
  • 网络jones lang lasalle;Jones Lang Laselle
  1. 2012年3月,校方聘请了房地产咨询公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)在建设现场开展一系列工作。

    The real estate consulting firm Jones Lang LaSalle was hired in March 2012 to perform a variety of functions on the building site .

  2. 去年在一起事件中,中国一家名为《红地产》(hongdichan)的房地产杂志撰文,指摘国际物业公司仲量联行(joneslanglasalle)对北京某处物业项目管理不善。

    In one alleged incident last year , a Chinese real estate magazine called hongdichan , or red estate , wrote an article accusing international property firm Jones Lang LaSalle of mismanaging a Beijing project .

  3. 地产服务集团&仲量联行酒店业(JonesLangLaSalleHotels)的研究发现,这一轮建筑热潮预计将为北京增加多达1万间高档酒店客房。

    The building boom is expected to add up to 10,000 quality hotel rooms , according to research by Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels , the property services group .

  4. 房地产咨询公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)表示,按照保守估计,中国保险公司对商业地产的潜在投资达到340亿美元。

    Conservative estimates put the amount of potential investment by Chinese insurers in commercial property at $ 34bn , according to real estate consultancy Jones Lang Lasalle .

  5. 据全球房地产公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)称,2013年澳大利亚酒店的外商投资规模总计达19亿澳元,创下新的纪录。

    According to global real-estate company Jones Lang LaSalle , foreign investment in Australian hotels from all countries reached a record A $ 1.9 billion in 2013 .

  6. 仲量联行华东区董事总经理顾东尼(AnthonyCouse)表示,并不存在沟通不畅。

    Anthony Couse , a managing director for Jones Lang LaSalle in East China , said there was no miscommunication .

  7. 金融危机重创了亚太地区的商业地产市场,仲量联行亚太地区首席执行官阿拉斯泰尔休斯(AlastairHughes)说。

    The global financial crisis hit commercial real estate in Asia Pacific like a wrecking ball , said Alastair Hughes , regional chief executive of Jones Lang LaSalle .

  8. 咨询机构仲量联行酒店集团(JonesLangLaSalleHotels)称,2004年底,印度酒店客房数量不足10万间,其中31%位于德里、孟买、钦奈和班加罗尔。

    At the end of 2004 there were fewer than 100,000 hotel rooms , 31 per cent of which were in Delhi , Mumbai , Chennai and Bangalore , says adviser Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels .

  9. 仲量联行北中华区研究主管何迈克(michaelhart)表示,新政的意图并非要吓跑外国投资,而是让政府得到更多有关谁在投资、在哪儿投资的信息。

    Michael Hart , head of research for North China at Jones land LaSalle , says the new measures are not designed to scare off foreign investment , but to give the government more information about who is investing where .

  10. 王素凌现年31岁,是一位新加坡人,曾在美国西海岸生活,并曾在仲量联行旅馆顾问公司(joneslanglasallehotels)驻新加坡就职。

    A native of Singapore , Ms Heng , 31 , had already lived on the west coast of the US and had a job based in Singapore with Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels , the hotels consultancy group .

  11. 仲量联行(joneslanglasalle)驻上海的董事总经理顾东尼(anthonycouse)预计,从现在起至2012年,上海高档写字楼市场将会扩大一倍,至600万平方米。

    Anthony couse , managing director of Jones Lang LaSalle in Shanghai , expects the market for premium office space in Shanghai to double between now and 2012 , to 6m square metres .

  12. 仲量联行驻悉尼经理达兰(MarkDurran)表示,确实,来自中国的投资有所增加,不过最初的投资额很低。

    ' Certainly , there 's been increased investment from China but it 's coming from a fairly low base , ' said Mark Durran , a Sydney-based manager at the firm .

  13. 如今,投行瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)和房地产经纪商第一太平戴维斯(Savills)预测,今年香港的门店租金将下跌20%,另一家房地产服务公司仲量联行(JLL)预计,租金将下跌10%至15%。

    Now investment bank Credit Suisse and estate agent Savills expect rents to fall by 20 per cent this year , while JLL , another property company , expects a 10-15 per cent drop .

  14. 据地产咨询公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)称,今年第一季度,中国商业地产市场的总投资规模为30亿美元,较上年同期下降18%。

    Overall , investment in China 's commercial real-estate markets totaled $ 3 billion in the first quarter of this year , down 18 % from the same period a year earlier , according to Jones Lang LaSalle , a property consultancy .

  15. 塞勒希望租金可以达到伦敦金融城(thecity)中心写字楼的水平每平方英尺55英镑,仲量联行(joneslanglasalle)数据显示,这比该地段其他写字楼的平均租金高出约40%。

    He is hoping to achieve rents on a par with the 55 per sq ft charged in the centre of the city , which is about 40 per cent more than the average for offices in the immediate vicinity , according to data from Jones Lang LaSalle .

  16. 房地产服务和资产管理集团仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)称,今年上半年,亚太地区商业房地产投资额上升14%,达540亿美元,其中一半包含跨境交易。

    In the first half of this year , commercial real estate investment in the Asia-Pacific region rose 14 per cent to $ 54bn , of which half comprised cross-border transactions , according to Jones Lang LaSalle , the real estate services and asset management group .

  17. 根据房地产咨询公司仲量联行(joneslanglasalle)的这份报告,在2010年,北京、上海和香港三地的商业地产资本价值将增长7%到12%,而东京、首尔和孟买则会下跌。

    Beijing , Shanghai and Hong Kong should post increases of between 7 per cent and 12 per cent in 2010 while capital values of office buildings in Tokyo , Seoul and Mumbai are expected to fall , said Jones Lang LaSalle , the property consultants .

  18. 但仲量联行酒店集团(joneslanglasallehotels)中国区董事总经理安瑞达(andreasflaig)指出,高端酒店市场已面临严重压力不仅仅是因为国际金融危机,数年来客房供应早已过剩。

    But Andreas Flaig , Managing Director China of Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels , says the upper end of the hotel market is already under serious pressure and not just because of the international financial crisis ; it has been in oversupply for several years already .

  19. 房地产服务公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)华北区研究部主管陈锦平(MarcosChan)说,随着现有写字楼或多或少都租满了,北京没有其他选择,只能向郊区扩建。

    With the city 's existing office space more or less full up , Beijing has ' no option ' but to build out further out in the suburbs , according to Marcos Chan , head of North China research at Jones Lang LaSalle , a real estate services firm .

  20. 咨询公司仲量联行(JonesLangLaSalle)的高管马彦克?萨克塞纳(MayankSaksena)说:“多少代人以来,男性从未看到过女性如此强大,这导致了他们的嫉妒与羡慕。”

    For generations , men haven 't seen women so empowered , ' says Mayank Saksena , an executive at consulting firm Jones Lang LaSalle who has developed real estate in Barasat and has studied the town closely . ' It builds jealousy and envy . '

  21. 这种关系必须予以披露,并批准了仲量联行之前提交询价。希望能给你带来帮助!

    Such a relationship must be disclosed to and approved by Jones Lang LaSalle prior to submission of the RFQ .

  22. 据仲量联行的数据,上海写字楼租金同期仅上涨了不到10%。

    Shanghai office rents grew by less than 10 % in the same period , according to JLL 's figures .

  23. 他还说,“纽约大学和仲量联行都认为,这个项目在很多方面都取得了成功。”

    He added , " The project is regarded as a success on several levels by both N.Y.U. and J.L.L. "

  24. 去年,仲量联行在新加坡和香港举办了八场研讨会,推介东京的住宅。

    Last year , the real-estate company held eight seminars in Singapore and Hong Kong to pitch Tokyo 's residential market .

  25. 一位亲戚的朋友了解到全球房地产公司仲量联行在当地办事处有一租赁专员的空缺,就立即通知凯默若前去面试。

    A friend of a relative knew of an opening for a leasing associate at the local office of global real estate firm Jones Lang Lasalle and referred Kammerer for an interview .

  26. 仲量联行下属置业咨询公司雅典经济有限公司主管迪卡说道:“长期租赁使用权对所有相关利益方来说都更有利”。

    " A concession with a long lease is better for all concerned ," says Dika Agapitidou , director of Athens Economics Ltd. , a property consultant and affiliate of Jones Lang LaSalle .

  27. 仲量联行上海投资部总监李凌说,浦东即将推出的写字楼项目尤其受到自住业主的追捧,这里他指的是上海繁华的浦东新区。

    ' Owner-occupiers were especially active pursuing upcoming office projects in Pudong , ' said Alan Li , head of investment for Jones Lang LaSalle Shanghai , referring to Shanghai 's bustling Pudong district .

  28. 仲量联行预计,对比不同城市主城区新楼盘的公寓价格,新加坡要比东京高出30%至40%,而香港更是要贵出70%。

    JLL estimates that compared with Tokyo , prices of condos in brand-new buildings on prime city blocks are 30 to 40 % more expensive in Singapore and 70 % higher in Hong Kong .

  29. 仲量联行表示,亚洲所有重点城市的商业地产资本价值此前都出现了滑落,东京和孟买两地较2007年的高点下跌逾40%。

    According to Jones Lang LaSalle , capital values of commercial property have fallen in all key Asian cities , with Tokyo and Mumbai down by more than 40 per cent since their 2007 peaks .

  30. 今年第一季度,成都写字楼的空置率为40.8%,相比去年年底的35.9%来说有所增长,这是仲量联行测量师事务所的报告。

    In the first quarter of this year , Chengdu 's vacancy rate for office buildings hit 40.8 percent , up from 35.9 percent at the end of last year , reported Jones Lang LaSalle .