
  • 网络demand gap;needs gap
  1. 随着国民经济持续发展,油气需求缺口不断加大,供需矛盾进一步突出。

    With the national economic development , increasing oil demand gap , further highlight the contradiction between supply and demand .

  2. 在人口分析的基础上,对2000年南京市住宅市场的“需求缺口”进行定量研究。

    Based on the demographic analysis , the paper studied the " demand gap " of Nanjing housing market in2000 .

  3. “股票需求缺口”有助于解释为什么会是这样。

    The equity gap helps explain why this should be so .

  4. 这可看作是反映社会总需求缺口规模的一个指标。

    That is an indicator of the scale of the demand shortfall .

  5. 流动人口计划生育服务与生殖保健需求缺口及应对

    Ensure Technical Services of Family Planning and Hygiene of Procreation to the Floating Population

  6. 国内增长是否将弥补需求缺口?

    Will domestic growth take up the slack ?

  7. 第三章根据我国港站设施的发展规划得出港站建设的资金需求缺口;

    Chapter three is mainly about the analysis of capital demand in port and station construction ;

  8. 事实上,尽管存在巨大的需求缺口,印度钢铁市场对于外国投资商一直持保守态度。

    In fact , India has always been conservative about foreign investment in steelmaking despite supply shortages .

  9. 随着中国城市化、工业化的加速,水资源的需求缺口也日益增大。

    With the acceleration of China urbanization and industrialization , the demand for water resource is growing .

  10. 为帮助解决快递业电动车需求缺口,深圳交警将增加5000辆备案电动自行车的配额。

    They will help to reduce the shortfall by licensing an additional 5000 electric bikes for the courier sector .

  11. 中国可以做出重大贡献大约相当于全球需求缺口的三分之一。

    China has a big contribution to make in the order of a third of the deficit in global demand .

  12. 但总的来说,新兴市场(尤其是中国)看起来不太可能弥补需求缺口。

    But there appears little likelihood that the emerging markets in general and China in particular are likely to fill the gap .

  13. 国际航空燃油市场虽然持续供过于求,但是中国持续出现需求缺口。

    Although supply is being over demand in the world market of aviation oil , demand gap is sustainable in China market .

  14. 因此,消费将持续疲软,而大西洋两岸现在实施的财政紧缩又使得政府无法去填补消费疲软留下的需求缺口。

    Consumption will therefore remain weak and austerity on both sides of the Atlantic now ensures the state will not fill the void .

  15. 建议是通过研究时间定向的供应/需求缺口和评估伴随供应和需求的风险开发而来的。

    The recommendations are developed from studying the time-phased supply / demand gap and assessing the risks inherent to both the supply and demand .

  16. 分析师们表示,为弥补持续的外部需求缺口,中国需要更有力地推动国内消费。

    Analysts have said that to make up for the continued lack in export demand , China would need an even stronger push to domestic consumption .

  17. 只有联邦政府才能够填补需求缺口,可是如果政府花钱太节俭,经济衰退又卷土重来那时的赤字将会更加严重。

    Only the federal government can fill the demand gap , and if it is too parsimonious and the recession returns , the deficit would get much worse .

  18. 为完成这一高难度使命,东莞市政府正寄望于出口部门的企稳,同时期望固定资产投资和消费能弥补需求缺口。

    To pull this rabbit out of a hat , the Dongguan government is counting on the export sector to stabilise while fixed-asset investment and consumption take up the slack .

  19. 市场简要分析:磷矿广泛用于磷盐化工产业,市场需求缺口大,发展前景好。

    The Brief Analysis of Marketing : The phosphorite is widely used in the phosphorus salt chemical industry and the market demand gap is so big that the foreground is prosperous .

  20. 智联招聘高级顾问黄若珊认为,产生这种现象的原因是由于大量学生涌入热门专业,但该专业相关领域的岗位需求缺口却是固定的。

    Fixed odds The reason for this is that many students flock to hot majors while their related industries have fixed recruiting demands , according to Huang Ruoshan , senior consultant at Zhaopin.com .

  21. 这样的“股票需求缺口”将几乎完全是新兴世界的现象,股票发行将层出不穷,以便为推动今后的增长而筹集资金,但新兴市场本身却缺乏相应的股权资本,来吸收这些股票。

    This " equity gap " is almost entirely a phenomenon of the emerging world , which will experience a cascade of equity issuance to finance future growth but lacks the indigenous equity capital to absorb it .

  22. 通过小城镇土地供需分析研究表明,我国土地短缺十分严峻,小城镇土地需求缺口较大,小城镇必须合理利用现有土地,增强集约功能和土地经济效益,从而缓解需求压力;

    And the study of the demand of the land indicates the shortage of land is serious , and the small town must rationally use the land and increases its intensive role and the economical efficiency to meet the demand .

  23. 为了说明农村金融市场长期失衡状态,本文在分析农村金融供给时,既考虑了正规金融组织的供给,也考虑了非正规金融组织的供给,得出了相对准确的需求缺口。

    In order to illustrate the long-term imbalance of the rural financial markets , this paper takes into account both the supply of the formal financial institutions and the supply of the informal ones when it analyzes the rural financial supply .

  24. 但要想保持这种势头,美国和欧洲的消费者支出必须稳步复苏,以减少必须由亚洲弥补的需求缺口规模。

    But if it is to be sustained there will have to be a steady recovery in consumer spending in the US and Europe to reduce the size of the gap in demand that has to be made up by Asia .

  25. 此外,放宽市场准入,增加农村金融市场的竞争性,并拓宽抵押范围,有助于缩小农户贷款需求缺口,提高农村金融服务水平。

    Moreover , relaxing of market access , increasing the competition of the rural financial market , and broadening the scope of collateral can help narrow the gap of farmers ' loan demand and improve the level of rural financial services .

  26. 然而,当他宣布将在伦敦著名的O2Arena体育场举办复出演唱会后,不仅最初几场的门票即刻售空,巨大的需求缺口迫使他又加签了50场,演出场数达到了空前之多。

    But when he announced he ` d be doing a series of comeback concerts at London ` s famed O2 Arena , not only did the initial dates sell out immediately , the demand was so insatiable he was signed on for an unprecedented 50 shows .

  27. 但是,对英国多个行业的研究显示,雇主们总体上无法准确定义其需求和缺口。

    But research across several sectors of the economy shows that employers as a whole run into problems defining exactly what it is they need and what is lacking .

  28. 当前世界性的能源资源短缺,能源需求和缺口剧增,使得能源成为当今世界各国广泛关注的话题。

    The current worldwide face to the shortage of energy resources , energy demand dramatic increase . It makes the energy problem become a topic of concern in the worldwide .

  29. 但是,目前农村信贷产品多集中在生产信贷方面,消费信贷产品屈指可数,也没有开办针对仪式的消费信贷,信贷供给与需求的缺口十分明显。

    Most of the current rural credit products concentrate on the productive credit , and no offer for consumer credit , the gap of credit supply and demand is very obvious .

  30. 而人口结构、城市化、传统习惯三个具体的社会因素(S)说明了辽宁省住房保障需求未来缺口大的问题。

    Population structure , rate of urbanization , the traditional three specific social factors ( S ) used to confirm the conclusions : a big gap in demand for housing security issue .