
  • 网络Cash Pooling;Cash pool
  1. 基于现金池管理模式的集团客户授信风险防控分析

    An Analysis of Credit Risk Preventing of Group Client under the Frame of Cash Pooling Management

  2. 最后,论文对现金池系统未来的发展趋势,作了分析和展望。

    At last , the thesis shows the prospect of the cash pool system .

  3. 美国财政部有收入流,美联储有基本上无限的印钞能力,而EFSF的现金池则设定为4400亿欧元,不能逾越。

    Unlike the Fed and the Treasury , which have revenue streams and basically unlimited money printing powers , the EFSF 's pool of cash is set at440 billion euros and cannot grow .

  4. 集团一级公司通过利用现金池管理系统,建立起合理的资金管理模式和体系,充分利用银行提供的综合资金管理服务,实施对分散在成员企业的资金进行集中管理。

    The head branch establishes a capital management mode through cash pool management system .

  5. 银行针对企业集团客户,推出的现金池管理系统可以很好的解决这个问题。

    With cash pool management system , commercial banks solve the problems for group companies .

  6. 如果现金池总额是$5,则每个优胜者获得$1加入其帐户。

    If the Jackpot for Cash Redemptions is $ 5.00 then each winner will receive $ 1.00 added to their account .

  7. 但近些年来,随着资产管理行业整合、各公司的财资管理功能集中化,现金池规模呈爆炸式增长。

    But in recent years , these pools have exploded in size , as the asset management sector has consolidated and companies have centralised their treasury functions .

  8. 如果资金不是来自于现金池,它就不是闲置的,克鲁格曼只能退后一步,希望政府会比企业更有成效地利用他的资金。

    If it is not to come from a cash box , it is not idle , and Mr Krugman can only fall back on the hope that the government will use his funds more productively than businesses can .

  9. 在功能上主要分为六个模块:全生命周期的账户管理、灵活控制的资金预算、多层次的现金池管理、直通式的结算平台、融资管理和和决策支持分析。

    There are six modules in the system , including account management of full life cycle , fund budget of flexible management , multiple tiers cash pool management , direct settlement platform , financing management and decision making analysis .

  10. 例如,多银行现金管理平台(MBS)和现金池内部优化利率模型。

    Take for example our Multi-Bank Solution ( MBS ) and optimised interest Rate Scheme ( OIRS ) .

  11. 花旗、汇丰、德意志、渣打银行等外资银行把全球现金管理作为重要业务带入我国的同时,也将现金池这一项比较新鲜的资金管理模式引进到我国。

    As foreign banks such as Citibank , HSBC , Deutsche-bank and Standard Chartered , etc. brought the global cash management concept into China , they also introduced cash pool model to China .

  12. 尽管现金管理部门千方百计想把现金存入多家银行,但由于现金池的规模太大,根本不可能实现有效的多样化。

    And while cash managers have tried to use multiple banks , their cash pools are so large that effective diversification is impossible .