
  • 网络Cash Journal;cash book
  1. 本文针对准则中的缺陷和不足,提出用多栏式现金日记账编制现金流量表的基本构想。

    The authors have developed a conception that the statement is to be made by means of cash journal .

  2. 每天将收到的现金及时解入银行,编制现金日记账。

    Ensure the cash that received to be submitted to the bank and prepare the cash journal .

  3. 准备现金日记账;

    Daily cash report preparation ;

  4. 使用销售日记账,现金日记账,和应收款明细分类账。

    Use the sales journal , the cash receipts journal , and the accounts receivable subsidiary ledger .

  5. 及时编制收付款凭证,登记银行、现金日记账。

    Make book entries involving in the cash inflow and outflow together with maintain cash and bank journals .