
  • 网络credit institution;credit bureau
  1. 而信用机构近期进行的调查揭示,感到担心的美国民众数量攀升至76%。

    A recent survey by a credit bureau revealed that the number of alarmed citizens had soared up to 76 percent .

  2. 本人授权贷款银行可以从任何信用机构包括中国人民银行指定的机构获取本人的信用报告。

    I authorize the Lender to obtain my credit report from any credit bureau including one ( s ) designated by the People 's Bank of China .

  3. 官方出口信用机构(OfficialExportCreditAgency)是一国为促进本国商品出口、鼓励本国企业开展跨国投资经营而设立的准政府机构。

    The Official Export Credit Agency is a quasi-government financial institution , which is set up for the sake of promoting export as well as encouraging oversea investment .

  4. 然后,sec只需要确定,对于形成经过充分研究、没有偏见的评级,各信用机构使用的延期或有报酬机制是否提供了有效的激励。

    The SEC would then only need to determine whether the deferred contingent compensation schemes used by each credit agency provided meaningful incentives to produce well-researched and unbiased ratings .

  5. mapyouname.com网站显示了韦伯的研究成果。韦伯2008年的统计数据来自于信用机构Experian和地理分析软件供应商Geowise。

    Webber , whose work can be seen on the website mapyourname.com , got his data for 2008 from credit card firm Experian and mapping service Geowise .

  6. 亚洲区域经济一体化与官方出口信用机构的作用

    Regional Economic Integration in Asia and the Role of Official Export Credit Agencies

  7. 论文从出口信用机构和企业出口融资两个方面出发,以二者之间的关系为主线,展开对出口信用机构和企业出口融资问题的研究。

    The thesis focuses on the relation between ECA and export financing and researches concerned problems .

  8. 金融体系是集评估机构、信用机构等于一体的综合体系。

    The financial system is aset of rating agencies , credit institutions equal to one integrated system .

  9. 如果是的话,提供在信用机构中政府的所有者权益的比例。

    If so , provide the percentage of the government 's ownership interest in the lending institution .

  10. 因此,研究我国出口信用机构与企业出口融资中存在的问题,提出相应的建议和措施,对我国出口信用机构和出口贸易的协调发展具有现实意义和实用价值。

    So it has realistic meaning and practical value to research the problems of ECA and export financing .

  11. 此外,作为亚太经合组织出口信用机构会议的成员,信保局亦积极参与组织的活动。

    Being one of the APEC Export Credit Agencies , the corporation actively participated in the activities for such agencies .

  12. 如果你想要证明机构的误处,信用机构将不会在你考虑范围之内。

    If you want to pick things to disapprove of , the rating agencies would be far down on the list .

  13. 昨日,一个信用机构龙头提醒,在四年内将亏损减半的财政计划速度过慢。

    A leading credit agency warned yesterday that the Treasury 's plan to halve the deficit within four years was too slow .

  14. 如果评级为投资级别债券的表现良好,信用机构的利润就会增加;如果此类债券的违约数量超出预期,它们获得的利润就会减少。

    Credit agency profits should rise if bonds they rate as investment grade perform well and fall if such bonds default more often than expected .

  15. 信用机构是为有某些关系的人服务的合作社,比如,成员可能就职于大学或政府机构。

    Credit unions are cooperatives for people who have some kind of connection . For example , the members might work for a university or a government agency .

  16. 而现实是,一方面我国出口信用机构由于成立时间比较短,它对出口企业的融资支持能力还较差;

    But in fact , the foundation time of the ECA in our country is very short , and the EMC gives poor support to the export company financing .

  17. 在对策建议方面,文章提出:要加强立法,规范政府行为,建立个人信用机构,建立个人IC卡身份证信息查询体系。

    The author provides suggestions on countermeasures to strengthen legislation , regulate government behavior , and build up personal credit mechanism and to construct personal IC identification card inquiry system .

  18. 这些电脑库的所有者有个人、私营企业、有限公司、贷款机构、直邮公司、电话销售公司、信用机构、信用卡公司、各地各州及联邦政府机构。

    They are owned by individuals and by private businesses and corporations , lending institutions , direct mailing and telemarketing firms , credit bureaus , credit card companies , and government agencies at the local , state , and federal level .

  19. 第一章出口信用机构概述,简要介绍出口信用和出口信用机构产生和发展的背景,其在国际经济活动中发挥的作用。

    This article includes three chapters , they are : Chapter One " Brief Introduction to export credit and EGAs ", giving a brief introduction to the export credit , the background of EGAs and their function in international economic practice .

  20. 由于信用机构迟缓更新转移概率和个别较低信用质量企业的影响,坏帐率区间存在很大的重叠,且平均坏帐率显著高于中值坏帐率。

    Because credit institutions delay to update transition matrix and the impact of a few corporations with lower credit quality , there is a substantial overlap in the default rate ranges and the mean default rate significantly exceeds the median default rates .

  21. 该《条例》适用于信用服务机构、行业协会以及企业事业单位。

    It will target credit service agents , industry associations , as well as enterprises , and public institutes .

  22. 本月早些时候,另一家信用评级机构标普(StandardandPoor')首次下调了美国国债信用评级。

    Earlier this month , another credit rating agency downgraded United States government debt for the first time .

  23. 三年前,FirstInvestors公司发现其电脑系统向信用报告机构报告了错误的信息。

    Three years ago , First Investors discovered its computer system was reporting false information to the credit reporting agencies .

  24. 资产证券化中的主体有:发起人、SPV、服务结构、信用评级机构等。

    The subject of securitization includes originator of sponsor , SPV , services , etc.

  25. 勾销QE债务的主要障碍在于市场和信用评级机构。

    The main obstacle to retiring the debt lies with the markets and credit rating agencies .

  26. 首先,市场和信用评级机构应该认识到,qe债务并不是真实的债务。

    First , the markets and credit rating agencies should recognise that QE debt is not real debt .

  27. 信用评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoors)上周警告称,(俄罗斯银行的)不良贷款率可能高达38%。

    Standard Poors , the credit ratings agency , warned last week that problem loans could reach as high as 38 per cent .

  28. 例如,将Abacus2007-AC1产品评定为AAA级的信用评级机构没有被列为被告。

    For example , the credit rating agencies , which rated Abacus 2007-AC1 triple A , were not named as defendants .

  29. 信用评级机构标准普尔(StandardandPoor's)调低了对纽约债券保险公司ACA的评级,并警告称,另外5家公司也有可能失去最高信用评级。

    Standard and Poor 's , the credit rating agency , downgraded one bond insurer , New York-based ACA , and warned that five others could lose their top credit ratings .

  30. 本月早些时候,调低美国评级的同一家信用评级机构确认了英国的3A评级。

    Earlier this month , the same credit rating agency that downgraded the US confirmed our triple A rating .