
  • 网络credit card fraud
  1. 第四部分简要的提出了对信用卡诈骗罪的立法完善建议。

    The fourth part simply proposes to credit card fraud legislation proposals .

  2. 第三部分:信用卡诈骗罪的司法认定。

    The third part : the legal recognition of credit card fraud .

  3. 信用卡诈骗罪认定中的理论争议问题研究

    Some Theoretical Disputes over Determining Fraud Crime on Credit Card

  4. 关于信用卡诈骗罪认定的几个问题

    Several Problems on the Determination of Crime of the Credit Card Fraud

  5. 信用卡诈骗罪罪态界限探讨

    On the Pattern of Crime of Credit Card Fraud

  6. 信用卡诈骗罪司法认定问题,也是本文重要阐述的问题。

    Judicial determination of credit card fraud is the most important question in this article .

  7. 信用卡诈骗罪是当前经济领域中利用信用卡作为犯罪工具的一种特殊诈骗犯罪。

    Crimes of Credit Card Fraud are special fraud crimes by means of a credit card in the current economic section .

  8. 在司法实践中,认定信用卡诈骗罪应注意几个问题:一是罪与非罪的界限问题;

    In the judicial practice , we should take notice of several problems in concluding crime of the credit card fraud .

  9. 首先分析了信用卡诈骗罪中恶意透支行为与其他三种表现形式的关系和区别,然后从信用卡的透支功能着手,对恶意透支进行分析,明确了善意透支和恶意透支的界限。

    Then it analyzes malicious overdraft crimes from the overdraft function of credit card to definite the graceful overdraft and malicious overdraft .

  10. 无论是刑法学界,还是司法实务部门,对信用卡诈骗罪的争论一直没有停止过。

    Both criminal law educational circles and the judicial practical departments , the debate for credit card crime of fraud has not stopped .

  11. 恶意透支不具有诈骗的实质,不宜定信用卡诈骗罪,有必要另立罪名。

    Malicious overdraw without swindle essence may not be determined as credit cards crime of Swindling and it is necessary to create a new accusation .

  12. 立法机关不得不将其纳入自己的视野。97年刑法修订时将信用卡诈骗罪以196条的形式确立下来。

    The Congress had to put emphasis on it , the crime of credit card fraud is made in 97 's code of criminal law 196 article .

  13. 信用卡诈骗罪侵害的主要客体是信用管理制度,次要客体是公私财产权。

    The primary object a Credit Card fraud crime violates is the credit administration system , while the secondary object is rights of public and private properties .

  14. 信用卡诈骗罪是伴随着现代科技的发展而产生的,它具有较高智能性、较强隐蔽性和较大危害性的特点。

    Guilty of credit card cheating comes into being with the development of modern technology , and it is of high capacity , more invisibility and great harmfulness .

  15. 信用卡诈骗罪在主观方面表现为故意,并且具有非法占有公私财物的目的,过失不构成本罪。

    Credit card fraud in the subjective performance is deliberate and illegal possession on the purpose of public or private property , the fault does not constitute a crime .

  16. 信用卡诈骗罪是一种新型的金融犯罪,是利用信用卡作为犯罪工具和犯罪手段的一种智能型犯罪。

    The crime of credit cards swindling is a new type of financial crime . It is a intelligence crime that use the credit cart as guilty tools and crime means .

  17. 在这个部分,笔者着重探讨单位是否应构成恶意透支型信用卡诈骗罪的主体,笔者建议单位应当构成该罪的主体。

    Unit should constitute the corpus of that offense . Finally , if the malicious overdraft credit card crime should be independent from the crime of credit card fraud is discussed .

  18. 信用卡诈骗罪是以信用卡作为犯罪工具的诈骗犯罪,它是一种较为新型的金融诈骗犯罪。

    The crime of fraud on credit card is a crime of fraud which uses credit card as the criminal tool , and it is a comparatively new crime of financial fraud .

  19. 根据不同的标准和角度,信用卡诈骗罪也呈现着不同的犯罪形态,主要有未完成形态、罪数形态、共犯形态和错误形态。

    According to different standards and angles , crime of credit card fraud also shows different patterns , which include unfinished pattern , crime-education pattern , joint pattern , and wrong-recognization pattern .

  20. 在此部分,首先介绍了部分学者对其合理性提出的质疑,认为定信用卡诈骗罪或者按盗窃罪与信用卡诈骗罪牵连犯的处断更为合理。

    In this section , we first introduce some scholars have raised reasonable doubt , that the set of credit card fraud or theft and credit card fraud by the Department Implicated off more reasonable .

  21. 该部分主要是通过对本罪的客体、客(?)方面、主体和主观方面来深入探讨信用卡诈骗罪的犯罪构成问题。

    This part is respectively from the crime object and crime object , objective aspect of crime , the subject of crime , crime subjective aspects of the crime of fraud on credit card crime .

  22. 我国1997年刑法典第196条规定的信用卡诈骗罪对信用卡诈骗犯罪进行了有效的规制,但刑法学界对此罪的诸多方面仍存在争议。

    Though article 196 ~ ( th ) in the penal code ( 1997 ) provides an effective regulation on the crime of credit card fraud , there are still many controversies in criminal law academics .

  23. 在主体要件中,阐述了单位应当成为本罪主体的原因,并着重分析了恶意透支型信用卡诈骗罪的主体仅限于合法持卡人的理由。

    Talking the subject factor , the author discusses the reason why units should be the crime subject of the crime of fraud by credit card in current justice ; and highly analyzes malicious overdraft cardholder is legitimate cardholders .

  24. 与其纠结在一个未知的领域,不如重新思考问题的源头,从源头上重新反思信用卡诈骗罪的定位,或许能够平息争议。

    Rather than tangle in uncharted territory , to rethink the source of the problem , from the source to reflect on the credit card crime of fraud of the positioning , might be able to quell the controversy .

  25. 其中重点探讨了信用卡诈骗罪的客观方面,对刑法规定的信用卡诈骗罪的五种行为方式,尤其是恶意透支(?)行了较为详尽的论述。

    Which focused on the objective aspect of the crime of credit card fraud , the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of credit card fraud five behavior way , especially malicious overdraft carried on elaborated exhaustively .

  26. 本文针对信用卡诈骗罪的有关问题,从三个方面作了探讨:首先,对信用卡诈骗罪的构成要件进行了研讨,对五种行为方式进行了理性分析;

    The article try to discuss the topic of guilty of credit card cheating from three aspects : Firstly , I do some research of the composing elements of guilty of credit card cheating and manage to logically analyze the five behaviors ;

  27. 从犯罪构成的四个要件展开论述,对理论界所存在的争议一一进行评析,并在此基础上提出了自己的观点。第三章探讨了信用卡诈骗罪司法认定方面的有关问题。

    From the four elements constitute a crime started on the theoretical circles the existence of a controversial assessment , and on this basis , made their point of view . Chapter ⅲ of the credit card fraud justice that the relevant issues .

  28. 文章第三部分主要从客体和客观方面对恶意透支型信用卡诈骗罪的犯罪构成进行分析,重点在于依据最新的司法解释对罪与非罪之间的数额进行界定。

    The third part mainly from the object and objective aspects of malicious Overdraft constitute the crime of credit card fraud analysis , the focus is based on the latest judicial interpretation to define the amount of between civil law and criminal law .

  29. 其次,从对信用卡诈骗罪客观行为认定的分歧出发,对主要行为独特的内涵和领域进行理性分析,从中探求较为科学的行为定性观点;

    The next , from the rift of the objective behavior the guilty of credit card cheating , carry on the reasonableness analysis to the main behavior special content and realms , investigate the behavior that compares for science to settle the standpoint from it ;

  30. 本文从司法实践中需要理清的思路和遇到的疑难问题入手,通过分析信用卡诈骗罪客观方面的五种表现形式,结合信用卡诈骗罪的相关问题进行探讨,以期对司法实践提供帮助。

    This article starts from the judicial practice requires clear thinking and encounter problems , through the analysis of credit card fraud of the manifestation , in conjunction with the credit card fraud-related issues , with a view to providing assistance to the judicial practice .