
  • 网络Employee Equity
  1. 首先分析了对企业和员工层面的影响,然后详细阐述了具体是如何影响企业效益和对员工的激励、员工公平和满意度的,初步梳理出对应的评价维度及可以考核的内容。

    Firstly analyzed the effect of level of enterprises and employees , then elaborated on how to effect the specific business benefits and incentives , employee equity and satisfaction , the initial to tease out the the corresponding dimensions of evaluation and the content of the can be assessment .

  2. 这样对留下的员工公平么?

    Are you fair to the employees still there ?

  3. 员工公平感各维度与工作满意度各维度是呈显著的正相关关系。

    Each dimension of justice perceptions was positively related to each dimension of job satisfaction .

  4. 企业员工公平感现状及激励对策研究

    An Empirical Study on the Employees ' Perception of Justice in Corporations and the Incentive Measures

  5. 一般将外部公平、内部公平和员工公平看作是薪酬公平的三个层面。

    The fairness of the salary mainly in three aspects : external fair , fair and employees within the fair .

  6. 员工公平感与工作积极性不同产权制度下,员工的工作积极性是不同的,员工都有参与企业管理的愿望和意识。

    Fair sense of employees and initiative in work The paper compares the employee 's satisfaction content in some enterprises with different property right system .

  7. 本文以员工公平感为主要研究对象,探讨企业薪酬制度中工资结构与员工公平感之间的关系。

    This article take staff fair feeling as main object of study , in discussion enterprise salary system between wage structure and staff fair feeling relations .

  8. 研究得出如下结论:(1).员工公平感具有三个维度,分配公平、程序公平和互动公平,其中程序公平和互动公平为相关的但有区别的两个维度;

    The conclusions indicated that : ( 1 ) There are three dimensions of employee justice , procedural justice and interactional justice are two different but relevant dimensions ;

  9. 薪酬管理的关键在于对员工公平,即,对于每个员工来讲都能有机会;对公司的成本控制,即,以最少的成本达到最大的效益。

    The key of pay management lies in fairness to all employees each employee has the opportunity , and the company 's cost control to maximize benefits with the least cost .

  10. 公平敏感性与员工组织公平感的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Equity Sensitivity and Organizational Justice

  11. 实现更加公平的贸易,给予员工们公平的竞争环境,

    achieve more fair trade that gives workers a level playing field ,

  12. 较强的沟通和团队精神,对待员工诚实公平。

    Good communication and teamwork spirit , honest and fair dealing with operators .

  13. 中国员工组织公平感结构和现状的实证解析

    An Empirical Study on the Structure and Reality of Organizational Justice in China

  14. 对所有员工都公平。

    It is fair to all the staff .

  15. 知识型员工组织公平感与工作满意度关系研究二、情感冲突为派遣员工知觉最多的冲突类型。

    The Study on the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction of Knowledge Workers ;

  16. 饭店员工薪酬公平感和满意感对员工工作积极性的影响

    The Impact of Employees ' Perception of Pay Fairness and Pay Satisfaction on their Work Effort in Hotels

  17. 工作场所欺凌行为包括威胁、毫无根据的批评、歧视以及对其他员工不公平的偏袒。

    Workplace bullying can involve threats , baseless criticism , discrimination and favoring some employees unfairly over others .

  18. 因此,解决员工的公平感问题对组织的发展有很大意义。

    So it is very important to solve the problem of the fair sense for the development of the organization .

  19. 因此积极识别员工的公平偏好对企业制定恰当的锦标激励制度具有重要意义。

    So it is very important for corporations to screen and evaluate precisely the fairness preferences of employees when designing the tournament system .

  20. 国有企业员工分配公平感的研究对国有企业分配制度改革有很重要的现实意义。

    The researches about the personnel payment equity-sense ofthe state-owned enterprises are significant to the practices ofthepayment system reform of the state-owned enterprises .

  21. 因此,采取性格测试等手段积极识别员工的公平心理偏好强弱,对企业制定恰当的薪酬激励制度具有重要意义。

    So , it is very important for enterprises to screen the fairness preferences of employees by means of personality evaluation when designing optimal incentive systems .

  22. 如果你一直梦想着自己创业,那就去开一家公司,为员工提供公平的工资。

    If you 've always dreamed of starting your own business , go build a company that is a model for paying its workers a fair wage .

  23. 研究指出,随着员工组织公平感的提升,会弱化由心理契约破裂所导致的消极行为倾向。

    It shows that , with the promotion of organizational justice on employees , the inclination to negative behaviors caused by psychological contract breach can be weakened .

  24. 在鲍康如的诉讼案中,她要求得到大约1600万美元的赔偿金,理由是凯鹏华盈未能为员工提供公平的竞争环境。

    Ms Pao had alleged in her case , seeking some $ 16m in damages , that Kleiner Perkins failed to provide a level playing field for staff .

  25. 但是如果同样的标准应用于严峻市场的销售代表,这将对那些对外部结果负责人的员工不公平。

    But if the same criteria apply to sales representatives who have extremely had market , it would be unfair to hold these employees accountable for results caused by external factors .

  26. 因此,研究知识型员工组织公平对组织认同的影响机制问题具有重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study of relationships between organizational justice and organizational identification , and the function mechanism of the effect of organizational justice on organizational identification is of great practical significance .

  27. 企业管理者可以从科学薪酬体系、加强程序公平、重视管理沟通等方面来改善员工的公平感受和组织承诺,提高其工作绩效。

    Enterprise managers may from a scientific salary system , strengthen procedural fairness , attach importance to management and co-workers , to improve the fairness feelings , organizational commitment and promote their job performance .

  28. 心理契约违背是一种主观性认知,受到员工组织公平感的影响,员工在其心理契约遭到违背时会影响到个人行为表现,最终导致产生离职倾向。

    Psychological contract is a kind of subjective perception of organizational justice , by the influence of employee psychological contract , in which were violated will affect the individual behavior , eventually leading to the generation of turnover intention .

  29. 公平在企业管理中是一个十分重要的问题。加强企业的公平管理,能创造一个和谐的企业环境,同时能增强员工的公平感、增强工作满意度、激发员工的工作积极性。

    Justice is very important in business administration , for promoting the fairness of business administration can create a harmonious environment of an enterprise , strengthen employee 's sense , excite the employee 's working enthusiasm , as well as heighten working satisfaction .

  30. 在这样的背景下,考虑具体的薪酬政策对于员工的公平感知、承诺以及团队公民行为的影响对于团队和团队薪酬体系在新时期的企业实践应用中,便具有举足轻重的意义。

    Al is significant but complicated for researchers . Thus in this context , it may bringout great meanings to the practices of our enterprises by considering the impact of team-based pay policy on team members ' perceived justice , team commitment and team citizenship behaviors .