
  1. 国际经济一体化和区域经济集团化是当前世界经济的重要发展趋势之一,尤其以区域贸易安排(RTA)引人注目,其数量迅速增长。

    International economy unification and regional economy collectivization are the important development trend of current world economy . Especially RTA is conspicuous .

  2. 本文在世界三大经济板块中,选取最具有代表意义的三大区域经济集团&EU、NAFTA和CAFTA,以它们为实例来探讨区域经济一体化为成员国带来的各种经济效应。

    The article chooses three typical regional economic groups EU 、 NAFTA CAFTA from three economy blocs in the world , and tries to discuss their various economic effects caused by integrity of regional economy .

  3. 世界经济格局中的三大区域经济集团之比较

    A Comparision among the Three Regional Economic Groups in the World

  4. 区域经济集团化浪潮对美国霸权的影响

    The Influence of Regional Economy Blocs to the U.S Hegemony

  5. 论当代区域经济集团化与南北贸易

    Talk about Contemporary Regional Economy and North and South Trade

  6. 试论世界区域经济集团的新发展

    Trial Remark on the New Development of the World Area Economy Groups

  7. 区域经济集团化发展的新阶段与中国的抉择

    New Stage in the Development of Economic Regionalism and the Choice for China

  8. 20世纪90年代后,区域经济集团蓬勃发展起来。

    Late in 1990s , regional economy blocs have flourished rapidly and widely .

  9. 日本关于区域经济集团化政策的艰难调整

    Japan 's Difficult Adjustment of Regional Economic Conglomeration Policies

  10. 中国新疆参与中亚次区域经济集团的条件、模式与对策

    On the Participation of Xin-jiang in Middle-Asia Sub-regional Economic Bloc : Conditions , Models and Countermeasures

  11. 加入综合区域经济集团成员国的区域性联盟,可得到普惠制的累积优惠额。

    A regional association contributing to the comprehensive regional economic integration of its members may be granted GSP cumulation benefits .

  12. 最后,本文就三大区域经济集团对我国经济的影响进行了归纳,并针对上述分析结果提出我国应对区域经济一体化的几点策略选择。

    Finally , it concludes the affects to our country by three regional economic groups , and puts forward several countermeasures .

  13. 区域经济集团化特别是大都市圈化已经成为世界经济发展的一个重要趋势。

    Regional economy collectivization , especially the formation of metropolitan circle has already become an important trend in the development of world economy .

  14. 经济全球化、区域经济集团化已经成为世界经济发展的重要趋势,西非国家走区域一体化的道路也是顺应历史发展潮流的。

    Economic globalization and regionalization have become the important trend in world economy . West Africa taking the road of regional integration complies with the trend of historical development .

  15. 全球经济一体化,区域经济集团化是21世纪发展的潮流,国际化、信息化和高新技术正在重建我们的世界。

    Global economic integration and regional economic collectivization are the development trend in the 21 ~ ( st ) century . Internationalization , information and hi-tech are rebuilding our world .

  16. 地缘经济学是在世界经济全球化和区域经济集团化不断加深的国际背景下出现的一种解释国际关系的新理论。

    Geo-economics is a new theory to explain the International Relations , it appears on the background of the globalization of the world economy and the collectivization of the regional economy .

  17. 快建立区域经济集团,坚持出口市场多元化,分散我国的出口风险,减少对美市场的相对依赖程度,反制美国对华经济威胁,提高对抗美国制裁的能力。

    ( iii ) to set up regional economic blocs , diversify our export market , lessen the dependence on US market and improve the ability to confront US economic sanctions ;

  18. 鉴于东盟地缘位置的重要性,与该地区的国家组成区域经济集团,是我国在亚太次区域实施的重要战略举措,契合中国的亚太整体战略意图。

    In light of ASEAN 's geographical importance to China , it is an important strategic measure to establish a regional economic group with ASEAN countries and this agrees with our Asian-Pacific strategic intention .

  19. 积极推动和参与亚洲经济一体化进程,既是中国应对经济全球化与区域经济集团化挑战,又是营造中国和平发展的国际环境的战略措施。

    To promote and joint the Coarse of economic integration in Asia is China to countermeasure the challenge of globalization & regionalization , and also the strategic measure to construct peaceful environment for its developing .

  20. 世界经济一体化、区域经济集团化的趋势将促进全球旅游市场进一步开放和融合,这一潮流呼唤旅游产业区域合作时代的到来。

    The trend of international economic integration and regional economic collectivization promotes the international tour market to be opened and integrated further , and this current is calling up the age of regional tourism cooperation .

  21. 作为经济欠发达省份的吉林省,在经济全球化和区域经济集团化的今天,如何迎头赶上发达地区,实现跨跃式发展,一直困扰着在这片黑土地上生活的人们。

    Jilin is one of the underdeveloped provinces in terms of economy in China . Under the circumstances of economic globalization and the regional economy , Jilin is facing the problem of how to develop and keep the pace .

  22. 区域经济集团化与全球化一样,已经成为推动世界经济进步的最重要的力量之一,但这一趋势在全球经济增长最快的亚太地区进展却相对缓慢。

    Regional economy grouping has already become one of the most important strength of promoting economic progress in the world like globalization , but this trend is relatively slow in the global progress of the Asian-Pacific area with fastest-rising in economy .

  23. 在当今经济全球化与区域经济集团化的时代背景之下,中国与中亚国家的区域经济合作这一古老而又常新的课题再一次引起了世界各方的关注。

    On the ground of the economical globalization and the regional economy collectivization , nowadays , the regional economic cooperation between China and the central Asian , an ancient and new issue , is arousing all quarters ' interesting around the world .

  24. 随着世界经济一体化、区域经济集团化进程的加速,世界各国各地区近年来明显加快了旅游业区域合作的步伐,尤其以包括亚洲在内的发展中国家最为突出。

    The global and regional economic cooperation organizes grow quickly . With the acceleration of such process , the step of the regional tourism cooperation quicken up obviously . Among them , the development of Asia including China is mostly stand out .

  25. 随着经济一体化步伐的加快和合作水平的不断提高,目前,欧洲联盟和北美自由贸易区已成为世界上实力最强、影响力最大的区域经济集团,并深刻影响着世界经济发展格局。

    With the rapid progress of economic integration and constant improvement of cooperation , presently , EU and NAFTA have been deemed to be the most powerful , influential , and largest regional economic groups , and deeply affected the world wide economic development .

  26. 技术合作是国际经济一体化中重要的内容,在区域经济集团中,整合区域内的技术资源,技术合作的研发和分享技术成果,从而推动经济发展已经成为国际社会的一种共识。

    The technical cooperation is in the international economy integration the important content , in region economic bloc , in conformity region technical resource , technical cooperation research and development and share technical achievement , thus the impetus economy development already became the international society one kind of mutual recognition .

  27. 试论区域性经济集团的形成与分布

    Discussion on the Formation and Distribution of Regional Economic Groups

  28. 区域性经济集团化在当今成为世界经济中的一种全球性趋势。

    Regional Economic Blocs become a global trend of present world economy .

  29. 世界区域性经济集团化研究综述

    A comprehensive review on the research of regional economic integration in the world

  30. 它经历了由小到大、由弱到强的发展过程,从最初的几乎是纸上谈兵似的经济合作逐步成长为包括10个国家、涉及几乎各个行业和领域的颇有影响的区域性经济集团。

    It develops gradually from scratch to a very influential regional economic group including 10 countries and covering almost all the fields .