
xiàn jīn guǎn lǐ
  • cash management;cash control;control of cash payment
  1. 现金管理(CashManagement),是现代商业银行针对企业资金管理需求而推出的一种数字化和网络化的专业化金融服务。

    Cash management is a kind of specialized financial services launched by modern commercial banks , which is based on digital and networks , aiming at meeting the needs of enterprise funds management .

  2. 投资于外汇、支付与现金管理,以及全球贸易和应收款金融,在全球网络中实现高于GDP的营收增长。

    Delivering above-GDP revenue growth from its international network through investment in foreign exchange , payments and cash management , and global trade and receivables finance .

  3. 例如,多银行现金管理平台(MBS)和现金池内部优化利率模型。

    Take for example our Multi-Bank Solution ( MBS ) and optimised interest Rate Scheme ( OIRS ) .

  4. 与此同时,投资者可以预期得到更多类似渣打银行(StandardChartered)在本周四披露的消息,即该行贸易融资和现金管理业务的平均余额正在强劲增长。

    Meantime , investors should expect more of the type of disclosure on Thursday from Standard Chartered , which said that average balances in its trade finance and cash management businesses were growing strongly .

  5. 或者正如德国水龙头制造商高仪(grohe)的首席执行官大卫海内斯(davidhaines)所言:“获取自己所需资金的最佳方法是进行高超的现金管理。”

    Or as David Haines , chief executive of Grohe , the German tap maker , puts it : " the best way of financing yourself is through excellent cash management . "

  6. 普华永道中国金融服务业主管容显文(RaymondYung)表示:如果一家中国企业集团在海外壮大,国际现金管理业务肯定必须由一家外国银行来负责。

    Raymond Yung , PwC financial services representative for China , says : If a Chinese conglomerate has grown outside China , the international cash management definitely has to be done by a foreign bank .

  7. 这些服务使FHLB可以很容易地导入那些部门所需要的现金管理数据。

    These services allowed the FHLBs to easily import cash management data for use in their shops .

  8. 2008年金融危机爆发之后,FDIC将提供保险的存款上限提高到了25万美元,现金管理部门也由此把存入银行的现金比例提高到33%。

    After the 2008 crisis , the FDIC raised the insured account limit to $ 250,000 , and that has prompted cash managers to raise the proportion of funds they place on deposit to 33 per cent .

  9. 然后,我们又加入了为每个客户量身定制的现金管理解决方案。

    Then we added cash management solutions tailored for each individual .

  10. A商业银行现金管理服务业务设计和案例分析

    Overall Design on Bank A 's Cash Management Services and Case Analysis

  11. 建设银行现金管理业务分析及对策研究

    Analysis and Countermeasures Research on Cash Management of Construction Bank of China

  12. 现金管理:对流动资产的控制和使用。

    Cash management : Control and use of liquid assets .

  13. 此外,意料之外的现金管理公告弥补了上述不足。

    Moreover the shortfalls were tempered by the unexpected cash management announcements .

  14. 为什么公司踊跃地将其现金管理外包?

    Why are companies flocking to outsource their cash management ?

  15. 我国货币供应量影响因素的实证分析&兼论货币管理与国库现金管理之间的协调

    An Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing Monetary Supply of China

  16. 国有商业银行实施现金管理服务的具体构想

    Steps of State-Owned Commercial Banks in Providing Cash Management Service

  17. 严格现金管理,充分利用多余现金。

    Ensure excess cash is managed to maximize earning potential .

  18. 财务公司在企业集团现金管理中的作用

    Roles of financial companies in cash management of enterprise group

  19. 商业银行现金管理实践研究

    A study on Practice of Commercial Bank Cash Management

  20. 非寿险公司偿付能力额度和现金管理的研究

    The solvency margin and cash management for non-life insurers

  21. 美国政府现金管理改革借鉴与启示

    Cash Management Reform of the USA Government and Its Reference to Our Country

  22. 中小企业现金管理方法研究

    Study on Cash-Flow Management in Small and Medium Enterprises

  23. 调整基层现金管理的体制&热议现金管理归口反洗钱部门管理

    Adjustment of Cash Management System in PBC 's Branches

  24. A商业银行现金管理业务的营销策略研究

    The Study on Marketing Strategy of Cash Management Service of the Commerical Bank A

  25. 现金管理注意事项:多余的现金应及时存入银行;

    Cash management items : the surplus cash should be put in the bank ;

  26. 企业应如何加强现金管理

    How Strengthen the Cash Management of Business Enterprise

  27. 所谓国库现金管理,就是政府部门开展的现金管理。

    The so-called Government cash management is the cash management carried out by the government .

  28. 三是财政设立专门的国库现金管理和支付执行机构。

    Third , the establishment of specialized financial management and treasury cash payment executing agencies .

  29. 现金管理的基本要求是

    The basic objectives of cash management are

  30. 负责指导公司整体会计和现金管理政策和活动;

    Responsible for directing the company 's overall accounting and cash management policies and activities .