
  • 网络need theory;theory of needs;ERG Theory
  1. 论马克思人的需要理论及其当代价值

    The Person 's Need Theory of Marx and Contemporary Value

  2. 麦克利兰需要理论对高校引进高层次人才的启示

    Inspiration of Mc - Clelland 's Need theory to High-Level Talent Recruitment at University

  3. 验证调控性SNP的实验方法成本高,效率低,因此非常需要理论预测作为补充和指导。

    The experimental validation of regulatory SNP are costly and time-consuming , so it is necessary to apply theoretical prediction as complement and instruction of experiments .

  4. 中华民族伟大复兴需要理论准备和理论指导。

    Chinese nation 's great rejuvenation needs theory preparation and theoretical guidance .

  5. 但服务贸易的飞速发展又需要理论的指导。

    But the development of services in trade calls up the theory .

  6. 从马斯洛的需要理论看高校贫困生的心理冲突

    Psychological Conflicts of Impoverished University Students From Maslow 's Need Hierarchy Theory

  7. 改革开放的实践,需要理论的指导。

    The practice of Reform and Opening-up needs the guide of theory ;

  8. 为什么马斯洛的需要理论会受到非难?

    Why has the Maslow theory of needs been criticized ?

  9. 需要理论在高中课堂管理中应用的研究

    Research of Demanding Theory that Applied in Senior High School Classroom Management

  10. 社会课在我国刚刚起步,需要理论的支持,更需要实践来发现问题和解决问题。

    We need more theoretical support and more practice to solve the problem .

  11. 推力与拉力:如何应用激励与需要理论设置管理的机制?

    Push and pull : how to use motivation approaches set management mechanism ?

  12. 中国经济史研究需要理论的整合与创新。

    Theoretically speaking , researches in Chinese economic history need conformity and innovation .

  13. 女性主义理论仍然需要理论的反思。

    Feminist theory still needs theoretical reflection .

  14. 运用人类基本需要理论护理重度药疹患者1例

    Nursing a Patient With Severe Drug Eruption According to the Theory of Basic Human Needs

  15. 语言实践需要理论的回应和支撑

    Language Practice Needs the Support of Theory

  16. 对马斯洛需要理论的再认识

    Re-understanding of Maslow 's Need Theory

  17. 我们是否真的不需要理论?理论在我们这个时代是否已经丧失了魅力?答案是否定的。

    Do we really not need theory ? Does the theory lose its charm in our time ?

  18. 工程实践的突飞猛进,需要理论创新和技术集成的有力支撑。

    The rapid progress of engineering practice requires the strong support of theoretical innovation and technology integration .

  19. 电子游戏艺术还处于新生阶段,需要理论界更多地关注。

    The art is still staying in the newly born stage , needing more concerns from theory field .

  20. 在目前情况下,如何正确认识和预测食品安全问题需要理论的指导。

    Under the present situation , it needs theory instruction to know and the forecast food safety correctly .

  21. 首先,需要理论是大学生思想政治教育的理论基础之一。

    First , the need theory is one of the theoretical foundations for university student ideological and political education .

  22. 因此,行政许可权如何集中,既需要理论的研究,也需要实践的探索。

    Therefore , how to centralize the administrative license power need not only theoretical research , but also practical exploration .

  23. 需要理论研究人们的需要心理,这对于思想政治教育工作的开展有着重要的意义。

    Need theory researches people 's need psychology , it has important meanings to the expansion of Ideological and Political Education .

  24. 企业统计改革和创新是一个系统的工程,需要理论指导和实践探索。

    Enterprise statistical reformation and innovation is a kind of systems engineering which need ( theoretical ) guidance and practical exploration .

  25. 在高校建立大学生志愿服务活动的长效机制,是一个需要理论和实践探索的过程。

    Establishing the long-term mechanism of college students'volunteering services activities is a need to explore the process of theory and practice .

  26. 要正真发挥附条件逮捕制度的作用,还需要理论和时间工作者做出不懈的努力。

    To really really play the role of a conditional arrested system , also need to theory and time workers make untiring efforts .

  27. 本文首先对基本心理需要理论和员工敬业度相关理论进行回顾,系统梳理了在基本心理需要理论中人类基本心理需要的基本构成及员工敬业度的研究现状。

    It straightens out current research status of general components of human basic psychological needs and employees ' engagement in basic psychological theory .

  28. 一言以蔽之,经济越发展,保险的重要性就越突出,也就越需要理论指导。

    To sum up , the more economic develops , the more important insurance is , and the more theoretical guidance insurance needs .

  29. 把对弱势群体权利的保护和救济设定为国家基本义务,在宪法上予以确立,需要理论的证成,需要寻求弱势群体宪法保护的正当性。

    Legislating and constitutionally establishing the protection and relief in favor of worse-off people as a state obligation requires theoretical confirmation and validity verification .

  30. 有关罚金刑执行的研究是一个历久而常新的课题,它需要理论和法律实践的长期磨合。

    The study on execution of fine punishment is a permernant and new research topic which calls for the combination of theory and law practice .