
  • 网络Economic Factor
  1. 滑雪运动资源与经济要素分析

    Analyzing the Resource and Economic Factors of Skiing Sport in China

  2. 中国经济要素的空间配置效应

    The Space Deployment Effect on Chinese Economic Factors

  3. 经济要素流与区域经济可持续发展

    The flow of economic elements and sustainable development of regional economy

  4. 2006新资本论10大经济要素之变

    2006 New Capitalism & The Transformation of 10 Key Economical Factors

  5. 资金是决定基础产业发展的重要经济要素。

    And fund isa key factor to the development of basic industries .

  6. 没有几种经济要素比大宗商品价格更重要。

    Few economic forces are more important than commodity prices .

  7. 人才回归的实质是在地域空间上推进人才的合理回流,带动地域经济要素良性互动,驱使区域经济整体发展。

    The essence of talents returning is talents flowing .

  8. 道德意识与政治及经济要素在这里是一致的。

    The moral impulse and the political and economic imperatives here are aligned .

  9. 江垭大坝工程施工中变化的经济要素

    Variable economical factors in construction of Jiangya dam

  10. 我国经济要素投入与经济增长的关系研究评述

    A Overview of the Relation Between Economic Element Input and Economic Growth in China

  11. 微利房供给与需求的社会经济要素分析

    An Analysis of Social Economy Factors Governing the Supply and Demand for Scanty Profit Houses

  12. 既然人们现在都很看中经济要素,我们为什么不能在利用文化的经济价值的同时来保护它的社会价值呢?

    The social value of culture can be protected by management of economic value of culture .

  13. 行政壁垒抬高了区域间经济要素流通的成本,降低了经济活力。

    The administrative bulwark increases the circulation cost of the economic element and reduces the economic vigor .

  14. 最后就物流经济要素的空间组织作简单的总结。

    In the final , the author simply concluded the organization model of the logistics economic factors .

  15. 然而,经济要素劳动力、技术和资本无法永远保持增长。

    But economic " inputs " labour , skill levels and capital could not keep rising forever .

  16. 社会经济要素是目前促使碌曲县草原生态状况发生变化的最主要动因。

    Social and economic elements are the most important motivation making the grassland ecological conditions changed in Luqu County .

  17. 本文认为,以地域文化为代表的非传统经济要素对区域经济的发展具有重要作用。

    This paper argues that the non-traditional economic factors such as regional culture have important role for regional economic development .

  18. 交通系统为城市经济要素的有效移动和运转提供物质基础,保障了城市发展的顺利进行。

    Traffic proffers carrier for the efficiency movement and operation of economical factor , it guarantees the development of the city .

  19. 城市是各种社会经济要素聚集的场所,是城市经济赖以生存的物质空间形式和条件。

    City is the place where all kinds of socio-economic factors aggregate , and the physical space where the city economy survives .

  20. 构成可持续发展战略的基本要素主要有:经济要素、社会因素、资源因素、科技因素、人的因素等。

    The basic factors include economic , social , resource factors , scientific and technological factors , human factors and so on .

  21. 其经济要素的空间集聚和制度突破的空间集聚相交织的特点已经成为未来经济发展的一种特殊模式。

    The integration feature of space accumulation of economic factor and the system cutting has been a special model on economic development .

  22. 经济学认为,城镇化是各种非农产业发展的经济要素向城镇聚集的过程。

    Economics analysis , we usually think that town is changed is the development of non-agricultural economic elements to urban agglomeration process .

  23. 生态环境已经从单纯意义上的人类生存要素转变为社会意义的经济要素。

    Ecological environment has converted from the essential factor of human existing from the single meaning to an economical element of social significance .

  24. 城市是现代社会中各类经济要素集中、经济发展最具活力的地方。

    As we know , the city , absorbing the variety of economic factors , is the most dynamic places in the modern society .

  25. 上海郊区农业结构调整是上海农业区域经济要素和生态环境需求在地域布局上的特征反映。

    Readjusting agricultural structure in the suburbs of Shanghai should reflect the features of agricultural production factors and ecological conditions in the regional economic layout .

  26. 第三部分论述了企业集群竞争优势,企业集群的竞争优势可以用直接经济要素的竞争优势和区域创新系统两个方面体现出来;

    Thirdly , the author discuss competitive advantage of enterprises cluster , which embody in competitive advantage of direct economic elements and region innovation system .

  27. 区域空间布局是区域空间结构的动态调整过程,即在战略性规划的指导下,对各类经济要素和非经济要素的地域配置过程。

    Regional spatial layout is a dynamic process of regional spatial structure , i.e.economic and non-economic factors are territorially collocated with the guide of strategic plans .

  28. 土地是一种稀缺性资源和重要经济要素,在社会经济发展中具有不可替代的作用。

    Land , as one of the rare resources and an important economic factor , plays an unsubstitutable role in the development of society and economy .

  29. 矿山是一种特殊的地理和工业区域,其地理空间要素和社会经济要素的内容具有广泛性、综合性、复杂性及动态性。

    The mine is one kind of special geographical and industrial region and its geo-spatial , social and economical factors are widespread , comprehensive , complicated and dynamic .

  30. 首先,定性地分析无水港的选址原则,把影响无水港选址的要素划分为经济要素和非经济要素。

    First , the location principle is analyzed , which divides the land port location factors into two parts , namely the economical factor and the non-economical factor .