
  • 网络modern advertising
  1. 80年代中后期,CI战略作为一种先进的经营思想和现代广告战略传入我国,并逐渐在我国掀起了CI导入的热潮。

    In the second half of 1980s , the CI ( corporation image ) strategy was introduced into China as an advanced market operation concept and a modern advertising theory . It has gradually set off an upsurge of change in our operation ideology .

  2. 现代广告形象,并不是只有名人独领风骚。

    The modern advertising image is not only dominated by the celebrities .

  3. 在现代广告信息传播中,DM的传播和其他广告形式不同,是通过邮寄,以信函形式告之消费者,传达其广告内容。

    In modern advertisement information propagation , that the advertisement form is unlike the DM propagation sum other , is by mail , the form sues that consumer , communicates whose advertisement content with letters .

  4. 西方现代广告:商品拜物教的传教士

    Modem Advertisement in the West : the Missionary of Commodity Worship

  5. 现代广告已经深入到社会的各个方面,应当加强对广告导向作用的研究。

    The modern advertisement has penetrated in all aspects of society .

  6. 仁义礼智信与现代广告

    Humanity , Righteousness , Rites , Wisdom , Trust Modern Ads

  7. 视觉文化时代的后现代广告文案

    The version of post-modern advertisement in the time of visual culture

  8. 现代广告传播中受众心态例析与探讨

    Reflection and Analysis of Psychology of Audience-orientation in Modern Advertisement Spreading

  9. 中国视觉元素在现代广告创意中的运用研究

    The Application of Chinese Visual Elements to Modern Advertisements ' Design

  10. 现代广告设计中,创意是广告作品成败的关键。

    Creativeness is the key to success for modern ads designing .

  11. 试论传统文化与现代广告的互动融合

    On the interacting and integrating of traditional culture and modern ads

  12. 现代广告的发展与广告设计教学的对策

    The Development of Modern Advertisement and Teaching Methods of Advertisement Design

  13. 现代广告导向研究

    A Study of the Guiding Role of the Modern Advertisement

  14. 论现代广告创意设计的间接表现策略

    On the Indirect Strategy of Expression in the Design of Modern Advertising

  15. 从学理上讲,现代广告应与社会主义核心价值体系相适应。

    Theoretically , modern advertising adapts itself to socialist nucleus value system .

  16. 现代广告在借鉴香港用语的过程中形成了独特的“港式”用语。

    Modern advertisement has formed a distinctive style in borrowing HongKong wording .

  17. 大卫·奥格维是现代广告的第一天才。

    David Ogvy is the first genius of modern advertising .

  18. 艺术系统视野下的现代广告创意美研究

    The Research on Modern Advertising Originality Based on the Artistic Vision System

  19. 现代广告写作超越写作文体的范畴,而形成自身特有的规律。

    Modern advertising writing has surpassed the category of style of writing .

  20. 现代广告推动传统理想人格的现代转换

    Modern Advertisement Promotes the Transfer of Traditional Ideal Personality to Modern One

  21. 从符号学角度看现代广告的意义生产

    On the Meaning Production of Modern Advertising : A Perspective of Semiology

  22. 中国传统思想对现代广告的影响

    The Impacts of China 's Traditional Thoughts on Modern Advertising

  23. 寻求人性诉求是现代广告创意制胜的法宝。

    To seek humanization expression is a successful trump for mod-em advertising originality .

  24. 现代广告用语的语用研究

    A Probe Into the Pragmatic Basis of Advertising Language

  25. 现代广告需要有严密的逻辑体系。

    It is necessary that modern advertisement should have a strict logical system .

  26. 试论现代广告创意与传统伦理文化

    Modern Innovation of Advertisement and Traditional Culture of Ethics

  27. 创新:现代广告设计教育探索

    Innovation : The Exploration of Modern Advertising Design Education

  28. 现代广告中的中国传统价值观念初探

    A Tentative Study of the Chinese Traditional Value Concept Implied in Modern Advertisements

  29. 传统美学观对现代广告招贴设计的影响

    Traditional Aesthetics Has Influence on the Modern Advertising Poster

  30. 后现代广告更多的体现了广告设计者对于生活的理解与创新。

    More post-modern advertising designer advertising reflects the understanding of life and innovation .