
  1. 第五章是信用证诈骗罪量刑问题死刑问题研究。

    The fifth chapter is credit fraud death penalty research problems .

  2. 当前信用证诈骗罪司法适用若干疑难问题研究

    On Hot Problems in Judicial Application on Credit Card Defrauding Committment

  3. 这一章主要介绍信用证诈骗罪的法益问题。

    This chapter introduces the main problems of credit fraud .

  4. 信用证诈骗罪疑难问题研究

    Research on the Difficulties of Crime of Fraud on Letter of Credit

  5. 第六章是信用证诈骗罪的立法缺陷及完善。

    The sixth chapter is about credit fraud and perfect the legislative defects .

  6. 第四章是信用证诈骗罪犯罪形态。

    The fourth chapter is credit fraud crime pattern .

  7. 论信用证诈骗罪认定中的几个问题

    A Dissertation on a Few Questions of Confirming the Crimes of Fraud with

  8. 信用证诈骗罪的法条解释与评价

    Interpretation and Evaluation of the Articles of the Crime of Fraud on Letter of Credit

  9. 第三部分信用证诈骗罪的犯罪构成。

    Chapter ⅲ is the crime constitution of the crime of fraud on letter of credit .

  10. 论信用证诈骗罪

    On the Credit Card Swindles

  11. 在司法实践中,应当正确判断信用证诈骗罪的罪与非罪问题以及此罪与彼罪问题。

    In judicial practice , the 1 / c should be correct judgement fraud crime and problems and the sin and Pilate sin .

  12. 国际刑罚轻刑化趋势影响着我国信用证诈骗罪的刑罚设置,笔者认为应当尽早废止信用证诈骗罪死刑的规定。

    International penalty light punishment affect China credit fraud set , the author thinks that the punishment of death shall be abolished as credit fraud .

  13. 然后,着重论述了信用证诈骗罪的犯罪构成及其争议问题和司法认定中的疑难问题。

    In the following part , the paper emphasizes constitutes of fraud by letter of credit and the disputed problem and the difficulty in cognizance in judicature .

  14. 信用证诈骗罪的客观表现形式多种多样,但对骗取信用证进行非法融资行为是否构成信用证诈骗罪,应取决于主观上是否具有非法占有目的。

    The letter of credit fraud crime has a variety of objective form , but whether swindling the letter of credit on illegally financing behavior constitutes the letter of credit fraud crime should depend on whether there is " the goal of illegally holding " subjectively .

  15. 新罪名的设立及《信用证规定》的出台为依法打击信用证诈骗罪、妥善处理信用证欺诈等纠纷提供明确的法律依据、司法指导,取得良好效果。

    The establishment of the new criminal name and Rules has achieved good results by providing clear legal basis and judicial guidance for cracking down LC criminal fraud legally and handling LC civil fraud properly .