
zì xínɡ hé jiě
  • reconciliation of their own accord
  1. 第五十一条双方当事人可以自行和解。

    Article 51 The two parties may reach a compromise of their own accord .

  2. 对医疗纠纷自行和解的必要限制

    Necessary limitation of medical disputes conciliated in a private way

  3. 双方当事人可以自行和解。

    Litigants of the two parties may reconcile of their own accord .

  4. 第四十九条当事人申请仲裁后,可以自行和解。

    Article 49 After the submission of an arbitration application , the parties may settle the dispute among themselves through conciliation .

  5. 当事人自行和解或者经仲裁庭调解结案的,当事人可以协商确定各自承担的仲裁费用的比例。

    If the parties become reconciled or the case is settled through conciliation by the arbitration tribunal , the parties may make an agreement of the proportion of the arbitration expenses to be borne by each party .

  6. 本文从禁止权利滥用的角度分析了自行和解比例偏高和医患双方矛盾激化状态的起因和过程,初步论证了对自行和解进行限制的迫切性和可行性。

    This article analyses the higher proportion of conciliation by tow sides and serious contradictions between hospital and patient from the aspect of banning rights abuse , and proves urgent and feasible reasons for reducing medical disputes conciliated in a private way .

  7. 仲裁委员会受理的案件,如果双方当事人自行达成和解,申诉人应当及时申请撤销案件。

    If both parties reach a settlement by themselves of a case under the cognizance of the Arbitration Commission , the Claimant shall timely request for withdrawal of the case .