
  • 网络administration;Administrative system
  1. 二是政府行政体制改革加快,公共管理在我国已迅速地发展起来。

    Secondly , as the government administration organizational reform speeds up , the public management has rapidly developed in our country .

  2. 为适应我国行政体制改革和加入WTO的要求,就必须重视政府绩效评估。

    Governmental performance must be emphasized to meet the requirement of Chinese administration system reform and WTO entry .

  3. WTO与我国高等教育行政体制的应对

    WTO and the Response of the Administrative System in Chinese Higher Education

  4. 但我国政府在履行入世承诺的同时,尚需借助WTO之推动力,主动转变政府职能,力求经济体制和行政体制改革两相提升。

    However , while performing its duties , Chinese government should also apply the WTO regulations to change its function so as to achieve success both in its economic system reform as well as in its administrative system reform .

  5. 然后对传统行政体制下的政务流程弊端进行分析,接着从传统政府的组织结构、组织目标、工作流程及需求导向4个方面分析提出GPR给官僚理论带来的挑战。

    It construes the disadvantages of government process in traditional administration system and bring forward some challenges to bureaucratic theory from 4 aspects , which are organization framework and objective , work process and demand orientation .

  6. 在现代沙特地方行政体制发展中,历任国王发挥了重要作用。

    Second , it examines the development of modern local administration .

  7. 柬埔寨教育行政体制改革研究

    Research on the Reform of the Educational Administration System in Cambodia

  8. 开发区与乡镇行政体制关系问题研究

    Research on the relationship of developing district and countryside administrative system

  9. 另一方面改革行政体制,规范用权行为。

    The other is reform administrative institution , precept invoke authority behaviors .

  10. 对外开放与地方行政体制改革

    Opening to the Outside World and the Reformation of Local Administrative System

  11. 辅助性原则与中国行政体制改革

    On the Principle of Subsidiarity and the Reform of Chinese Administrative System

  12. 论新世纪行政体制改革的目标与路径

    The Goal and Rout of Administrative System Reform in the New Century

  13. 多中心的行政体制具有解决社会问题的巨大优势,这一理论为分析我国廉租房的供给提供了新的思路。

    Multi-center administrative system has the great advantage of solving social problems .

  14. 行政体制改革的内涵及其基本经验

    The Connotation and Its Experiences of the Administrative System Reform

  15. 跨世纪的地方行政体制改革。

    Part one , the reform of regional administrative system .

  16. 清末地方行政体制改革

    Reform of Local Administrative System in the End of the Qing Dynasty

  17. 新时期我国教育行政体制的改革与思考

    Thoughts on Educational Administration System Reform in the New Era of China

  18. 新加坡行政体制的特征:合理性及其面临的挑战

    The Characteristics of the Public Administrative System in Singapore : Rationality and Challenges

  19. 智利司法行政体制及财务管理

    The Judicial Administrative System and Financial Management of Chile

  20. 20世纪美国州政府的行政体制改革

    Reform of American state government administration in 20th century

  21. 文章首先简要分析了我国行政体制改革的法律界定和历史发展。

    Article briefly analyzes the legal definition of administrative reform and historical development .

  22. 文化演进与教育行政体制变迁

    Cultural Evolvement and the Variance of Educational Administration System

  23. 环境公共治理模式下的参与&回应型行政体制

    The Administrative System of " Participation-Response " Under the Environmental Public Governance Model

  24. 重塑官僚制:中国行政体制改革的选择

    Reinventing Bureaucrat System : A Choice of the Administration System Reform in China

  25. 继续深化司法行政体制改革

    Further Deepening Reforms in the System of Judicial Administration

  26. 沙特地方行政体制及其发展

    Local Administration and its development in Saudi Arabia

  27. 公共电视的基础是西方政治和行政体制,中国的电视公共服务可以借鉴但不可照搬。

    Yet the public TV is based on the western political and administrative system .

  28. 2008年我国新一轮行政体制改革拉开大幕。

    A new round of administrative reform in China opened the curtain in 2008 .

  29. 公平:我国行政体制改革价值定位的核心要素

    Fairness : the Core Factor of Value Orientation of the Administrative Reform in China

  30. 农村问题分解后,与农业发展、城市化、行政体制改革等课题结合起来,通过制度创新统筹解决。

    Rural development must be linked with urbanization , institutional innovation and reform of administrative system ;