
  • 网络demand generation
  1. 对于任意性换道行为,根据驾驶员换道的三个阶段分别建立换道需求产生模型、间隙检测模型和执行换道模型。

    Three stages of drivers ' discretionary lane changing behaviors are modeled to characterize the demand generation , gap acceptance and execution of lane changing , respectively .

  2. 根据协同需求产生Agent行为模型

    Building Agent Behavior Model in Terms of Coordination Requirment

  3. 由于增长的WEB服务需求产生了用户体验与现有网络带宽的矛盾。

    Increasing applications of WEB service give rise to contradiction between the limited bandwidth and user experience .

  4. 这种需求产生了IDLarray和sequence。

    These requirements gave rise to the IDL array and sequence .

  5. 缓存的密集使用会对WebSphereCommerce应用层硬件基础架构的需求产生重要影响。

    Extensive use of caching strongly influence demands that WebSphere Commerce makes on hardware infrastructure on the application tier .

  6. 本文介绍了一个运用MIS多年的中型制造企业的管理信息系统从需求产生到实施、应用的全过程。

    This paper introduced all the phase such as how demand of MIS beget , implementation and application of MIS in one enterprise 's MIS construction which has used MIS for many years .

  7. 其结论是,中国股市的发展已经对狭义货币M1的需求产生了较大影响,而且整体上加剧了狭义货币M1需求的不稳定性;

    Our conclusions is that the development of China 's stock markets has made bigger impact to the demand of M1 , and pricked up the unstabilization of the demand of M1 ;

  8. 其中重点分析了股票市场价格变动对投资需求产生影响的托宾q效应和对消费需求发生作用的财富效应。

    As important part , the text has analyzed Tobin 's Q effect , manifesting how stock market price change have an effect to investment demand , and the wealth effect , showing how stock market price change have an effect to consumption demand .

  9. 安赛乐米塔尔首席财务长阿迪亚?米塔尔(AdityaMittal)在另外一次电话会议上向记者表示,价格将对需求产生影响,这对钢铁企业来说不是好事情。

    ' There will be impact on demand , and that is not a good development for the steel industry , 'said Aditya Mittal , chief financial officer of ArcelorMittal , on a separate conference call .

  10. 图书馆是伴随着社会对知识的需求产生和发展起来的。

    The library develops along with the demand for knowledge by society .

  11. 并且深入阐明了这种新需求产生的动因。

    It demonstrates the cause of the new demand .

  12. 在市场对贱金属的需求产生新的变数之际,资源类股票也出现回调。

    Resources stocks also retreated amid fresh uncertainty over demand for base metals .

  13. 需求产生贸易,贸易产生运输。

    Commodity demand produces trade , trade produces transportation .

  14. 卷烟企业的发展对卷烟设备的需求产生了巨大的影响。

    Such adjustments and development must have the great influence on cigarette equipment .

  15. 人的需求产生动机,动机推动和引导人的行为。

    Man 's needs produce motivation , and motivation drive and facilitate man 's behavior .

  16. 压力被定义为人体根据外部需求产生的一种反应。

    Stress is defined as the body 's response to any demand made upon it .

  17. 达实公司的变革需求产生于业务发展和组织发展过程中遇到的阻碍。

    The requirement of organization change was caused by obstruct coming with business and organization development .

  18. 但是,对于汽油提价是否会对需求产生很大影响,分析师们看法不一。

    But analysts are divided over whether high petrol prices will have much impact on demand .

  19. 随着社会和学校体育的不断发展,顺应体操内容多样化发展的趋势,体育教育专业女子体操专修学生对课程内容的需求产生了很大变化。

    With the development of society and school P.E. , gymnastics content has changed a lot .

  20. 然而,克莱认为对廉价服装的需求产生了堆积如山的垃圾。

    However , Cline argues that the demand for ever cheaper clothing has created mountains of waste .

  21. 消费者对未来的心理预期会对房地产需求产生直接影响。

    Consumer psychology for the future real estate demand is expected to have a direct impact would be .

  22. 老年人的生理变化和心理变化对他们的居家养老服务需求产生了很大影响。

    Elderly physiological changes and psychological changes had a significant impact on their demand for home care service .

  23. 任何直接或间接地影响现代消费信贷的购买欲望和购买能力的因素都会对现代消费信贷的需求产生影响。

    Any factors affecting directly or indirectly purchase desire and purchase capacity will influence demand of modern consumption credit .

  24. 该章首先总结了股票市场对货币需求产生效应的经济理论。

    Firstly , this chapter summarizes the theories about the effect of stock market on the demand for money .

  25. 医疗保险制度能够对医疗服务需求产生影响,进而影响医疗消费。

    The medical insurance system can affect the demand for medical services , thereby , affecting the medical consumption .

  26. 知识经济时代对档案资源的形成、管理、需求产生了巨大的影响。

    Present times of knowledge economy has a great effect on the formation , management and demand of archives resources .

  27. 社会保障支出对居民消费需求产生挤出或挤入效应是最近关注的焦点之一。

    Whether the effect of social security expenditure on residents'consumption demand is positive is a hot issue in academic field .

  28. 如果美国步入衰退,无疑将会对贱金属的需求产生某种影响。

    There will undoubtedly be some kind of effect on demand for base metals if the US goes into recession .

  29. 市场营销的理论和实践的本质在于探讨需求产生、发展和传递的规律。

    The essence of marketing theories and practices lies in approaching laws by which needs emerge , develop and transmit .

  30. 我这样做是为了让你看清所谓的「压力」从何而起的,你才不会对此需求产生误解。

    I am doing this so that you might know what the pressure is , and not misunderstand the need .