
  • 网络Mediation
  1. 如果仲裁调解失败

    If talks break down in mediation ,

  2. 因异议无法通过双方直接谈判解决,我们同意通过仲裁调解。

    Since the dispute cannot be resolved through direct negotiation between our two parties , we agree to ~ it by arbitration .

  3. 然而,论述的文章大多在和解协议的性质、仲裁调解和诉调衔接上,希望通过加强和解协议的效力,甚至是赋予强制执行力来提高执行力。

    However , related articles , mostly in the nature of the settlement agreement on mediation , arbitration , mediation and litigation ; hope that by strengthening the effectiveness of the conciliation agreement , even gave enforcement powers to improve execution .

  4. 英国雇佣法包括解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。

    UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes .

  5. 20世纪70年代以来,美国的某些州法院在法院内设立了仲裁和调解等第三人解决纠纷的制度,被称为附设在法院的ADR。

    Since 1970s , some state courts in USA have set up a disputes settlement system by a third party such as arbitration and mediation , which is called Court-Annexed ADR .

  6. 根据wipo仲裁与调解中心的经验,如果不指定此种协调人,诉讼程序的效率会受到不利的影响。

    In the experience of the WIPO arbitration and mediation center , the efficacy of the proceedings is adversely affected if such focal points are not designated .

  7. 多样化,意指国际商事争议解决的方式有多种,如诉讼、仲裁、调解以及其他多种ADR方式,它们共同构成国际商事争议解决机制的一个整体。

    Diversification means the settlement of international commercial disputes has various ways , such as litigation , arbitration , mediation and many other ADR methods which constitute as a whole of the settlement mechanism of international commercial disputes .

  8. 国际商会仲裁庭调解与仲裁规则贸易法委员会国际商业仲裁示范法

    Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce

  9. 医疗纠纷的替代性解决机制主要包括临时仲裁、调解、和解。

    The ADR of medical dispute mainly includes arbitration , mediation , and negotiation .

  10. 将仲裁和调解结合是我国仲裁制度的一个显著的特点。

    One of salient features of the China 's arbitration system is combining arbitration with conciliation .

  11. 解决双方中仅有一方为国家的国际争端的仲裁和调解规则

    Rules of Arbitration and Conciliation for Settlement of International Disputes between Two Parties of Which Only One is a State

  12. 因此,私人投资者就可以通过国际仲裁或调解程序解决其与东道国的投资争端。

    Therefore , private investors can solve the host country and investment disputes through the international arbitration or mediation program .

  13. 国际商事仲裁与调解能否有机地结合在一起,在国际商事仲裁界引起了持久而热烈的讨论和争论。

    International Commercial Arbitration and Mediation Can the combination of the international arbitration community caused long-lasting and lively discussion and debate .

  14. 同所有的纠纷解决机制一样,仲裁与调解相结合制度也在实践中不断发展着,而这种发展即是对该制度理论和实务操作的不断总结和创新。

    The same as all kinds of institution for resolve disputes , the conjunction of arbitration and mediation develops in theory and practice .

  15. 体育谈判或和解,体育组织内部纠纷解决方式,体育纠纷的外部仲裁与调解解决方式,体育纠纷的诉讼解决机制。

    They are : sports negotiation or conciliation , the inner dispute resolution of the sports organizations , arbitration and mediation , and litigation .

  16. 然而,由于相应立法的缺失、滞后,仲裁与调解相衔接制度的缺陷日渐显露。

    However , because of the lag and lack of the corresponding rules , the defects of The system of combining of arbitration and mediation are exposed day by day .

  17. 仲裁与调解相衔接制度是将仲裁与调解这两种独立程序按照一定的方式进行结合,形成一种新型的复合式争议解决方法。

    The combined system of arbitration and mediation is a new type of composite dispute solution , which combined arbitration with mediation these two independent procedures in accordance with a certain way .

  18. 文章首先从仲裁、调解以及仲裁与调解相衔接的基本概念入手来进一步介绍仲裁与调解为什么要结合的原因。

    First , the article commences with the basic concepts of arbitration , mediation and the combination of arbitration and mediation , which present the reasons of combining arbitration and mediation proceedings .

  19. 最后,笔者在介绍了我国仲裁与调解相衔接制度的基本原则以及价值目标后,为该制度在我国的进一步完善提供了一些合理化的建议。

    Finally , the author provides reasonable suggestiones for further improving the combined system of arbitration and mediation in China , after introducing the basic principles and value objectives of this combined system .

  20. 当事人自行和解或者经仲裁庭调解结案的,当事人可以协商确定各自承担的仲裁费用的比例。

    If the parties become reconciled or the case is settled through conciliation by the arbitration tribunal , the parties may make an agreement of the proportion of the arbitration expenses to be borne by each party .

  21. 在与本协议有关的诉讼、仲裁或者调解中,胜诉的一方有权要求对方为其支付一切相关而合理的律师费用,包括(但不限于)行使请求权的费用。

    The prevailing party in any litigation , arbitration or mediation relating to this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys fees from the other party for all matters , including but not limited to appeals .

  22. 在对基础理论做了介绍后,接下来则主要是陈述了当前中国和东盟主要国家有关仲裁、调解的立法现状,以及东盟主要仲裁机构仲裁规则中的调解问题。

    After introducing basic theory , the third part mainly present the legislative status quo about the combined system in China and major states of ASEAN , and the mediation problems in arbitration rules of ASEAN major arbitration institutions .

  23. 相同中立者仲裁中的调解制度:挑战与突破

    The System of Same-Neutral Med-Arb : Challenge and Breakthrough

  24. 当事人自愿调解的,仲裁庭应当调解。

    If the parties apply for conciliation voluntarily , the arbitration tribunal shall conciliate .

  25. 《中华人民共和国体育法》规定:在竞技体育活动中发生纠纷,由体育仲裁机构负责调解、仲裁。

    It is stipulated in sports arbitration institutions are responsible for mediating disputes in sports activities .

  26. 进行计量认证,组织仲裁检定,调解计量纠纷;

    Conduct measurement attestation , organize arbitration over examination and determinate and mediate disputes over measurement ;

  27. 社会型纠纷解决机制解决知识产权纠纷的基本模式是仲裁和民间调解。

    The main types of social dispute resolution of intellectual property rights dispute is arbitration and civil mediation .

  28. 当事人应当履行发生法律效力的判决、仲裁裁决、调解书;

    The parties shall perform any judgment , arbitral award or mediation agreement which has taken legal effect ;

  29. 从国际商事争议的特点及商事争议解决机制的特点,国际商事调解的发展是今后必然趋势,正如学者指出的国际商事争议解决机制已经走过了一条仲裁仲裁与调解结合调解的发展道路。

    Just as pointed out by scholars , the settlement mechanism of international commercial disputes has been through a path of development of ' arbitration combination of arbitration and mediation mediation ' .

  30. 在此基础上,还存在着仲裁、民间调解、行政裁决、非常规性解纷机制等多元纠纷解决机制,共同承担着矛盾纠纷的化解责任。

    Based on this , the multivariate dispute resolution mechanism of arbitration , civil mediation , administrative ruling , and non-routine resolution mechanism , etc. still exist , and they bear the solved responsibility of contradiction and disputes .