with ERDAS IMAGINE remote sensing image software

  2. 通过敦煌盆地自然地理和区域水文地质及盆地地下水均衡分析,将250m左右深度处稳定流线以上的含水层作为数值模拟对象,概化为非均质各向同性平面二维流混合层;

    By analyzing the physical geography , regional hydrology and geology information , and groundwater equilibrium of DunHuang Basin , this paper simulates the aquiferous layer which has the thickness of 250 m , and consider it as two dimension mixed layer which is heterosphere and isotropy .

  3. TDS空间变程较大,主要受区域水文地质条件、地形地貌、土壤类型等大尺度因子影响;

    The range values of TDS is up to 64.8 km and 67.2 km , respectively , which are subject to the large scale factors such as hydrogeological conditions , topo-physiognomy and the type of soil and so on ;

  4. 遥感图象在区域水文地质普查中的应用&马关幅航卫片解译的几个实例

    The application of remote sensing images to the regional hydrogeological reconnaissance

  5. 立交区域水文条件复杂,排水困难。

    This interchange area has complicate hydrological conditions and difficult water drainage .

  6. 小比例尺区域水文地貭图编制方法管见

    Suggestion of compiling small - scale regional hydrogeological maps

  7. 全球气候变化对区域水文影响的模式研究

    Modeling the global climate change impacts on regional hydrology

  8. 511铀矿床区域水文地质综合评价中的同位素技术研究

    Study of isotope technology in regional hydrogeologic comprehensive assessment , uranium deposit No.511

  9. 浅析水源热泵对区域水文地质条件的影响

    Discussion on the influence of water source heat pump on regional hydrogeologic condition

  10. 区域水文地质成图中的坐标转换

    Coordinate transformation in the mapping of regional hydrogeological

  11. 近年我国区域水文研究的若干进展

    Recent progress of regional hydrology of China

  12. 论湖南省地方性甲状腺肿流行区与区域水文地质特征的关系

    On the relation of local goiter prevalent area of Hunan to the characteristics of environmental hydrogeology

  13. 华北平原地下水形成与区域水文循环演化的关系

    Relationship between the Formation of Groundwater and the Evolution of Regional Hydrologic Cycle in North China Plain

  14. 在陆面过程方案中考虑精细的水文模型有助于改善对区域水文及气候的模拟。

    Considering a detailed hydrologic model in the land surface scheme helps to improve the simulation of regional hydro-climatology .

  15. 西北内陆平原水资源开发引起的区域水文效应及其对环境的影响

    On the regional hydrologic effect caused by the development of water resources and its influence on ecological-environment in inland arid area

  16. 海洋型冰川是气候变化敏感的指示器,冰川的变化对周边地区水资源的供给及区域水文过程具有深刻的影响。

    The monsoonal temperature glacier is sensitive to climate change and is closely related with regional water resource and hydrological processes .

  17. 地下水环境质量的展布特征与区域水文地质条件及污染源的分布具有较好的相关性。

    The distribution characteristics of the environmental quality is closely related to its regional hydrological condition and the distribution of contaminant sources .

  18. 不仅可为敦煌盆地合理开采利用地下水资源提供依据,而且将丰富区域水文地质的系统研究工作及地水资源信息化和可视化。

    The result can provide the basis of exploiting the groundwater reasonably and enrich the study , information and visual display of regional hydrology .

  19. 全新世以来太行山前倾斜平原地下水形成、演变与区域水文循环演化的周期性密切相关。

    The formation and the evolution of regional groundwater have been closely related to periodic hydrological cycle in piedmont clinoplain of Taihang mountains since Holocene .

  20. 其次,确定了研究区域水文地质参数;分析了浅层地下水水量平衡关系。

    Second , hydrogeological parameters in study area are determined . Then , the balance between recharge and excretion of shallow groundwater quantity is analysed .

  21. 随着人口和经济的增长,土地利用形式渐趋复杂,土地利用强度逐渐加大,土地利用/土地覆被变化对区域水文水资源的影响越来越深刻。

    With the development of economy and population , the degree of the land use becomes deeper , and the effect on water resources is fiercer .

  22. 从土壤水分平衡原理出发,以降水量、温度和区域水文观测等因子为基础,建立了土壤干旱指数模型。

    Based on the principle of soil water balance , including precipitation , temperature and other observations , this article built a model of soil drought index .

  23. 植被覆盖度变化研究对高寒草地生态系统变化、草地群落变化、区域水文乃至整个高寒地区生态系统结构都具有重要意义。

    Vegetation cover change has great significance on alpine grassland ecosystem change , change in grassland communities , regional hydrology and the whole structure of alpine ecosystem .

  24. 晚更新世以来华北平原地下水形成、演变与区域水文循环演化的周期性密切相关,区域地下水资源的形成能力取决于区域水文循环演化的进程。

    The formation of groundwater is closely related with the evolution of regional hydrologic cycle in periodicity in North China Plain since the last phase of the Pleistocene .

  25. 依据区域水文地质、地球化学环境特征,研究了濮阳市地震台2号井水化动态的变化原因。

    Acoording to the structures of the region hydrogeology and the characteristics of the geochemistry , the hydrochemical variation reasons of No.2 well at Puyang area are analyzed .

  26. 在研究东北某铀矿床区域水文地质条件的基础上,进行了现场水文地质试验,进而对矿床水文地质条件做出了地浸开采评价。

    Based on the study of regional hydrogeology , the hydrogeological test was carried out at a uranium deposit in DongBei , then the hydrogeological conditions for in-situ leach mining are evaluated .

  27. 再结合区域水文地质条件,对比分析不同测线中单井涌水量的相对大小,最终确定理想井位。

    Then , in combination with the regional hydrogeological condition , the rational well positions were finally determined by comparison of the relative water outflow from single wells on different measurement lines .

  28. 应用程序通过该组件的接口实现区域水文地质空间数据和属性数据的交互查询和更新,为水文地质工程辅助设计模块提供输入数据。

    This system interfaced by this component makes the realization of exchanging / updating of hydrogeological spatial data and attribute data , which will provide input data for hydrogeology engineering accessorial design module .

  29. 山东省1∶20万空间数据库结合山东省区域水文地质特点,共建立了27个图层,完成12个图幅的建库工作。

    Combing 1 ∶ 200000 spacial data base with regional hydrogeological characteristics in Shandong province , 27 mapping sequences have been established , and data base-establishing work of 12 maps have been completed .

  30. 通过对辽宁本溪水洞区域水文地质条件、水文监测和示踪试验等资料的综合分析,对本溪水洞地下暗河的补给源及补给条件等进行了系统研究。

    By comprehensive analysis of hydrogeology condition , hydrology monitoring and particles tracing tests in the cavity area of Benxi , the paper researches on the recharged source and its condition of sub rivers this area .