
  • 网络credit instrument;financial instruments;credit tools;Instrument of Credit
  1. 而市场风险小组认为它们是信用工具,因为标的资产是贷款。

    Market-risk teams saw them as credit instruments , since the underlying assets were loans .

  2. 用汇票、本票及支票一类的信用工具比用现金进行国际支付方便些。

    It is more convenient to make international payment by credit instruments such as bills of exchange , promissory notes and cheques than by cash .

  3. 信贷风险是指运用信用工具从事信用活动时,信用工具的本金与收益遭受损失的可能性。

    Credit risk is the possibility of loss related to credit instrument .

  4. 不可转让的信用工具不是无条件的支付承诺。

    A non-negotiable credit instrument is not an unconditional promise to pay .

  5. 您知道,所有这些都必须在信用工具上注明清楚。

    You know all that must be clearly indicated in any credit instrument .

  6. 它们起着货币代替物的作用,被称为‘信用工具’。

    They perform the function of substitute money and are known as'instruments of credit ' .

  7. 我认为信用工具就是发放贷款的书面证明。

    I think a credit instrument is a written evidence of the extension of a loan .

  8. 工程担保是国际上保障工程建设承发包合同履行的一种重要的信用工具。

    Construction bond is an important credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract .

  9. 可转让信用工具是一张经签字、无条件在规定的时间支付一定金额的书面承诺。

    A negotiable credit instrument is a written and signed unconditional promise to pay a specified sum of money at a specified time .

  10. 他们的结构金融队伍主要负责评估债务抵押债券,这是从各种标的信用工具的资产池中衍生出来的证券。

    The structured finance team rates collateralized debt obligations , or " cdos ," which are securities derived from a pool of underlying credit instruments .

  11. 从事数千亿美元信用工具交易的企业,其风险管理体系是不完善的,既无法让董事会理解,也没有遇到董事会的质疑或得到他们的完善。

    Companies trading hundreds of billions of dollars ' worth of credit instruments had inadequate risk management systems that were neither understood , challenged nor improved by boardroom review .

  12. 债权人相信当他们在银行或其它授权机构提交这类信用工具时他们获得法定货币的可能性很大,只有这样信用才有保障。

    Credit is offered only when creditors believe that they have a good chance of obtaining legal tender when they present such instruments at a bank or other authorized institution .

  13. 票据是伴随着商品经济发展而产生的一种信用工具,是现代经济和金融活动中的一个重要内容。

    The bill is a kind of the credit tool produced with the development of economy , and it is an important content in the modern economic and financial activity .

  14. 票据是国际、国内商品交易中重要的支付手段和信用工具,被誉为商品交易的血管中流动的血液。

    The bill , which is praised as " flowing blood vessel of commodity transaction . " is most important medium of payment and credit means in the middle of commodity transaction at home and abroad .

  15. 票据市场作为货币市场的子市场,承担着融通短期资金,传导货币政策等诸多功能,是企业重要的信用工具和融资手段。

    Being the sub-market of the currency market , the bill market takes on many functions such as accommodating short term capitals and transmitting currency policies . It is an important credit and financing tool for enterprises .

  16. 工程保证担保是国际上工程风险管理以及有效地保障建设工程合同履行的一种有效的信用工具,同时,也是国际建筑业的一种通行做法。

    Construction surety bonds is an effective credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract in the international project risk management and it 's also a common approach in the international building at the same time .

  17. 中国建筑领域存在的许多问题,如工程质量问题、工程款拖欠问题等,都与承发包合同履行不良有着密切关系,工程保证担保是国际上保障建设工程承发包合同履行的一种信用工具。

    Nowadays , many problems exist in Chinese construction market , such as bad quality and nonpayment , which obviously related with bad performance of contract . Construction contract guarantee is an important credit instrument to guarantee the performance of a construction contract .

  18. EDF模型度量信用衍生工具的信用风险研究

    Measuring the Credit Risk of the Credit Derivative with EDF Model

  19. 信用衍生工具及其在我国的应用探析

    Credit Derivatives and Exploration on Application of Credit Derivatives in China

  20. 信用衍生工具在中小企业融资中的应用

    The Application of the Credit Derivatives in the SMEs Financing

  21. 巴塞尔协议2确使鼓励银行使用象信用衍生工具等金融工具。

    Basel 2 positively encourages banks to use instruments such as credit derivatives .

  22. 信用衍生工具估值模型研究

    Study of the model of credit derivatives

  23. 信用衍生工具及其启示

    An Inspiration of the Credit Derivatives

  24. 文中对信用衍生工具进行了研究,并进行了分类,对每一种产品也进行了分析。

    In this paper , we mainly deal with the credit derivatives , and classify and analyze them .

  25. 选择性信用控制工具

    Instruments of selective controls

  26. 同时,信用衍生工具可以在投资市场上规避风险,进而调动了信贷市场的活跃性。

    Furthermore , the instruments keep away from risk in the investment market , so as to activate the credit market .

  27. 实际演示则是结合一个虚拟的例子,介绍商业银行利用信用衍生工具来管理中小企业贷款信用风险的步骤和方法。

    Practical demonstration scenario is a combination of illustration , commercial banks use credit derivatives to manage the credit risk of the steps and methods .

  28. 为了更好的维护权利和规避风险,贸易双方都会使用信用担保工具保证自己的利益。

    In order to safeguard the rights and to avoid risks better , trading parties will make use of credit guarantee tools tools to ensure their own interests .

  29. 商业银行信用风险缓释工具及LGD估值研究

    Research on Credit Risk Mitigation Instruments and Measurement of LGD in Commercial Banks

  30. 公共政策作为政策信用的表现工具,是政府与社会相关主体的一种契约关系。

    The public policy as a policy tool for the performance of credit is the government and society related to the subject of a contractual relationship .