
  • 网络credit innovations
  1. 但繁荣时期信贷创新产品的设计师们正开始重操旧业,寻找新办法对资产负债表进行小修小补,并从仍处于制定阶段的法规当中寻求生路。

    But the architects of boomtime credit innovations are returning to their desks , finding new ways to tinker with balance sheets and carve through rules that are still being developed .

  2. 文中通过SWOT分析法对中信银行杭州分行的信贷创新现状进行详细分析,提出该分行当前存在的问题,并在此基础上提出创新模式。

    Carry on detailed analysis to the innovative current situation of credit of the branch of Hangzhou of CITIC bank in the article through SWOT analysis , put forward the present existing problem of this branch , and propose the innovative mode on this basis .

  3. 本文首先从需求、供给、监管角度对湖南省农村信用社信贷创新的动因进行了分析。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes credit innovation of rural credit cooperatives in Hunan Province from the perspective of demand , supply , and supervision .

  4. 最后,从外部环境建设和政策配套措施等方面提出加快湖南农村信用社信贷创新的政策建议。

    Finally , it proposes policy proposals of speeding up Hunan Rural Credit Cooperatives ' credit innovation from the external environment construction and policy support measures .

  5. 农村信用社信贷创新是为了适应农村经济的变化,追求财务可持续性而进行的信贷领域的变革,包括信贷结构创新、信贷产品创新等方面。

    To adapt to the changes of rural economy and obtain sustainable finance , rural credit cooperatives go in for credit innovation , which includes the innovation in credit structure , loan products and so on .

  6. 得出以下启示:信贷创新应解决农户的金融需求;建立完善的风险控制和风险分担机制是信贷产品创新的关键;在风险控制方面应引入保险和寻求政府配套措施。

    Draw the following revelation : Credit innovation should address the financial needs of farmers ; establish a sound risk control and risk sharing mechanism is the key to the credit product innovation ; risk control should be introduced in the insurance and seek government support measures .

  7. 做为国民经济杠杆的金融业,尤其是商业银行应进一步更新观念,分析当前消费市场形势,在积极推进消费信贷创新中把消费信贷做活做大。

    As a lever of national economy the finance should renew the modes of thought further and make the credit loan for consumption to be flexible and large in scale by analyzing the current market of consumption situation during pushing on blazing new trails for the consumptive credit loan .

  8. 本文旨在从实践的角度出发,通过小企业信贷管理创新,提升DY银行小企业信贷业务的竞争力,为DY银行的发展提供新的动力。

    Practically , this paper aims to enhance the competition of DY bank small business credit business and provides a new impetus to the development of DY Bank .

  9. 其次,本文论述了小企业信贷管理创新的原则和思路,并针对DY银行小企业信贷管理的实际情况设计小企业信贷管理的创新方案。

    Secondly , the paper discusses the principles and ideas of small business credit management innovation , and designs innovation of small business credit management program for the DY bank small business credit management .

  10. 关于国有商业银行信贷管理创新的实践与思考

    Credit Management Innovation by State-Owned Commercial Banks : Practice and Thought

  11. 不少研究表明,小额信贷的创新机制能明显提高小额贷款的还贷率。

    Many studies show that microfinance innovations can improve the performance of repayment significantly .

  12. 信息技术&信贷管理创新的依托

    Support of the Credit Management

  13. 城乡一体化进程中农村小额信贷体系创新&基于临沂市的分析

    On the Innovation of Rural Micro-credit System in the Process of Integration of Urban and Rural Areas

  14. 笔者认为解决信息不对称的创新和减少交易成本的创新将是国内银行在中小企业信贷融资创新的趋势,银行应围绕着这两方面进行创新,以促进中小企业融资难题的破解。

    I believe to solve information asymmetry and reduce transaction cost will be the tendency in credit financing innovation .

  15. 个人对个人贷款平台作为小额信贷的创新存在形式,则体现了社会资本的强大力量。

    P2P microfinance online platform , as a creative form of microfinance , shows the great power of social capital .

  16. 小额信贷的创新机制主要体现在抵押担保的替代方式、偿还激励、还贷方式、利率水平等几方面。

    Innovative microfinance mechanism is embodied in the alternative collateral , repayment incentives , repayment method , interest rates and other aspects .

  17. 最近十几年,小额信贷的创新机制&小组贷款、动态激励、分期还款、非金融服务在国际小额信贷项目中广泛流行。

    In the last decade , microfinance innovations , such as group lending , dynamics incentives , regular repayment and nonfinancial services have spread widely over the world .

  18. 本文通过对山西临汾农村信用社小额信贷制度创新的实证研究,论证小额信贷的制度经济学意义。

    This paper studies the case of micro finance offered by rural credit cooperatives ( RCCs ) Linfen City , Shanxi province , to show the institutional economic significance .

  19. 笔者根据信息不对称理论和交易成本理论,提出将信贷融资创新分成以解决信息不对称的创新和以降低交易成本的创新,以针对性的引导信贷融资产品的创新。

    The author according to the theory of asymmetric information and transaction cost theory , classified the credit financing innovation into the innovation of resolving information asymmetry and the innovation of reducing transaction costs .

  20. 要以农业信贷政策创新为导向,以金融产品创新为主体,以金融技术创新为手段,引导农村金融资源合理配置。

    Let agricultural credit policy innovations be the guiding , the financial products innovations be the subject , the financial technological innovations be the means , so as to guide the proper allocation of the rural financial resources .

  21. 中国中小企业信贷融资制度创新研究

    An Innovative Research on Credit Financing System of China 's Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  22. 欠发达地区农村信贷体系需要创新

    Credit System Should Be Innovated in Under-Development Area

  23. 信贷管理系统创新

    Innovation of Credit Management System

  24. 小额信贷在金融创新和构建和谐社会中有着重要的作用,近年来我国政府高度重视并大力发展小额信贷业。

    In the financial innovation as well as the building of harmonious society , micro-credit plays an important role .

  25. 要使我国中小企业融资难问题得到缓解,需要有新视野:一是要转换观念,实现金融信贷管理方式创新;

    New horizon is needed to relief it : first of all , changing concept is important to realize the innovation of financial credit management .

  26. 三是在对自然方面的责任,要支持环保,实行绿色信贷机制,创新环保型金融产品。

    The three is in the nature of liability , to support environmental protection , green credit mechanism innovation of financial product , environmental protection type .

  27. 但当时美国还有那么多的好东西——放松信贷与金融创新,还有电子通讯等等等——这么多家星巴克还远远不够。

    But as it goes with so many good things in America - easier credit and financial innovation and electronic connection and all the rest - that just wasn 't enough .

  28. 最后,从河北省小微企业信贷产品的创新、改革信贷管理方法、完善商业银行客户经理制度三方面来引导商业银行的贷款行为。

    Finally , to guide the lending behavior of commercial banks from Hebei province Small and micro businesses credit product innovation , reforming the credit management method , improve the client manager system in commercial bank .

  29. 信用风险相对于银行可以说是与生俱来的,并且随着金融市场深化和信贷产品的创新信用风险的计量越来越困难和复杂。

    Credit risk and bank were produced at the same time , with the promotion and innovation of the credit products of the financial market , the measurement of the credit risk becomes more and more difficult and complicated .

  30. 基于本文分析,笔者提出了支持中西部县域经济增长的关键是县域经济与中小金融机构协调成长制度创新、整治县域信用环境秩序和信贷管理制度创新。

    As to key measure to solve this problem , the paper 's opinion is : system innovation of county economy and the small and medium sized financial institutions harmonious development , repairing the credit environment and the credit management system innovation .