
xìn xī jì shù
  • information technology;information technique
  1. 信息技术正在发生巨变。

    A revolution in information technology is taking place .

  2. 多数的经理管理者根本不关心信息技术,他们真的很傻。

    Most managers couldn 't care less about information technology . More fool them .

  3. 信息技术部正被分离出来,成立新公司。

    The IT department is being hived off into a new company .

  4. 他如果提高了自己的信息技术技能,就会容易找到工作。

    If he improved his IT skills , he 'd easily get a job .

  5. 离岸外包提供了以低成本获得信息技术服务的机会。

    Offshoring provides an opportunity to obtain I.T. services at low cost .

  6. 欧洲消费者在辨别信息技术应用的潮流上表现迟缓。

    Consumers in Europe are slow to pick up trends in the use of information technology .

  7. 今年,女性在信息技术领域的突出表现尤其让我们备受鼓舞。

    We are especially encouraged by the strong representation , this year , of women in information technology disciplines

  8. 该公司把重点放在新信息技术上面。

    The company put the accent on new information technology .

  9. 信息技术课上,老师会给学生约20分钟浏览网站。

    Technology - the teacher will give students websites to look up ( about 20 minutes )

  10. 要以先进技术引领驱动融合发展,用好5G、大数据、人工智能等信息技术革命成果。

    Highlighting the integrated development driven by advanced technology , it also stresses the need to better use 5G , big data and artificial intelligence , among others .

  11. 如果你对新的信息技术系统有任何疑问,就去问波莉吧。

    If you ever3 have any questions about the new IT system4 , ask Polly .

  12. 澳大利亚是本次调查中唯一一个信息技术专业在近年热度下降的国家。

    Australia is the only country in the survey where the Information Technology field of study has dropped in recent years .

  13. 你可以在社会和文化类专业或者健康类、工程类专业学到信息技术,它不再是信息技术专业所独有的。

    You might learn IT skills in Society and Culture or in Health or in Engineering , whereas previously3 they were specific ( to IT courses ) .

  14. 俄罗斯教育与科学部报告称,教育学、信息技术和医药学是2019年最受俄罗斯大学新生欢迎的专业。

    Pedagogical faculties1 , IT specialties2 , and Medicine are the most popular majors for Russian university entrants in 2019 , reports Russian Ministry3 of Education and Science .

  15. 日本执政的自民党表示,减少工作天数有望促进“多样化的工作方式”,并促使有新技能的员工转入信息技术等增长行业。

    The ruling Liberal Democratic Party said working fewer days is expected to promote " diversified working styles " and prompt workers with new skills to move to growing industries such as IT .

  16. 热门专业第三名到第十名分别是管理与商业、自然和物理学、教育学、创意艺术、工程学、信息技术、建筑学和农学以及环境和相关研究。

    The third to tenth most popular majors are Management and Commerce , Natural and Physical Sciences , Education , Creative Arts , Engineering , IT , Architecture and Building and Agriculture , Environmental and Related studies .

  17. 中国在基础设施建设和制造业领域,新西兰在农业科技、信息技术、清洁能源等领域,各自有着突出优势,两国可以取长补短、互为所用。

    With China 's strengths in infrastructure and manufacturing and New Zealand 's advantages in agricultural science and technology , IT and clean energy , the two countries have much to offer to each other and may draw upon each other 's strong points .

  18. 很多最受欢迎的模式都是基于所谓的“双面市场”,该市场是由第三方研发、建立并维护的一个信息技术平台,其功能为共享各类经济活动信息。

    Many of the most popular models are based on what is called a " two-sided market " which is a market where an information technology-enabled platform is developed , built and maintained by a third party but the function of the platform is to enable sharing economy activities .

  19. Intranet与企业的信息技术战略

    Intranet and Enterprise 's Information Technology Strategy

  20. 除此之外,对综合物流中心用到的一些信息技术如条码技术和EDI技术进行了相应的应用研究。

    Furthermore , some technologies such as barcode and EDI are applied .

  21. 因此,在理论和实践上探索新型的信息技术环境下PBL的教学模式,具有十分重大的现实意义。

    Therefore it has significance in setting up information technology-assisted PBL teaching mode .

  22. 针对目前全球气候在降水和温度方面异常变化的情况,本文在利用信息技术对四川盆地的可能蒸散率(PER)在未来5种水热组合下的变化情况进行了模拟。

    Considering global climate change unusually in precipitation and temperature , the author simulated its influence on the Potential Evapotranspiration Rate ( PER ) in Sichuan Basin under five kinds of climate combinations in the future using information technology .

  23. 并行工程结合供应链管理及ERP思想,依托现代信息技术,在产品开发和物料供应等环节整合企业资源,为企业提高市场反应能力和顾客服务水平、增强核心竞争力等方面提供强有力的支持。

    For concurrent engineering combining SCM and ERP thought , relying on the modern information technology and management thought , It offers powerful support for the fact that enterprises improve the reaction ability of the market and customer 's service level , strengthen the key competitiveness .

  24. ICE3高速列车用信息技术

    Information technology for ICE 3 high speed trains

  25. 通过Blog、E-Mail,信息技术环境下的职业培训比传统职业培训更容易为培训结业后的学员进行跟踪服务与信息反馈。

    In this way , training resource can be shared to the maximum extent . 5 . With the help of Blog and E-mail , vocational training under information technology environment is easier to provide follow-up service to and collect feedback information from trainees after the completion of training .

  26. 当前的信息技术、网络环境、市场环境已经适合于发展一种新的广告模式:广告点播(AOD),相对于广告轮播,AOD有更强的互动性、针对性、灵活性。

    Nowadays information technology , and network and market environments have been suitable to developing a new advertising model : Advertisement On Demand ( AOD ) . Contrasting to the advertisement rotation , AOD possesses more interactivity , pertinence and flexibility .

  27. 通过对CIMS/MIS信息技术和CAQ系统的重要性论述,提出了产品检验信息管理的新思路。通过对四种常用软件开发方法的分析比较,最终确立了本系统的开发方法与步骤。

    By the description of CIMS / MIS and the importance of CAQ system , it provided the new solution about the management of inspection information Comparing with the four methods of software exploiting , it finally confirmed the exploiting method and the steps for this system .

  28. 由中国银监会(CBRC)以及工业和信息化部起草的另一项法规,将要求到2019年各银行70%以上的信息技术设备安全可控。

    A separate set of regulations , drafted by the China Banking Regulatory Commission and Ministry of Industry and Information Technology , will require more than 70 per cent of banks ' information technology equipment to be secure and controllable by 2019 .

  29. 重点论述了如何应用现代计算科学和信息技术建立流域生态学研究的定量方法和模型系统,最后给出了荷兰Veluwe湖和莱茵河下游的流域生态研究及模型实例。

    The paper especially highlighted the applications of the advanced computation science and information technology to developing quantitative methods and modeling system for watershed ecology research . The case studies of the watersheds of the Veluwe Lake and the River Rhine in the Netherlands were presented as well .

  30. 地理信息技术教育包括专业教育和普及教育。

    Geographical information technology education includes major education and universal education .