
  • 网络Realistic needs;current demand
  1. 根据乘客的现实需求和预测得出的潜在需求对梯群预测调度,给出了选择客流模板的算法和基于乘客需求预测的最大引力派梯算法。

    The forecast and dispatch of multi elevator group is brought forward by the potential demand of the passenger 's current demand and prediction .

  2. 但当面临夺取生存空间这一更为迫切的反现代主义的现实需求时,纳粹政权实施了战时妇女就业动员政策。

    While facing the more urgent current demand in capturing " living space ", the elite of Nazi implemented the women employment mobilization policy in wartime .

  3. 产品全生命周期管理(ProductLifecycleManagement,PLM)已经成为制造型企业实现制造自动化的现实需求。

    Require ment pattern Product lifecycle management ( PLM ) has become the real demand that manufacture enterprise implement manufacture automation .

  4. 课题将结合实际,将理论与现实需求相结合,提炼出Web数据抽取在商业银行客户风险监控中的实际意义和影响。

    The research has combined actual requirement with theory and finds out the benefits and impacts of web data gathering technology in customer risk monitor of commercial bank .

  5. NBA颁布新规则有历史原因和现实需求。

    NBA enacted new regulations caused by history factors and the demand of practice .

  6. 本文从我国社会现实需求出发,确定我国MBA商业伦理教育的目的是培养道德型领导。

    The goal and the objectives of the business ethics education for Chinese MBA are studied in this paper .

  7. 但是各种现实需求表明,单纯采用SAN或NAS还是难以令人满意。

    But various requirements show that it is hard to be satisfied if only SAN or NAS can be used .

  8. 然而,随着现代通信业务的迅猛发展,CDMA系统的容量也已经难于满足现实需求。

    But with the rapid development of the modern mobile communication , it is difficult for the CDMA system to meet the increasing service demand .

  9. 但是高性能的碱性铝空气电池一直未得到广泛地应用,其中一个重要原因便是铝电极存在着严重腐蚀、钝化、Al(OH)3清除等诸多问题,使电池性能指标难以满足现实需求。

    However , it has not been widely used partly due to such problem as corrosion and passivation , which make it difficult for the alkaline battery properties to satisfy the practice .

  10. N-Tier开发是当今商业社会的现实需求&如Silverlight和Ajax这样的应用模式使得N-Tier成为当前的主流。

    N-tier development is a reality in the business world today-application patterns such as those in Silverlight and Ajax make n-tier mainstream .

  11. PSTN网和以太网之间的融合通信,充分发挥两个网络资源越来越具有迫切的现实需求。

    It 's in the great demands to realize the intercommunication between PSTN and LAN , which can make good use of the network resource .

  12. E1/以太网适配器以基于嵌入式系统的网络平台架构为基础,基于上述现实需求,实现了E1与以太网之间的数据传输功能。

    The E1 / Ethernet adapter based on embedded network platform implement the data transmission between E1 and Ethernet transmission line , and meet the practicality requirement .

  13. 本文就是在这种现实需求的背景下,以XXX研究所为例探讨在内部审计部门实施风险导向审计方法的思路和程序。

    Taking XXX Institute as an example , a new idea and process about the risk-oriented audit approach by internal audit departments is illustrated in this thesis .

  14. 但随着部队人员装备结构调整和任务的多样化,C/S结构的MIS系统已逐渐无法满足军队现实需求。

    But with the adjustment of military personnel and equipment and the diversity of the task , MIS system based on the C / S structure has been gradually unable to adapt to the practical needs of the armed forces .

  15. 本文结合自己的本职工作和现实需求,设计实现了“基于FOXWEB的网络教学互动平台”,并对该系统从设计到实现进行了论述。

    Based on their own work and practical needs , design a " network-based teaching FOXWEB interactive platform ", and the system is designed to achieve the paper .

  16. 结合对专家系统领域的发展现状和军人心理咨询的现实需求的讨论,提出了研发SPCES的课题背景,对SPCES进行了简要介绍。

    We discuss the development status of artificial intelligence and expert system , the realistic need of soldier psychological counseling , and propose the researching and developing background of SPCES . We also introduce SPCES briefly . 2 . Domain modeling .

  17. 小额的资金构成了农户资金现实需求的主体;

    Small capital is the principal part of farmers ' demand ;

  18. 因此高分辨率的摄像系统有着很大的现实需求。

    Therefore , high-resolution camera system has great practical needs .

  19. 第二章对网络养老院出现的相关理论基础和现实需求进行了总结和评述。

    Chapter two , expounds theories and the basic demand of Web Resthome .

  20. 论文首先阐述了枣庄联通本地传送网建设的现实需求。

    It firstly expounds the ZaoZhuang unicom local transmission network construction practical needs .

  21. 终身学习视角下的中国继续教育现实需求分析

    The Actual Demands of Continuing Education in China from the View of Lifelong Learning

  22. 发展民营金融的理论与现实需求

    Theoretical and Practical Needs for Developing Private Financing

  23. 采用多种安全机制的多因素身份验证的现实需求

    The need for multi-security mechanisms with multifactor authentication

  24. 对控制数据和多媒体数据在工业以太网中的确定性传输提出了现实需求。

    Industrial Ethernet deterministic transmission of control data and multimedia data becomes real demand .

  25. 在流动人口中开展艾滋病预防及健康促进的现实需求

    Study on the demand of AIDS prevention and health promotion in the floating population

  26. 来自受众纷繁复杂的现实需求的变化

    From the need changes of complicated real life

  27. 我国对董事责任保险的现实需求分析

    Analysis on the Actual Demand of Directors ' and Officers ' Liability Insurance in China

  28. 强大的现实需求促使学界为其注入新的理论支撑与实证经验。

    The strong demand of reality needs new theoretical support and empirical research for them .

  29. 传统的手工加工以及低精度的机械加工已无法满足现实需求。

    Traditional manual processing and low-precision machining has been unable to meet the practical needs .

  30. 它的形成、发展和完善有其特定的历史背景和现实需求。

    Its formation , development and perfection have its particular historical background and realistic needs .