
xìn yònɡ wēi jī
  • credit crisis
  1. 我们面临着信用危机

    We 're faced with a credit crisis

  2. 2011年,温州因地下借贷流动资金短缺爆发信用危机。

    A liquidity crunch in underground lending caused a credit crisis in Wenzhou back in 2011 .

  3. 由于信用危机,抵押贷款急剧下降。

    Mortgage lending has slowed dramatically due to the credit crunch .

  4. 一些人担心房地产泡沫或者银行信用危机。

    Some fear a property bubble or a banking crisis .

  5. 当今的信用危机不正好说明了有很多人对保持收支平衡都很不在行吗。

    Today 's " credit crunch " illustrates that there are too many people who do not understand a balance sheet .

  6. 中东欧经济受全球信用危机的打击严重,对西欧国家的出口产品需求减少。

    Economies in central and eastern Europe have been hit hard by the worldwide credit crisis and less demand for exports in western Europe .

  7. 全球信用危机引发经济危机后,许多国家改以实施贸易保护主义来保护本国经济的发展。

    As the aftermath of global credit crunch dampens the world economy , many countries have turned to protectionist measures to protect the development of local economies .

  8. 预计即将来临的信用卡危机将会给市场中大型参与者的资产负债状况带来进一步的压力,其中以花旗集团、摩根大通(jpmorganchase)、capitalone和美国运通(americanexpress)为首。

    The coming credit card crisis is expected to put further strain on the balance sheets of large players in this market , led by Citigroup , JPMorgan Chase , capital one and American Express .

  9. 韩国信用卡危机及其启示

    Credit Card Crisis in Korea : Background , Cause and Reference

  10. 总结韩国信用卡危机的经验有利于推动国内银行卡市场的健康发展。

    Analysis concerning credit card crisis in Korea will be beneficial to the healthful development of our credit card market .

  11. 货币信用制度危机激化及高物价、高利率是一个严重问题。

    The sharpening crisis confronting the monetary credit system together with soaring prices and high interest rates pose a grave problem .

  12. 中间性危机与货币信用制度危机(特别是高物价、高利率)是什么关系。

    The relation between interim crises and crises in the currency and credit systems ( especially high prices and high interest rates );

  13. 本文主要分析其信用与危机的作用机理,并在此基础上分析了现代信用体系建设中的重要因素,对如何有效建设现代信用体系做了探讨。

    This essay analyzes the functional mechanism of credit and crisis , construes key factors in modern credit system structure , and explores ways to establish effective modern credit system .

  14. 然而,美国次贷所引发信用卡危机对我国的信用卡市场发展以及风险管理敲响警钟。

    However , the credit crisis triggered by the sub-loan crisis in the United States gives a warning for the credit card market development and the risk management in our country .

  15. 然而在旅游公司大量涌现的同时,也出现了一些公司治理结构不合理、同行恶性竞争、内部管理混乱、信用出现危机等问题。

    Many tourism companies are developed , at the same time , lots of problems appear . For example , the governance structure is unreasonable , peer competition , the internal management is confusion , and credit crisis .

  16. 已造成美国银行业数十亿美元亏损的信用卡危机正横跨大西洋,向欧洲蔓延,英国和欧洲其它地方的贷款机构正迎来一波愈演愈烈的消费者违约高潮。

    The credit card crisis that has caused billions of dollars in losses among US banks is spreading across the Atlantic , with lenders in the UK and the rest of Europe bracing themselves for a rising wave of defaults among consumers .

  17. 我国在国家经济建设取得骄人业绩的同时,也出现了道德标准滑坡、社会秩序混乱、信用体系危机和违法犯罪事件不断上升等诸多严重的社会问题,构建和谐社会成了社会发展的迫切需求。

    With the great results we got in the economic construction , our moral standards are creeping down , social order became confused , credit system suffered crisis , and the laws breaking is growing . Those social problems made that to build a harmonious society is an active demand .

  18. 信用市场的危机得到缓和,资产价值得到重建,交易恢复正常。

    The credit markets were relieved , asset values were re-established and trading resumed .

  19. 本文的任务之一就是试图找出信用与金融危机之间存在的一些内在的联系。

    This paper is to try to find some intrinsically links between credit and financial crisis .

  20. 只要解决这个危机,我相信信用卡的危机也就来了。

    As far as resolving the crisis , I think the credit-card crisis is still looming .

  21. 台湾的40多本土银行也将目标瞄准了财富管理。它们之中有许多在去年的现金和信用卡借款危机中蒙受了损失。

    The island 's more than 40 domestic banks are also targeting wealth management after many of them got burned in a crisis in cash and credit card lending last year .

  22. 文中以外资银行在国内发展受阻为引例,再扩展到整个社会各个行业的中国信用消费隐性危机,指出诚信建设的重要性。

    The authors use an example for guiding , expands foreign capitals bank to the recessive crisis in the whole society of China , and points out the importance of sincere construction .

  23. 这项提议源自《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frank),根据该法案,鉴于信用评级在金融危机中表现出的种种缺陷和利益冲突,美国的监管部门应停止参考信用评级。

    The proposal stems from the Dodd-Frank law , which ordered US regulators to remove references to credit ratings because of their inadequacies and conflicts of interest highlighted during the financial crisis .

  24. 基于信用链的金融危机传染机制研究

    On the Contagious Mechanism of Financial Crisis Through the Credit Chains

  25. 因此,信用衍生品对金融危机具有扩散作用。

    Thus , credit derivatives had spreading effect on the financial crisis .

  26. 最新规则主要依据信用评分与此次危机中最糟糕异常年份的数据判断风险。

    The latest rules judge risk largely on the basis of credit scores and data from the worst outlier years of the recent crisis .

  27. 我国商业银行存在潜在信用风险,发生危机甚至破产倒闭已成为可能。

    The commercial banks in our country exist potential credit risks , so it is possible that they will encounter payment risks and even bankruptcy .

  28. 融道德风险成为金融风险不断累积,金融泡沫不断累积,最后酿成金融信用风险和金融危机最重要的源头之一。

    In brief , the inclusive impacts caused by the moral risk will amass more financial risk , more bubbles , and then detonate financial credit risk , and the financial crisis in the end .

  29. 2007年在美国爆发的次贷危机也再一次为我们敲响了警钟,这一场足以影响全球的经济性灾难,从根源上来说,也是一场因为个人信用缺失造成的危机。

    In the United States in 2007 outbreak of the subprime crisis also once again was a wake-up call for us , it would be enough to affect a global economy of the disaster , from the source , it is because of a lack of personal credit to .

  30. 在这个过程中,由于信用信息传递机制断裂、信用激励机制断裂、信用约束机制断裂、信用的产权基础缺失、信用的道德目标模糊等,必然使我们处于信用缺失的危机之中。

    During this period , with the broken credit transferring mechanism , credit inspiriting mechanism and credit constraining mechanism , the lack of property right basis and a vague moral standard of credit , we are brought into the crisis of credit absence .