
  1. 加强监管执法,尝试采取行政和解执法模式。

    Enhancing regulation and enforcement , and trying to adopt reconciliation in administrative law enforcement .

  2. 第二大部分,分析、概括行政和解制度建立的理论基础。

    The second part of the analysis , summarized the theoretical basis of the administrative settlement system was established .

  3. 但是,我们这里所要阐述的是行政和解制度,与行政调解还是存在着区别。

    However , we are here is to set out the administrative system of reconciliation , mediation and administrative or there is a difference .

  4. 目前,域外许多国家都确立了行政和解制度,并且在解决行政纠纷的实践中发挥着重要作用。

    At present , the administrative reconciliation system has been established by many countries , and is playing the vital role at settling the administration dispute .

  5. 而我国一直以来并未将行政和解纳入行政纠纷解决机制当中,立法上对其亦采取一种消极否定的态度。

    But the administrative reconciliation has not been brought into the mechanism of solving the administrative dispute and it is also denied in the legislation in China .

  6. 通过对行政和解制度的法理价值及社会功能的分析,探寻其存在的必要性;

    The author affirms that the administrative reconciliation has the existence necessity through the analysis to the value of jurisprudence and the social function of the administrative reconciliation system .

  7. 第三大部分,通过分析行政和解制度在我国的现实状况,归纳和又总结出行政和解制度在我国实行的必要性与可行性。

    The third part , by analyzing the actual situation of the administrative settlement system in China , summarized and summed up the need for administrative reconciliation system in our country .

  8. 但由于立法上相应指导原则和程序规则的缺位,使得行政和解在实践中的运用呈现混乱状态,阻碍了其作用的充分发挥。

    However , due to the absence of legislation , the guiding principles and rules of procedure , administrative reconciliation in practice showing the chaos , hinder its full role to play .

  9. 行政和解作为纠纷解决机制多元化趋势下发展起来的一种纠纷解决方式,日益受到人们的广泛关注,在解决行政纠纷的实践中发挥着重要作用。

    Administrative reconciliation as a dispute settlement mechanism of diversification trend developed under a dispute solution , increasing attention has been widespread concern , and plays an important role in the practice of settlement of administrative disputes .

  10. 然而立法上的排斥并没有消除行政和解在实践中的运用,无论是行政执法过程,还是行政诉讼过程,行政和解的应用都一直存在。

    However , the legislative exclusion does not eliminate the administrative reconciliation in practice , whether it is the process of administrative law enforcement , or administrative process , the application of administrative reconciliation has always existed .

  11. 通过对中国传统文化以及行政和解制度建立的法理学基础、宪法学基础、行政法学基础的分析、试图探寻行政和解制度存在的合理性,以及建立行政和解制度的正当性。

    Jurisprudence basis through the established system of traditional Chinese culture as well as administrative reconciliation , the constitutional law based on analysis of administrative law based on an attempt to explore the administrative settlement system is reasonable , and the establishment of the legitimacy of the administrative settlement system .

  12. 论我国税务行政诉讼和解制度的构建

    Study on Construction of Reconciliation System of Taxation Administration Lawsuit

  13. 但是有关行政诉讼和解的争议仍然没有平息。

    However the dispute on the reconciliation in administrative litigation has not subsided .

  14. 行政诉讼和解问题探讨

    On Issue of Compromise in Administrative Litigation

  15. 试论行政诉讼和解制度

    On System of Compromise in Administrative Litigation

  16. 寻求行政诉讼和解在法律规范上的可能性&法律解释方法之视角

    The Possibility of Reconciliation in Administrative Procedure in Legal Criterion & A Perspective of Legal Interpretation

  17. 第二章具体论述行政复议和解的法律效力。

    The second part specifically talks about the legal effect of reconciliation in process of administrative reconsideration .

  18. 目前,有不少学者为行政诉讼和解的正当性寻找路径。

    At present , many scholars have for the legitimacy of administrative litigation settlement for the path .

  19. 这就需要对行政诉讼和解从理论上正本清源,并且从制度上进行重新构建。

    This requires reconciliation in administrative litigation in theory get to the root , and rebuild from system .

  20. 其次,从对行政复议和解制度的历史沿革和立法比较两个方面,研究我国行政复议和解的机制的特征。

    Also , this article dwells on the historical evolution and Legislation comparison of reconciliation system of administrative review .

  21. 在此基础上,本章指出实现行政诉讼和解的法治化是行政诉讼和解发展的必由之路。

    This chapter then introduces that the rule of law is the only way to the development of reconciliation .

  22. 行政诉讼和解应该遵循实体正义原则和程序正义原则,杜绝无限制的行政诉讼和解。

    Reconciliation in administrative litigation should follow the principle of substantive justice and procedural principle of justice , eliminate unlimited .

  23. 行政诉讼和解制度的成立有其正当性基础,实践中事实存在的和解应予承认并进行规范。

    The system of compromise in administrative litigation has its legitimate base , and we should admit and regulate these factual compromise .

  24. 在法律制度相对发达的国家和地区,行政诉讼和解制度已得到了成功尝试。

    In the countries and areas where the law system is comparatively developed , administrative litigation reconciliation system has gained successful attempts .

  25. 对行政复议和解制度完善从立法和原则上探究具体方法。

    Also the author makes efforts in legislation and principles to research the ways for perfection of reconciliation system of administrative review .

  26. 第四章主要内容是论述行政复议和解效力瑕疵、瑕疵审查、瑕疵救济三个方面。

    Part four mainly discusses the defect of effect , defect review , defect relief of reconciliation in process of administrative reconsideration .

  27. 主要内容为:第一章当代中国行政诉讼和解的实证与反思。

    The main contents are as follows : Chapter I The empirical analysis and reflection of the contemporary administrative litigation reconciliation in China .

  28. 在以和谐为法治理念的中国,行政诉讼和解制度是具备生存空间的。

    In the harmonious idea of rule of law in China for the settlement of litigation system administration , which has the living space .

  29. 第三章论述了行政复议和解对其他利害关系人的效力。笔者将其他利害关系人分为第三人和新第三人。

    The third part discusses the effect of reconciliation in process of administrative reconsideration to other interested parties which divided into the third people and the new third people .

  30. 行政诉讼和解制度作为一种行政纠纷解决机制,在法律相对发达的国家和地区,已经得到了成功尝试。

    As a kind of administrative dispute resolution mechanism , the reconciliation system of administrative litigation , in some countries and areas , developing laws highly , turned out successful .