
  • 网络The Environment School;The Environmental School
  1. 以迈克尔.波特等人为代表的环境学派,从企业所面临的产业市场结构角度来考察企业竞争力问题,认为产业中的五种竞争力量对企业的竞争优势建立起着关键作用。

    Michael Porter and other persons who are on behalf of the environment school study competitiveness from industry structure . They believe that five powers in industries play a key role to the establishment of competitive advantage .

  2. 上世纪90年代,创新环境学派提出了创新环境(innovativemilieu)论。

    The school of the innovative milieu put forward the theory of innovative milieu in the 90s of last century .

  3. 且媒介环境学派自身现处于理论建构和反思期。

    Meanwhile , the Media Ecology is at the stage of self-reflection .

  4. 传媒环境学派一直将传播媒介视为考量传播效果的关键性因素。

    School of Media environment has regarded communication medium as the most crucial factor when analyzing communication effects .

  5. 马歇尔·麦克卢汉是世界知名的媒介传播研究学家,同时也是传播学媒介环境学派的一代宗师。

    As the world-renowned scientist on the media communication , Marshall McLuhan is also the great master of the school of Media Ecology .

  6. 媒介环境学派是继美国经验学派、欧洲批判学派之后兴起的第三大传播学派。

    The school of Media Ecology is the third rising theory group of media and communication studies after the Empirical and the Critical .

  7. 根据前人对核心竞争力理论的研究,发现以前的研究可分为三种理论学派:能力学派、环境学派和资源学派。

    According to the precedents ' research of core competence theory , the research can be divided into three schools : ability school , environment school and resource school .

  8. 崛起于北美的媒介环境学派打破了传播学领域经验学派和批判学派两分天下的局面。

    The rise of the Media Ecology in North America broke the world situation of the Communication where the Empirical School and Critical School monopoly the field of Communication .

  9. 本文在对媒介环境学派整体分析的基础上,勾勒出该学派的理论分析框架:对媒介本身的静态分析;

    Summary : Based on the holistic analysis of The Media Ecology , this paper draws the outline of its theoretical frame , which comprises three aspects : the static study on the medium ;

  10. 遗憾的是,我国对媒介环境学派的研究尚处于学术原著引进翻译的起步阶段,成果不多,探究不深。

    Regrettably , in China , research about the Media Ecology is still at the stage of introducing and translating the original works , the result is not plentiful , and the probe is so superficial .

  11. 与两者对媒介内容的重视不同,媒介环境学派强调媒介形式的重要性,将媒介视为分析的重点,视媒介为环境,探究媒介与人的共生关系。

    Both of them pay attention to the media content . In contrast to them , the Media Ecology emphasizes the importance of the media itself , it considers the media as environment , and explores the symbiotic relationship between the media and people .

  12. 从人的角度看环境史家与年鉴学派的异同

    On the similarities and differences between environmental history and annals school from the perspective of humankind