
  • 网络Employee services;EAP;CoreStaff Services
  1. 在加入安利公司前,张女士在英美烟草公司任员工服务经理五年。

    Before joining Amway , Liza has been with British American Tobacco Co for 5 years and her position was Employee Services Manager .

  2. 其中员工服务和售后服务对顾客忠诚的影响力最大。

    Staff services and after-sales service are the most influential .

  3. 麦当劳的员工服务态度好。

    The service quality of the employees of McDonald 's is good .

  4. 出品依然卓越,员工服务态度细心入微,令人宾至如归;

    The product is remarkable and the staff courtesy service is unforgettable .

  5. 员工服务台支持电子支付和现金支付。

    Staffed service counters will support electronic and cash payment .

  6. 你对于连卡佛的员工服务质素有何感想?

    What do you think about Lane Crawford staff 's service quality ?

  7. 加强员工服务意识,为商家提供一流的经营后勤保障。

    Enhance employees'senses of service ; serve lessees top-ranking guarantee of management logistics .

  8. 餐饮业员工服务质量控制与保障研究

    Controlling and Insurance on Service Quality for Employee of Food and Beverage Enterprises

  9. 员工服务更加周到和专业。

    The staff are more attentive and professional .

  10. 酒店顾客的满意度乃至忠诚度直接取决于员工服务质量的高低。

    Hotel customer satisfaction and even loyalty is directly dependent on the level of employee service quality .

  11. 通过培育员工服务意识、提高服务技巧,塑造服务形象;

    We build service identity by awakening personal ' idea of service , and raising service techniques .

  12. 饭店各级管理人员的公仆型领导风格对员工服务质量的影响

    The Impact of Servant Leadership at all Hierarchical Levels on Employees ' Service Quality in Hotels and Restaurants

  13. 服务氛围与一线员工服务绩效:工作压力和组织认同的调节效应研究

    Service Climate and Employee Service Performance : Exploring the Moderating Role of Felt Job Stress and Organizational Identification

  14. 女性往往倾向于资源服务部门,包括员工服务和人事招聘还有内部人力资源专业工作。

    Women tend to dominate in the employment-services sector , which includes staffing services and recruitment positions as well as in-house human-resources professionals .

  15. 这就是第一阶段,为我们的客户,业务合作伙伴,供应商,以及员工服务并拥抱他们。

    Execute and hug those that are important to us : our customers , our business partners , our suppliers , and our employees .

  16. 我们已经承诺,在未来三年内,将提供价值5000万美元的员工服务,帮助非营利性组织更有效地进行工作。

    We 've pledged $ 50 million in services-that 's right , $ 50 million worth of our employees " time-over three years to help non-profit organizations boost their effectiveness .

  17. 作者在27个宾馆、餐馆、旅行社进行了一次实证研究,探讨服务导向概念的组成成分与员工服务导向的影响因素和作用。

    The authors have done an empirical study in 27 hospitality business firms to investigate the dimensions of the construct of service orientation , explore the antecedents and consequences of employees ' service orientation .

  18. 在此基础上,以顾客体验为中介变量,本研究构建了功利倾向、享乐倾向、餐饮食品、用餐环境和员工服务对顾客体验价值影响的理论模型。

    On this basis , the impact models from utilitarian tendency , hedonistic tendency , catering food , dining environment and service to experiential value was constructed , with customer experience as the intermediary variable .

  19. 同时,本研究根据实际需要对员工服务形象和顾客感知价值进行了操作性界定,为今后此类研究打下一定的基础。

    At the same time , this study achieve the actual needs of the staff service identity and customer perceived value of the operational definition for the future and lay a foundation for such research .

  20. 提高顾客满意度:对待会员要公平、一致;对待会员要微笑;倾听会员心声;沟通;员工服务技能的培训和发展。

    Improving customer satisfaction : treatment of members to be fair and consistent ; treatment of members to be smiling ; listen to thinking of members ; communication ; train and develop employee service skills .

  21. 高校的后勤社会化改革,必须坚持正确方向,搞好两个转变,处理好三种关系,努力为师生员工服务。

    Argues that the socialization reform in institutes of higher learning should keep to the correct orientation , deal properly with two types of transformation and three types of relations , so as to serve the staff and students well .

  22. 企业主导的影响因素对顾客主导的影响因素也有正向影响:员工服务对顾客满意的影响力最大;品牌形象对关系信任的影响力最大;员工服务对转换成本的影响力最大。

    Factors dominated by enterprise also have positive effects on customers : Staff services and after-sales service is the most influential on customer satisfaction . Brand image is the most influential on relation trust . Staff services is the most influential on switching cost .

  23. 员工服务信息管理,对酒店客房管理系统的使用员工进行管理,包括对员工的基本信息(如用户编号、用户姓名、电话、用户类型等)进行检索、录入和修改。

    Staff service information management of hotel rooms in the use of the management system management , including employees on staff of the basic information ( such as user Numbers , the user name , telephone number , the user types ), recorded and modification .

  24. 服务氛围是影响员工服务行为和服务绩效的一个重要因素,服务氛围会影响服务行业中员工的工作态度,加强员工的服务导向意识,有效地促进员工积极为顾客提供优质的服务。

    Service climate is the important factors of service behavior and customer perceived service quality , service climate will affect staff attitudes and behavior , enhance staff awareness of service-oriented , incentive to work hard to do service work , In order to provide quality services to customers .

  25. 在社会信息化背景下,利用现代信息和通信技术,建立起一个实现信息资源共享、提高各部门工作效率、改善领导决策支持和面向师生员工服务的校务体系。

    In the context of social information , it is very important to use the modern information and communication technology , and establish an implementation of information sharing and improved efficiency of various departments , to improve leadership decision-making support and staffing service for teachers and students of the school .

  26. 在营销理念的指导下,分析了E时代的服务营销组合:员工、服务设施和服务过程。

    Under the guide of marketing concept , the service combination of staff , service facilities and service process in E time are analyzed .

  27. AAAA中国的人力资源部门是为公司所有员工提供服务的一个部门。

    AAAA China 's human resource department provides services to all employees of the company .

  28. 员工自助服务作为HRMS的一项解决方案,将为企业人力资源管理搭建一个标准化、规范化、网络化的工作平台。

    As a part of the HRMS , employee self-service will also create a standard , methodical and technological working platform .

  29. Wise认为服务企业一线员工在服务创新中处于一个非常特殊的位置,服务企业一线员工往往拥有管理人员缺乏的第一手的工作经验,因此他们对于顾客的期望拥有更好的认识。

    Wise ( 1996 ) suggested that frontline employees are in a unique position to respond to the demand for innovation in organizations . Frontline workers often possess firsthand experience that managers lack ; thus they may gain better insights into what clients expect .

  30. 大量IT技术的引入,eHR可以通过集中式的信息库、自动处理信息、员工自助服务、外部协助以及服务共享等信息化手段,使人力资源管理达到降低成本、提高效率、改进员工服务模式的效果。

    Introduction of massive IT technology , through information methods such as centralized information base , automatic dealing with information , employee self-service , external assistance , shared service and so on , eHR can make Human Resource Management descending cost , raising efficiency , improving employee service mode .