
  • 网络financialization
  1. 经济金融化对我国经济结构调整与变化的影响主要体现在支持效应与约束效应这两个方面。

    The effect of financialization on economic structural reform is manifested in support effect and restraint effect .

  2. 随着经济金融化的不断深入和公众金融资产的不断增加,金融的社会属性日益明显。

    With the deepenness of economic financialization and the increase of public financial assets , financial social attributes become increasingly apparent .

  3. 经济金融化已经成为各国经济发展的一种必然趋势。

    Financial-oriented economic development of countries has become an inexorable trend .

  4. 并以此为基础,研究金融市场化进程对中国经济金融化以及对中国经济增长产生的影响。

    On the basis of computation we study the impact of financial liberalization progress upon financial development and economical growth in China .

  5. 随着经济金融化的不断发展,由金融资产价格风险波动所引起的经济波动便不断引起人们的普遍关注及研究兴趣。

    With the continuous development of economy financial , the risks of financial asset price volatility have absorbed widespread concerns and research interests for causing economy fluctuations .

  6. 随着金融全球化,经济金融化以及金融自由化趋势的发展,作为金融市场核心的资本市场也踏入了不断创新,走向国际化的历史进程。

    With the globalization and liberalization of banking , capital market , which is the core of the financial market , is experiencing financial innovation and internationalization .

  7. 随着经济金融化、金融证券化以及金融市场一体化趋势的加强,虚拟经济和知识经济时代悄然而至。

    Along with the trend of economic globalization , financial market integration and financial system securitization , The fictitious economy and knowledge economy Era is coming before we knew .

  8. 金融脱媒又称金融非中介化,是指随着经济金融化、金融市场化进程的加快,资金的供求双方绕开金融中介直接进行资金融通的现象。

    Financial disintermediation means with the process of economic and the financial markets development , both of the supply and demand of funds bypassing financial intermediaries to cooperate directly .

  9. 个人理财是经济金融化过程中促使国民储蓄有效转化为投资,完善金融体系功能,推动国民经济持续发展,增加社会福利的重要机制。

    Personal Financing ( PF ) is an important mechanism that transforms saving into investment and that improves the function of financial system and continual development of national economy and welfare .

  10. 在经济金融化程度方面,上海市经济金融化程度加深促进了经济增长,而江苏和浙江两省经济金融化程度加深对促进经济增长作用并不明显。

    In the aspect of the degree of economic and finance , the deepening of it has promotes economic growth in Shanghai city , but it is not obvious in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province .

  11. 在国际经济金融自由化、一体化和全球化的大背景下,中国加入世界贸易组织,以更积极的姿态参与国际经济循环。

    Under the background of international economic and financial liberalization , integration and globalization , China joins WTO and participates the international economic circulation more actively .

  12. 随着世界经济金融自由化、一体化、全球化的发展趋势,混业经营已成为现代经济发达国家金融经营体制的重要特征,而金融监管的构建与完善是保证金融体系安全与有效运行的前提条件之一。

    Along with developing tendency of liberal , united and globalized world economy , financial mixed farming has become important feature of modem developed countries ' financial management system .

  13. 伴随着经济金融开放化、国际化和现代化的发展趋势,现代银行业面临的金融风险越来越多,越来越难以预测和控制。

    With the opening , internationalization and modernization of economy & finance , modem bank is facing up with more and more financial risks , and these risks are becoming more and more difficult to predict and control .

  14. 一些评论人士把美国和英国经济的“金融化”以及信贷危机问题归咎于mba精英。

    Some commentators have blamed the MBA elite for the " financialisation " of the US and UK economies and the troubles of the credit crunch .

  15. 台湾地区金融控股公司的建立是在经济、金融自由化的背景之下。

    Taiwan financial holding companies are established based on the background of economic and financial liberalism .

  16. 全球经济已进入金融化的阶段,航运业金融化的趋势非常明显。

    The global economy has entered a stage of financialization ; the trend of the financial shipping industry is obvious .

  17. 伴随经济关系日益金融化,金融在资源配置中的作用也得到了越来越多的重视。

    With the increasing financial economic relations , financial role in the allocation of resources has also been more and more attention .

  18. 但由于我国的经济、金融市场化程度不高,我国的公开市场操作存在许多问题。

    Many problems are present in the operation of the open market in China due to the poor marketization of her economy and finance .

  19. 与此同时,发展中国家经济金融二元化趋势却愈加显著,农村金融长期处于抑制状态。

    Meanwhile , the tendency of dual economic and financial structure became more significant , rural finance was under the long-term suppression in developing countries .

  20. 随着经济全球化、金融化进程的加快,日本保险业以限制竞争、严格监管著称的监管模式受到了挑战。

    With the acceleration of economic globalization and financial innovation , Japan 's insurance supervision mode which is known as strict management by competition restriction faces new challenges .

  21. 其研究的立论基础是随着经济发展和金融化率的提高,金融资产不断膨胀,居民在进行当期商品消费的同时,选择多渠道资产投资日益成为经济发展的常态。

    The argument is based on the situation that residents select multi-channel asset investment has increasingly become the norm while they consume current goods for economic development with economic and financial , financial assets continuing to expand .

  22. 我国加入WTO以后,在经济金融全球化、自由化、一体化的大背景下,人才争夺成为中外资银行竞争的焦点。

    After the entry into WTO , competition between Sino and abroad banks focuses on bidding for talents in the backdrop of economic , financial globalization , liberalization , and unification .

  23. 我国的利率市场化改革必须立足于世界经济一体化和金融自由化的现实环境之中,特别是加入WTO对我国经济产生了深远的影响:一方面,我国与国际金融的接轨进一步强化;

    The reform of the interest rate rule in China is undergoing at the background of globalization and liberalization . China 's entry into the WTO has a deep influence on our economy : on one hand , we will further merge into the international financial market ;

  24. 转轨经济中的金融自由化:次序与路径选择

    Financial Liberalization in the Transitional Economy : Choices on Orders and Paths

  25. 经济全球化、金融自由化成为不可逆转的趋势。

    Economy globalization and finance liberalization becomes irreversible trend .

  26. 在经济全球化、金融电子化的背景下,国际反洗钱成为一个重要的世界性课题。

    With the pervasive development of economic globalization , anti-money laundering has become an important global issue .

  27. 经济全球化与金融自由化的理论思考

    Globalization and Financial Liberalization

  28. 随着经济货币化和金融化进程的推进,金融对经济的推动作用不断增强,经济的货币化、信用化程度越高,货币信用对经济的可调节作用越强。

    With the growth of currency and financial economy , the effect of finance on economy is enhanced .

  29. 文章认为,经济全球化和经济金融化的当代发展赋予发展中国家资本形成新的内涵;

    According to this paper , economic globalization and financialization have entrusted to the capital formation a new connotation .

  30. 经济一体化与金融区域化&长江三角洲经济发展中的金融联动策略研究

    Economic Integration and Regional Financial Integration & Strategic Study of Joint Financial Action in the Economic Development of the Yangtze Delta