
  • 网络demand constraint;demand constrained;Demand-side financial constraint
  1. 木工和士兵的需求约束是类似的。

    The carpentry and soldier demand constraints are similar .

  2. 我们发现,中国经济的两部门特点导致了阻碍经济发展的结构约束与需求约束。

    We find that two sector economy structure cause the structural constraints and demand constraints , hindering economic development .

  3. 我们结合FDI的需求约束和供给约束,就可以确定FDI的流量和分布。

    Combining the demand and supply constraints , we can determine the flow and distribution of FDI .

  4. 加入WTO后,福建经济增长面临的外部需求约束日益明显。

    After joining the WTO , the external demand that the economic grow th of Fujian faced was obviously restrained day by day .

  5. 那些受到快速地投放市场或者初始的产品展示需求约束的项目

    Those constrained by demands for rapid time-to-market or initial product rollouts

  6. 中国的经济增长、需求约束与税收结构

    Economic Growth , Demand Restriction and Tax Structure in China

  7. 模糊用户需求约束下再使用产品质量改进设计

    Quality Improvement Design under Fuzzy User Needs for Reusable Products

  8. 需求约束型经济的营销环境分析及对策

    Analysis of Marketing Environment in Demand-binding Economy and Their Measures

  9. 需求约束:军事经济运行的实质性变化

    Demand constrain : substantive change of military economic operation

  10. 论劳动力市场需求约束条件下的东莞经济模式

    On the economic model of Dongguan restrained by market demands of labour force

  11. 需求约束条件下卫生经济政策与战略的调整

    The Adjustment of Health Economic Policies and Strategies under the restraint of Demand

  12. 需求约束下工业化发展的影响因素研究

    A Study on the Effecting Factors of Industrialization Under the Condition of Demand Constraint

  13. 基于仿真的系统需求约束问题求解算法研究

    Simulation Based Algorithm for System Requirement Constraint Problem

  14. 本文讨论有资源需求约束的多出救点应急组合调度方案的求取问题。

    The problem for emergency combinatorial dispatch scheme with a restrained demand is discussed in this paper .

  15. 通过模型求解,可以得到满足需求约束的最佳拆卸决策方案。

    A best disassembly project was available by finding solutions through the model to meet the demand .

  16. 经济增长的约束已经由短缺经济时代的资源供给约束转变为消费需求约束。

    And the restraint of economic growth has changed from the resource supply into the consumption demand .

  17. 当经济受到需求约束时,增加潜在供应不会有什么效果。

    When demand is constraining an economy , there is little to be gained from increasing potential supply .

  18. 需求约束下的制度变迁及其适应性分析&以天津自行车业为例

    The Changes in Institutions under Demand Limit and the Adaptability & An Case Study of Tianjin Bicycle Plant

  19. 摘要供给、需求约束的强化,要求我国走新型工业化道路。

    The intensification of supply and demand makes it necessary for China to undergo a road of new industrialization .

  20. 制定既不忽视需求约束、又不依赖信贷繁荣的增长战略很重要。

    It is vital to craft strategies for growth that neither ignore demand constraints nor rely on credit booms .

  21. 因此,以需求约束型经济态势为基本前提假设的理论框架对这一时期日本宏观经济总量问题的研究均不适用。

    Therefore , the researches on Japan 's macro-economy based on the assumption of demand-constraint state are not applicable .

  22. 要实现中国经济持续增长,必须改变需求约束的增长格局,消费结构升级是扩大消费的重要源泉。

    To realize the sustainable growth of China 's economy , we should change the growth pattern of " demand con-straints " .

  23. 提出了一种基于仿真的求解系统需求约束问题的算法。

    A novel algorithm on the basis of simulation is put forward to solve the system requirement constraint problem in this paper .

  24. 用实证分析方法对广东高新技术产品进出口分析后可知,广东高新技术产业正处于从供给约束型向需求约束型转型的过程中。

    An empirical analysis on the hi-tech products import and export in Guangdong reveals the hi-tech industries are changing from supply-restrained to demand-restrained .

  25. 在1994年左右经济发展的江苏省外部环境发生了很大的变化&从供给约束型经济逐步转向需求约束型经济。

    In about 1994 , great changes have taken place in the exterior environment of Jiangsu province : from supply-oriented economy to demand-oriented economy .

  26. 中国物流产业发展面临的主要问题和制约因素:①物流产业发展仍然面临着较大的市场需求约束;

    The vital problems and restrictions facing the development of logistics industry : 1 . The market needs can 't meet the requirement of its development .

  27. 同时,不同旅游资源和市场需求约束环境条件下,旅游就业的容量和模式也不相同。

    At the same time , the capacity and pattern of tourism employment are diverse with different tourism resource and the restriction market demand in China .

  28. 根据相关理论并借鉴国际经验,提出针对需求约束的新形势下解决我国的农村剩余劳动力转移的政策性主张。

    Base on relative theory and foreign experience , I will give some suggestions to solve the problems of rural surplus labor migration in new situation .

  29. 对集成性多阶段约束生产批量计划模型增加了关联约束和相关需求约束。

    Linking constraints and dependent demand constraints were added to the monolithic Multi-Level , multi-item Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem ( MLCLSP ) model for supply chains .

  30. 合成谬误是由于受到发达国家需求约束导致的,而南南贸易拓展被认为是规避合成谬误的有效途径。

    FOC is caused by the demand constraints in developed countries , while South-South trade expansion is considered to be an effective way to avoid FOC .