
  • 网络Information advertising;Infomercial;informercial
  1. 关于手机商业短信息广告发展的法律思考

    Legal Ponderation over the advertisement development of business short information of the cell-phone

  2. 如何有效管理短信息广告,使这种新兴的广告形式得以合法地发展下去需要进一步的探讨。

    How to manage short information advertisement effectively , make such new developing advertisement developed legally need further discussion .

  3. 它是以信函为载体,将客户所需发布的商务性信息广告,通过邮寄的方式,直接传递到客户所指定的目标对象手中的一种广告形式。

    It is a kind of advertising which send the letter directly to the customer-specified target objects through mail .

  4. 激光动画表演是新型激光显示技术的一种表现形式,广泛应用于游乐、娱乐和信息广告业。

    Laser animation is a new technology in the laser display and are widely applied in the area of entertainment and advertisement .

  5. 广告是促销活动的重要组成部分,而手机媒体广告也从最初的短信息广告发展到现在的短信息广告、彩信广告、手机软件广告、二维码广告。

    Advertising is important part in promotional activities , mobile media advertising developed from the initial SMS advertising to SMS ads , MMS ads , mobile phone software ads , two-dimensional code ads now .

  6. 电视购物作为电视行业竞争的产物之一,它通过电视媒体向广大受众发布商品信息广告以及相应的热线电话号码,以销售产品。

    TV shopping as one of the products of the TV industry competition , it is to a large audience through the television media advertise commodity information and corresponding hotline telephone number , in order to sell products .

  7. 企业广告可分可为产品信息广告和品牌忠诚度广告,这两类广告可用企业产品的认知人数和企业的品牌忠诚度两个指标变量来衡量。

    Summing up above mentioned , the enterprise advertising is be divided into two categories : product information advertising and brand loyalty advertising , and which are be measured respectively by the product cognition population and the degree of brand loyalty .

  8. 利用Matlab仿真图对比研究了横向、纵向差异化下信息性广告竞争模型,并对结论一致性做出合理解释。

    Making comparative study of informative advertising model in both horizontal and vertical differentiation applying Matlab simulation method and providing possible explanation about the conclusion consistency . 3 .

  9. 谷歌是否会利用在Buzz上搜集的客户隐私信息进行广告推送?谷歌收购移动广告商AdMob的行为会不会影响到消费者的隐私权?

    The representatives also questioned how Google 's planned acquisition of mobile advertising vendor AdMob will affect consumer privacy .

  10. DAV的信息和广告司负责审核所有宣传材料分发之前负责。

    The Information and Advertising Division of the DAV is responsible for approving all promotion material prior to distribution .

  11. 最突出的例子是Pointcast网络,该网络使用一种屏幕保护系统,将大量最新的信息和广告源源不断地传送到用户的计算机显示屏上。

    Most notably , the Pointcast Network uses a screen saver to deliver a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to subscribers'computer monitors .

  12. 与此相似的简单的、信息性广告现在依然沿用。

    This same sort of simple , informational advertising is still used .

  13. 信息是广告公司的命脉。

    The information is very important to advertising agency .

  14. 我从来没听说过,信息式广告是什么意思?

    I haven 't heard this term , What 's the meaning of informercial ?

  15. 整治恶心灌水,严厉打击恶意灌水的不良信息和广告;

    Remediation nausea irrigation , irrigation crack down on bad information and malicious ads ;

  16. 在哪里可以学到更多关于收集的信息和广告如何挑选?

    Where can I learn more about the information collected and how ads are selected ?

  17. 看起来信息式广告是历来最好的广告形式之一。

    It looks like that informercials might be one of best methods of advertising ever created .

  18. 企业可以通过信息性广告来向消费者传递自己产品的存在、价格等信息,可以通过说服性广告来改变消费者的偏好。

    The enterprise can transfer information to consumer through informative advertising and can change their preferences through persuasive advertising .

  19. 构建三阶段信息性广告竞争模型,综合考虑了企业选址定位策略、广告策略和产品定价策略。

    Establishing three-stage informative advertising model to comprehensively consider orientation strategy , advertising strategy and product pricing strategy . 4 .

  20. 广告受众(消费者)接受并消化传递给他的信息是广告诉求的最终目的所在。

    That the public ( consumers ) accept and understand the information is the final outcome of the appeal of advertisement .

  21. 对目标市场进行精确细分,根据这种细分将专门服务于这类顾客的信息或广告发送给他们。

    Relevant Information or advertisements will be made known to the customers based on the results of accurate analysis of the target market .

  22. 面对人群的是张贴着成千上万单身男女信息的广告牌&一列是粉色,一列是蓝色。

    The crowds were met by billboards posting lists of thousands of single men and women & one list in pink and the other in blue .

  23. 面对人群的是张贴着成千上万单身男女信息的广告牌——一列是粉色,一列是蓝色。

    The crowds were met by billboards posting lists of thousands of single men and women -- one list in pink and the other in blue .

  24. 针对这种双重认证问题,该协议中水印的产生和嵌入过程都是在加密域进行,加密过程采用同态公钥密码体制,并通过嵌入的唯一的水印信息将广告、本次交易以及水印绑定在一起。

    To avoid the problem of double authentication , generation and embedding of watermark are based on the homomorphic public key cryptosystems in the proposed protocol .

  25. 这些生动的幽默语言在文学作品、教学领域、外交领域,短信息和广告等领域中都有大量的运用。

    These lively humor language in the literary works , teaching , foreign affairs , information and short in the areas of advertising have a lot of use .

  26. 迷你剧就像是信息式广告&当你还在犹豫到底要不要买产品的时候,你已经在电视剧前停留好几个小时了。

    A miniseries is like an infomercial-by the time you decide whether you want to buy the product , you 've logged too many hours in front of the television .

  27. 为了在有限的时间和空间内向受众传递最有效的信息,广告制作者们注重运用各种语言技巧来促进销售,双关语便是其中重要的一种手段。

    To impress and attract the consumers in the limited space and time , the advertisers pay more attention to the linguistic devices to promote sales , in which pun is one of the most important .

  28. 但是,如果在单纯的品牌名称中选择性地置入更多商品信息,广告的记忆效果将会增强。

    But , if put more commodity information in the simple brand name , advertising results of memory will be enhanced . ( 3 ) The conclusion among cognitive effect , emotional effect and dynamic effect .

  29. 换句话说,我们如今都有手机,而且任何时候都能获得准确的信息,广告已经不太可能吸引我们做一些我们可能不会去做的事情。

    In other words , in a world in which we all carry phones and can get accurate information at any time , ads have less leeway to cajole us into doing something we might otherwise not have done .

  30. 系统软件可通过串口升级,显示屏同步显示报站信息及广告,可同时存储多条线路,便于公交车临时更换运营线路。

    The software can be promoted through the serial port . The display provides real-time next stop information and advertisement concurrently . The memorizer can store multiple routes information at the same time to facilitate the replacement of temporary bus line .